EV/EVO Chronicles: Piratesbane

(quote)Originally posted by Spaceiscold:
**That is, if I ever get around to writing it.:frown:

If you find a quick and dirty way, please tell. I tend to listen for names on TV then grab the ones I like.

Death is inevitable...
How will you face it?


Originally posted by Wolf-sigma:
**Absolutely! Do you know how long I spent, head in hands, trying to think up the name Greg Smith? Its that bad.:frown:

If you find a quick and dirty way, please tell. I tend to listen for names on TV then grab the ones I like.

I sat down one day, MANY years ago (we're talking almost 10 years), and wrote up all of the names of all of my friends, with their first names in one column and their last names in a second column. Mix and match and you've got some reasonable names.

Of course, that goes right out the window if you're writing something that you need less-than-everyday names for, but hey, it's at least a process.

Speaking of less-than-everyday, I've found that sitting in my room and writing the words for all of the objects I see and then combining syllables can be a good start.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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A lot of times I try to make the name kind of reflect the character. For Raiken, I had to think of a whole lot of things, his name had to be spacey and had to reflect part of his character, so I ended up with Harmond Raiken. 😛

Tell them Derek Pitt sent you.

(This message has been edited by Spaceiscold (edited 02-28-2003).)


Originally posted by EVula:
**I sat down one day, MANY years ago (we're talking almost 10 years), and wrote up all of the names of all of my friends, with their first names in one column and their last names in a second column. Mix and match and you've got some reasonable names.

Wow...I mean Wow. Okay I will have to try that one. Fortuently for me...its not much work. :frown:

Shed a tear for me...

Death is inevitable...
How will you face it?

i dont know this is a little late in reply but making a femal carictor has allways seemed to be a easy. there have been some times i've chatted as a femal to some of my freinds online but they never had the slightist hint of how i weas its rather simplistick actuly just think of some 1 if ur a guy. just trie to move some of ur emotional side of yourself and trie to see it from there prospective. i might just make a storie for you to let you see how it can be with the main carictor in it........ hope to write soon.


Originally posted by godspeed:

i dont know this is a little late in reply but making a femal carictor has allways seemed to be a easy. there have been some times i've chatted as a femal to some of my freinds online but they never had the slightist hint of how i weas its rather simplistick actuly just think of some 1 if ur a guy. just trie to move some of ur emotional side of yourself and trie to see it from there prospective. i might just make a storie for you to let you see how it can be with the main carictor in it........ hope to write soon.

Do I detect sarcasm? No really...Do I?

You know things are bad when when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed...under it.