shan request

First off, thanks for the links. I got a number of designs I want to use.

Secondly, from those designs, I have a number of PICT resources which are pictures of the rleD. How do I take it from PICT and change it to rleD? I tried exporting the image and importing it into the rleD file, but it gave me an error. I need details, people. I am a very simple person (with a simple mind), and need simple, detailed instructions.

This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 09 September 2011 - 12:11 AM

SUCCESS!!! I looked through the readme for rEVisited, and it states that I can use the graphics files in my plug, so long as I include a copy of rEV in my files, AND credit them, AND credit Ambrosia for making the game. WOO HOO! Here, it is copied and pasted from the readme itself:

rEV Graphics License: The entire rEV graphics set, and all constituent parts are
free for use in any EV Nova plug-in, or plugin/mod for other ASW games ONLY, and
only so long as this file is included with the distribution. Re-renders, modifications,
and source model files may be available for a fee to be discussed at the time of
request. Some included sprites may be, or be derived from EV:Nova sprites, and as such
subject to ASW's fair use policy/copyright. Do not distribute any contents of rEV
without proper credit to my self or ATMOS as appropriate. 7th Axis has no affiliation
with Ambrosia Software Inc. at the time of this publication.
" or"

EDIT: However, I still want to know how I can convert a PICT file to an RELD file. More ships to use... hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 09 September 2011 - 09:14 PM

In MissionComputer, you create a new rlëD resource — or invoke Make RLE from the Utilities menu — import the sprite and mask PICTs, and tell it the dimensions of your sprite grid. The names may be different in EVNEW, but I would imagine the broad process to be similar.

Is the windows version of MC capable of that yet?

The Windows version of MissionComputer can’t do anything with PICT resources — that’s one of the major holes that keeps it a preview rather than anything else. But the process is basic enough that I can’t imagine it being radically different in EVNEW; hopefully someone more familiar with that programme will be able to give a more precise description.

Here's hoping. Thanks David.

Anyone know how to convert PICT to RLED in EVNEW?

@avi-kerensky, on 10 September 2011 - 12:33 PM, said in shan request:

Here's hoping. Thanks David.

Anyone know how to convert PICT to RLED in EVNEW?

Open the PICT resource, hit File -> Export, and save as an image file. Close the PICT and open an RLED resource. File -> Import, and select that image in the file dialog.