Hey, there's still questions left to ask!


Originally posted by Kireck:
**So does that mean that you're thinking no? Or was that "I'm thinking" supposed to get my hopes up? Oh, well nevermind. There's no point beating the hell out of the question until I hear what I want. Isn't that really easy to program though?

Nevermind, I'll leave it alone.**

It means I think the answer is no.




Originally posted by Kireck:
Not necessarily, I saw it done somewhere, I just don't remember where.

Diablo II, and maybe Diablo one, but I haven't played it, so I don't know.


**The weapon was rendered with the character holding it, but the character holding the weapon was the same color as the background, so you could see the weapon, but not the person. It worked, but I'm just wondering if I could use that method. I know it doesn't seem to make sense, but I'm gonna try it, and I'll drop that question for good now.

Huh? The character was invisable? How odd.

(url="http://"http://www.avidgamers.com/phil")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two word that don't go together.
D**nit, these marshmellows are ADDICTIVE!!! I can't stop eating them, and the bag is enchanted to never be empty of them!
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)