ATTN: everyone

I shall be holding a tournament in roughly 2 weeks everyone shall come, under penalty of ...... death 😉 . I am currently holding this topic to be open and make sure everyone can come. Because I dont want to have to hunt any of yall down. Post what u think the times should be ill do the rest...


If my performance in online play doesn't improve significantly in the next week or so, count me out.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

if we get enough people performance shouldnt be an issue (dont make me find out where you live)


Heh, count me in. But Please, PLEASE, not before about 8 EST - otherwise I have to get up early! Oh, and Friday and Saturday nights (for you) are the only good times (for me).



Originally posted by Punkster:
**Heh, count me in. But Please, PLEASE, not before about 8 EST - otherwise I have to get up early! Oh, and Friday and Saturday nights (for you) are the only good times (for me).


Uh...then the wonderful people in England will have to stay up untill 1AM...unless we do it about 3EST, but then we will have to stay up late. That is why we have to do it earlier. Zell can't be on after 6EST anyway, and I don't think Laguna can. What about 5 or 4 EST (hehe, or maybe 2)



Originally posted by Pyro:
everyone shall come

I'd like to, but I don't make promises I am not sure I can keep. I don't know, but don't be suprised if I don't show up.

It would really be nice if ALL FOUR of the moderators showed up. I know it will take really good timing, but it would be nice to see the moderators contributing to the spirit of the tourneys. (no offense anyone, Slug and Laguna: I know you tried)


No thanks, I'm content to blowing the tar out of newbies on GameRanger.

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx

I can turn up any time up until about 9pm EST, but whether or not I can actually stay awake is a different matter entirely 🙂

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!


Originally posted by Slug:
**No thanks, I'm content to blowing the tar out of newbies on GameRanger.

Hehe, I'd probably beat you. First I would have to get GameRanger, and then Ares. 🙂

You shalt not defeat me for I am the Master Mage.

So the Desert Fox on GR isn't you?

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

Okay okay, new idea...
put your name on gr on this post and your prefered(reasonable plz) time in central time. If you do this your in. By this saturday ill compile a time that we cann ALL agree with. And to stree this, if you can come plz come plz plz plz. We need all the people we can get. If you need a reason to come simply look at my first post <IMG SRC="" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15"> The only people im not expecting are people like sundered angel. Becasue they live across the world from me. And because sundered angel could kill me.

oh and by the way: Slug thats the worst reason ive heard yet. Are you just not coming cause you lost to mag at the last tourny?

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 10-02-2000).)

FYI: I got second place in the tourney, so I can claim being the second-best in the world 🙂

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx

You have 999 posts. 🙂 Don't waste it on a lol! 😄

Oh, and what map and race?


(This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 10-02-2000).)

currently i havent decided... but im thinking anything even
ex. gat vs gat aud vs aud or anything muttaly agreeable. You shouldnt be forced to play a ceartin race. And maybe we'll use some plugs. I think netz warz would accually have some interesting scenarios to use.


Yep. That's why I made it.
Oh, and Pyo, too late! 🙂

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx

hmmm 2nd place in the world. I guess that makes some since but come anyways you might get first.

comeon ppl post!!

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 10-05-2000).)

argh if no one posts im gonna have to expand the deadline




Count me out. My skills are too pathetic to be of any challenge.

Maybe if I get better...which won't happen anytime soon.


I might come and give it a try my gt name is data297 what about the rest of u? I say might because my skills at ares suck at most I might give my enemy a good laugh abou how quickley my but got kicked
