Extra Interface Button

@scienceguy8, on Oct 28 2007, 07:16 PM, said in Extra Interface Button:

I believe there is also an extra typing field in the Create New Player window. Anyone know what that was supposed to be for? Also, if anyone can get the extra button on the planets to work I would be eternally grateful. If it is indeed an extra Mission Computer, it would be perfect for the Stargate: Nova project for reasons I am not allowed to tell you about.


It either has something to do with rapid transportation or an 80s movie starring Weird Al. I'm not quite sure.

The "extra typing field" at the create new player dialog is probably a code remnant that sticks around regardless of what the Nova plug you are playing takes advantage of in terms of features. Remember that a lot of plugs allow you to choose a different storyline or what have you when you create your new pilot, so the invisible field is probably something of a placeholder for what is actually a drop-down menu when properly implemented.

Just my two bits.