EV Nova Translation Project

Anyone up for this?

I would be quite interested in taking part in a collaborative effort translating EV Nova into Spanish and French. My Spanish is pretty good and my French is fluent so if there is anybody who fancies the challenge then give me a PM.

Si hay espanoles que quieren ayudarme estaria muy contento pero necesitarias tener un nivel de ingles bastante alto - pff, al menos tanto alto como el mio en espanol (de lo que tengo verguenza! estudio espanol desde hace 5 anos (odio esta palabra porque no se poner accentos!) y todavia, hago muchos errores...

C'est a peu pres pareil en francais, si quelqu'un veut m'aider avec la traduction, vu que le jeu est assez long et qu'il y a autant de missions, j'apprecierais l'aide des francais ou des etrangers qui savent parler francais et anglais courrament. On peut faire moitie-moitie si on n'est que deux et egalement on peut partager les missions entre nous si on est plusieurs.


Hablo un poco espanol, pero no es bastante bueno para un projecto como eso. Quiziera hacer el sitio y otras cosas publicitares en la red si es possible?

Ha estado estudiando espanol por cinco anos.

This post has been edited by Ravenheart : 10 May 2008 - 11:52 AM

Ga i cyfieithu EV Nova o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg?

Misschien in het Nederlands.

Wait, maybe... do a translation project into English! A Nova TC for Nova! No problems and Epic Win as the second normal-sized TC for Nova!

And we'll call it:

EV: New !

While I'm not sure about the demand for a Welsh TC and all the Dutch people I have ever met speak impeccable English, I'd be up for anyone helping me with the site. I'm useless with site building so if you can help me, Ravenheart, that'd be pretty rad and given that you've got some knowledge of Spanish it would a lot easier. The French one I could do on my own (over a bit of time), but I'd still like to get some other people on board for the Spanish one seeing as how neither of us seem to have perfect written Spanish.


I'm useless with site building so if you can help me, Ravenheart, that'd be pretty rad and given that you've got some knowledge of Spanish it would a lot easier.

Cool, I'm on it.

We need a base for operations (god I love saying that :)), how about opening up a forum for the project at my boards? Two spanish speaking mates of mine are members, AlAl and DXB.. they could most certainly help out where they're needed.

This post has been edited by Ravenheart : 11 May 2008 - 07:10 AM

I'm highly fluent in Piglatin if you're in the market...

Ouyay on'tday aysay?

I'm in my third year of Spanish at American public schools and am going to Costa Rica this summer. It would be cool to help with this, but my Spanish is still sort of limited. If it helps, I did listen to today's Mariners baseball game entirely in Spanish.

Old Thrashbarg, if you still need help then I think I might be able to offer some. I'm a native spanish speaker (born and currently living in Barcelona) so I wouldn't have any problems writing in spanish and I could help by correcting grammar and vocabulary mistakes for non-spanish native speakers.
As for english, I've lived in USA for about a year, hence I'm able to fully understand written english.

I'd be glad to help you deliver this awesome game to the spanish speaking communities 🙂


Awesome! That sounds perfect. Do you have some experience with Mission Computer? I've always just used ResEdit with the EV game but I don't think it matters either way, seeing as how the 'only' thing getting changed is the entire text of the game. I will be available to start work on this in about 2 weeks, so I will give be in touch with both of you about plans to get this off the ground.

I've set up a dedicated forum for the project here. This is so that we can collaborate and communicate more easily whilst the plug-in is in development etc etc

Register when you can! :laugh: That is, if Old Thrashy's cool with it? Only bit of web dev I'd be doing for this plug in a while haha..

This post has been edited by Ravenheart : 14 May 2008 - 01:17 PM

Actually I'd need some help from more knowledgeable guys in this subject like you since this would be my first time working on an EV nova plugin; though I can learn fast anything related to software, etc. (I'm studying computing science).

I think the forum is a nice idea, I've already registered!

This post has been edited by polmc : 14 May 2008 - 02:06 PM

I started a project like this two years ago, and finished half of the Federation and a few ships before I decided it was too boring.

This is the original idea.

Well, I think the project could be greatly simplified by exporting the desc, str, and str# resources as text, then batch translating using an automated translator, then going and checking over everything.
In the meanwhile, another team would be digging up all the other resources that include strings, and updating them.
Each of these two branches would then reimport into data files.

@nonconventionally-creative, on May 16 2008, 09:10 AM, said in EV Nova Translation Project:

Well, I think the project could be greatly simplified by exporting the desc, str, and str# resources as text, then batch translating using an automated translator, then going and checking over everything.
In the meanwhile, another team would be digging up all the other resources that include strings, and updating them.
Each of these two branches would then reimport into data files.

I'm not sure whether applying a transaltor to all of it and then correct it would be a good idea. If you have to check all that text and read its counterpart in english to avoid semantic mistakes, then you're better off just translating it yourself, and it will be much better written.

This post has been edited by polmc : 16 May 2008 - 02:54 PM

I know that, but it'd be much faster, and hopefully you'd get a good translation engine that would allow you to see alternate translations, and one that did grammar checking, which is theoretically easier in Spanish than English.
Maybe it would be better going over it piece by piece, though.

I tried to put the full text into a translator, but it was harder to correct the translation than to do it yourself. The reason is, it is easier to see problems when you write yourself.

@timmytiptoe, on May 17 2008, 07:27 AM, said in EV Nova Translation Project:

I tried to put the full text into a translator, but it was harder to correct the translation than to do it yourself. The reason is, it is easier to see problems when you write yourself.

That's exactly what I meant!

Yep, but I have 25 landing and bar descs' worth of experience with doing this. Only I can't seem to find the file I made.