Pers Visibility

I'm sure there's another topic somewhere I can't find, but can anyone give me details on how Nova decides when a Pers shows up in a system if it has no bits requiring it to show?

Eg: I have a Pers that offers a mission, and it has an empty "Show If" box and can appear in any system. When does it show up? How often will it show?

Things like this (I believe) are decided in the syst resource. Do you have it set to show up in a specific system? In the pers resource is it set to show up 100%?

When the game is generating a ship, it will sometimes (fairly randomly) decide to use a përs ship. If this happens, it will select one (again randomly) from all the përs resources whose appearance conditions are currently met, and who aren’t marked as having been destroyed.

Then, of course, since EV Override 1.0.2, the sÿst resource has also had a set of fields that allow you finer control over the appearance of përs ships, but this is in addition to the random invocation that existed beforehand.

The odds of a generic ship in a system being created as a përs are 5%, according to the Nova Bible.

Note that when you create a new pilot, every përs not present in the data files is marked as dead. So if a plug-in is later added that introduces a new përs resource, an existing pilot will never see that përs since it is considered dead. In other words, you have to make a new pilot in order to see a new përs.

@qaanol, on 07 February 2011 - 05:44 AM, said in Pers Visibility:

The odds of a generic ship in a system being created as a përs are 5%, according to the Nova Bible.

Thanks, that's what I was looking for.