@david-arthur, on Dec 12 2007, 12:12 PM, said in Third alpha of MissionComputer 4.0:
Guy: Still nothing to indicate that a file is already in use and it will appear to save successfully when it actually fails.
The problem is that, as a general rule, if MissionComputer doesnt tell you such things, its because no one has told it ; if its actually suggesting that it has saved successfully, though, there ought to be something I can do about that.
Don't you receive some sort of error if you try to open the file with write access?
@david-arthur, on Dec 12 2007, 12:12 PM, said in Third alpha of MissionComputer 4.0:
Guy: Could you make the RLE Maker default to just rleD?
How come? Providing both rlë8 and rlëD is standard behaviour, so it ought to be the most common option.
Well these days the standard seems to be just rleD. Even pipe himself once said the rle8s are unnecessary. By making it default to rleD you're encouraging the user to save space (and time) by not creating the pointless rle8s.
@david-arthur, on Dec 12 2007, 12:12 PM, said in Third alpha of MissionComputer 4.0:
Guy: I'm not entirely sure but it seems the rle maker does not dither. If so, would it be possible to add an option to do so? Perhaps it could be done with Core Image or Image Events.
Youre correct that it doesnt dither. Properly speaking, the picture you supply ought already to be a 16-bit image, and so I dont intend at the moment to duplicate the functionality of BlitZen (which, unlike the basic NovaTools editors, runs natively on Mac OS X).
Ah, true, it is easy enough to dither beforehand.
@david-arthur, on Dec 12 2007, 12:12 PM, said in Third alpha of MissionComputer 4.0:
Guy: The message about a greyscale mask (which will also be shown if you used a colour image) appears after the rle has been created. Wouldn't it be more useful to show it before and give you the option to cancel?
I can see the logic. In many cases the greyscale nature of the image comes from just one stray pixel, so the resultant RLE isnt actually compromised, which is why I had it go ahead but warning you to check the results.
Beyond that, though, MissionComputer doesnt actually know for certain that the image was greyscale until it has processed every pixel. The message isn't just based on the depth of the image supplied, but on the actual contents, which is much more useful; if you supply an image in which every pixel is black or white, MissionComputer won't complain even if the picture is legally 8-bit.
Ah, of course. Oh well, perhaps just change the message to something like "the image was not black and white as Nova requires"? 
Hey, I just noticed something: Pasting a full-colour image into the mask appears to automatically reduce it to 16-bit in the preview. Could you do that for the sprite as well?