An idea for those of us in clans

ECA is Most likely behind this thing. As most of the members have expressed that they will be there. Though Stormwarrior is no longer an ECA member or our humble leader. Most of the other clans in game ranger state the positive opinion on the tournament also. But...

What are we going to do about the imumrable plugins in volved with v 1.2 and hera. Do we not allow them or just restrict them. the tournament is an exelent opurtunity to test them in my mind.

| "Who's next?" | . /.
| -- Champion Maxwell Mokrev to an | ./ //.
| underling after leaping a fortress | ./ ////.
| wall, killing 19 enemy SpaceMen, | .-- .-. --/////.
| jumping into a tank, and crashing | .____- /v -'/____/. | through all of the walls of the | ' ' __( )__/ | fortress, leaving nothing standing.| __>/ <__ +------------------------------------------+ ``'_/''


Nice eagle. Too bad the webboards don't support ascii graphics.....