Okay, enough crap.


Originally posted by Desert-Rat:
**You know this happens to me too! It's even worse when the idiot pause / resumes the game all the time just to say F U...


they should make a 'timeout limit' so that the person can't do that...

'So long and thanks for
all the fish'
To boldly go where no man has.....Look a TEDDY!!
UBB Client: use UBB on you desktop here is a screen shot : http://homepage.mac.com/corun/UBBscreen.jpeg... There will be more info on UBB Client on my website soon at <homepage.mac.com/corun/>

Some people must be very popular because oftentimes the very same people get phone calls at very important parts of the game and pause it. I mean, these guys must be getting calls all the time. I'm surprised they have time to play. Especially when they have a dialup IP. I mean, how do they get phone calls on a dialup IP all the time at important parts of the game?

Captaintripps: Complicated Longshoreman
(url="http://"http://voxhumanasketch.tripod.com/voxhumana/")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future


Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**Some people must be very popular because oftentimes the very same people get phone calls at very important parts of the game and pause it. I mean, these guys must be getting calls all the time. I'm surprised they have time to play. Especially when they have a dialup IP. I mean, how do they get phone calls on a dialup IP all the time at important parts of the game?


Magic 😛

(url="http://"http://chaos.b3.nu")Order of Chaos(/url) or you could always go to a much better (url="http://"http://desertrat.b3.nu")site(/url)

What I hate is when people don't stick around to chat. They immediatly leave, without even a "good game" or a hand shake (well, I'm the only one I've seen who shakes hands, but it'd be politer if people did it more often). I'm one of those guys that like to talk and become friends with the people I play. I guess not everyone likes to talk a lot though.

This message has been brought to you by Chestnut


Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**Some people must be very popular because oftentimes the very same people get phone calls at very important parts of the game and pause it. I mean, these guys must be getting calls all the time. I'm surprised they have time to play. Especially when they have a dialup IP. I mean, how do they get phone calls on a dialup IP all the time at important parts of the game?


I'm lucky enough to have a separate phone line for the dialup here, although my mobile did ring during a game earler today. I couldn't be bothered pausing to answer it.

I can't think of anyone I hate, apart from all those people who beat me of course. There was one guy who told me to prepare to be assimilated, and I that had to hand my computer over to him when he won. I beat him three nil, that felt good.

I just played a guy, he was Bombtastic and I was Zap, I beat him 2-0. At the end he says "You won because you registered. If you had played as one of the other 4 I could have won." Mind you I did beat him hands down, he didn't play very hard at all

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)


Originally posted by bosk:
**the only people anyone has a right to be mad about are:

people who change game settings when you announce them in the description

I agree, I set mine at novice elite for a reason - because I suck, I can't stand to see someone change it to expert, then choose their character quickly preventing me from changing it to a level I can handle.

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"http://www.thejbfc.com")fishing skills(/url) and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/Sterling/Menu19.html")other stuff(/url)


Originally posted by Chestnut:
**What I hate is when people don't stick around to chat. They immediatly leave, without even a "good game" or a hand shake (well, I'm the only one I've seen who shakes hands, but it'd be politer if people did it more often). I'm one of those guys that like to talk and become friends with the people I play. I guess not everyone likes to talk a lot though.


It's still better than a sweet F U from the opponent to wrap things up.

Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)


Originally posted by spamguy:
**It's still better than a sweet F U from the opponent to wrap things up.


I agree, especially since my 5yr. old likes to play. She needs to learn vocabulary from school, not some moron.

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"http://www.thejbfc.com")fishing skills(/url) and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/Sterling/Menu19.html")other stuff(/url)


Originally posted by dampeoples:
**I agree, I set mine at novice elite for a reason - because I suck, I can't stand to see someone change it to expert, then choose their character quickly preventing me from changing it to a level I can handle.


I agree.. I think it should be common etiquette to not diddle the game settings when someone else is hosting.

(quote)Originally posted by grand admiral thrawn:
**Oh really you Judeo-American. Come to Toronto so you can get knifed.:)

I haven't gotten any profanity yet but the potty mouth types I've played just quit because they kind of knew they would lose. The crap I've gotten are people quitting right before I win, quitting without at least a gg, and I hate matches that last 1 round. I hate the idea that these clan members are gonna go around boasting that they beat me in a match when it was only 1 round and that I might just have made a mistake.

"Voiceless it cries,
Wingless it flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters."

(This message has been edited by TIE187 (edited 07-29-2002).)