PC discussion

Ok let's clear up this whole naming problem.
I am using names I made up. My game does not take place on earth, is not trying to be realistic(including historical events, etc). My game does not have typical culture found on Earth, so therefore names will be different, ok? Some things are shared, others aren't. Another thing: Tolkien, while a "good" author, was indeed very boring. I mean the dinner(or breakfast, I forget) party at the beginning of the Hobbit... how many pages can we make it take up? His writing style is so dusty and boring, I just can't read it. Wait, before you all shoot me down, remember that this is an opinion, I'm just stating it to show that I have an extreme distaste for Tolkien's writing style, I don't wanna offend anyone.

"You are the enemy of all that lives, Kerrigan"


Originally posted by DarkBlade:
**Stay away from cliches guys. Goblins? They appear in pretty much every game. Orcs? Not much better. Elves? Use sparingly.


Do those Goblins have a Stock Market?

I thought not. I rest my case. 😉

Cross over the cell bars, find a new maze, make the maze from it's path, find the cell bars, cross over the bars, find a maze, make the maze from its path, eat the food, eat the path.

Im currently working on ideas for humourous games (ie. haha) which will involve lots of funny thing (you dont say) and heaps of unnessairy death.

If you want to join my team then email me
The team will start off making small games but we'll move up the ladder, and produce commercial quality games.
The first non - humerous game will be a remake of the snes dragon ball z rpg

mommy they're trying to turn me in to a Maori

that was just a bit off topic

"Time is unimportant.. to one such as I.."


Originally posted by DarkBlade:
Are we playing Dungeon's and Dragon's or something?

What's wrong with D&D;?


Mabye us coldstone fans should stay on topic. 🙂

staying on topic is something many people here always seem to have difficulty with..
(this post is a perfect example)

"Time is unimportant.. to one such as I.."

(This message has been edited by Lorenoth (edited 04-01-2001).)