I have a feature request, though I'm not sure if it's within MC's scope or not. What I'd like is a means to change the file type of a plug-in, allowing you to choose between normal plug-in or the various data file types.
MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available
@guy, on Apr 15 2008, 10:13 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
I have a feature request, though I'm not sure if it's within MC's scope or not. What I'd like is a means to change the file type of a plug-in, allowing you to choose between normal plug-in or the various data file types.
Makes sense - it's something I've vaguely meant, but never got to. Now that I know someone else wants it, I'll move it up the list.
A (very) small ease-of-use issue: the one thing other than the wรซap and shรคn editors that keeps me going back to ResEdit quite frequently is being able to bring up resources by typing in their ID or the first few characters. When you've got 238 รถutf entries (and counting), it can take quite a while to find what you're looking for. Would it be possible to implement ResEdit's "type-and-ye-shall-find" feature?
@archon, on Apr 16 2008, 05:14 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Would it be possible to implement ResEdit's "type-and-ye-shall-find" feature?
I'll take a look the next time I have the document window opened up.
@archon, on Apr 16 2008, 05:14 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Would it be possible to implement ResEdit's "type-and-ye-shall-find" feature?
...and implemented. It can even guess whether you're typing a name or an ID number, and choose the resource accordingly.
Though I originally meant not to release another alpha until the wรซap editor was finished, but with the amount I've added since the last one - including the restoration of Intel support - I'll probably be posting one within the next few days. Are there any other small features like the last two requests that people want to put in?
@guy, on Apr 18 2008, 05:32 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Yeah, can we get some OS X folder/document icons for the open recent/special menus?
Now that 10.5 has introduced a folder icon that's comparable in quality to the 8.5 version, that isn't actually a bad idea.
Hey when you implement the type codes feature (have you already done it?), will it then be possible to open a file with missing or incorrect codes, set the type to plug-in (or whatever) and then save it to fix the codes?
This post has been edited by Guy : 20 April 2008 - 04:10 AM
@guy, on Apr 20 2008, 05:04 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Hey when you implement the type codes feature (have you already done it?), will it then be possible to open a file with missing or incorrect codes, set the type to plug-in (or whatever) and then save it to fix the codes?
I haven't written it yet, but it should be simple enough, and I can't imagine any reasonable implementation of it that wouldn't allow what you're describing. The only real design question will be how it handles .rez files, since they can technically have type and creator codes; but lose them the moment they're actually moved to a PC.
Yeah, I figured a reasonable implementation would allow that, the question is just whether it would also set the creator code.
I guess the feature should be disabled for .rez, since I can't imagine why it would be at all useful.
@guy, on Apr 20 2008, 05:45 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Yeah, I figured a reasonable implementation would allow that, the question is just whether it would also set the creator code.
Since I'm going to be implementing a Document Info dialogue, I might as well go all out ย I'm thinking of type and creator codes (with both a pop-up menu of common values and custom fields), a Same As button to match any file on the disk, a report of the precise file size, and maybe even creation/modification dates and whatever other meta-data fields prove easy to read and write.
@guy, on Apr 20 2008, 05:45 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
I guess the feature should be disabled for .rez, since I can't imagine why it would be at all useful.
That's what I've been leaning towards - so, anyone who desperately needs to set the type and creator codes for .rez files should speak out now.
@david-arthur, on Apr 21 2008, 10:19 AM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Since I'm going to be implementing a Document Info dialogue, I might as well go all out ย I'm thinking of type and creator codes (with both a pop-up menu of common values and custom fields), a Same As button to match any file on the disk, a report of the precise file size, and maybe even creation/modification dates and whatever other meta-data fields prove easy to read and write.
Wow, that's getting serious. Are you sure that's not a bit outside of scope?
@guy, on Apr 20 2008, 06:59 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Are you sure that's not a bit outside of scope?
MissionComputer's scope is 'an editor for missions and associated resources in EV Override , which could be extended to the original Escape Velocity as well'. It's several years and tens of thousands of lines of code outside its scope already.
Enabling/disabling of Open/Get Info/Delete buttons in the graphical pickers seems to be buggy. Or perhaps they do get enabled/disabled properly but do not get redrawn so they appear incorrect (switching windows will force a redraw).
This post has been edited by Guy : 25 April 2008 - 06:23 PM
@guy, on 25 April 2008, 07:22 PM, said in MissionComputer 4.0a5 now available:
Enabling/disabling of Open/Get Info/Delete buttons in the graphical pickers seems to be buggy. Or perhaps they do get enabled/disabled properly but do not get redrawn so they appear incorrect (switching windows will force a redraw).
On the 7th of March, I made the following notation in my progress log:
The Open/Get Info/Delete buttons now change appearance to reflect whether they are enabled when using the graphical picker.
But I'll still retroactively say fixed, thanks.