Suggestions for 1.0.3

It would be cool if you could use the Racing Mini Games properly in custom levels.

Well, the suggestions are going to be for 1.0.3 now (1.0.2 was as you can understand a fast update to fix the regression introduced in 1.0.1 and a bug discovered just as 1.0.1 was released).

I think the basic consensus is that we want the ability to make custom levels that are more like the solo mission, what with the saving (which has been partially implemented), changing music, moving from one area to another, etc. I'm still working on rudimentary level creation in SketchEdit myself, but I'd like to see these features implemented.

Oh, and the editor should be renamed SketchEdit. It sounds cooler.

-Larger background generation (set for example 20x20 grid paper)

Custom levels being able to have their own real save files. So I can save my game, go eat dinner, and be able to do other stuff-- quitting the game in between-- then back to SketchTopia it is!

Also, the game slows down when there are many objects on screen. This is more of a concern to me than some others because I cruise @1.5Ghz on a PowerPC (not Intel) Macintosh.

A level loading another level (just like in the full game) would be nice.

Custom scripts (and the ability to add custom graphics) would be the best option ever, though-- then you could create your own bosses, new enemies, more gameplay stuff, and whatnot!

More (too many sprites) problems w me, i'm on a 1ghz g4...

I'm quite new to the playing and devepopment of sketchfighter (finally bought it yesterday after playing the demo) but the three biggest things IMO to add to the editor are:

  • level switching triggers (mentioned before, I know, but first thing that stuck out... Probably hard)

  • rotate sprites while in PLACE mode (using the scroll wheel on the mouse or some other way without having to switch to select/edit mode

  • a more accessible way to switch active sprite (via a palette or such; not sure how to implement but make it a separate window like colors palette, or a drawer like Preview has for PDFs and multiple images)

so that's all for my first post I guess


and this is probably completely unrealistic, but a sprite/script creation utility (within the editor or as a separate app)

This is a tall order, especially for scripts. Not to mention that there is (currently) no way to have them be taken into account by the game without some hacking.

I'd be happy if 1.0.3 were to exist at all. I get the feeling Lars has moved on with his life, and frankly I don't blame him, but it would be nice if a couple of the more atrocious bugs in 1.0.2 (specifically, the blob double-merge and the hardware-dependent haywire script that causes the tank bug and various other deformities) were fixed before the game is abandoned completely.