Homemade Sound Effects!

I'm an ASW legend now? Nice!

I messed with the above posted blaster sound a bit. It's improved a bit, but it's biggest problem lays in the fact it sounds so muffled. With my limited ability and experience with sounds, that's not something I can alter. Anyways, if I recall it all correctly, I amplified it, bass boosted it, lowered the pitch, increased the tempo, inverted it, added a slight, impossible to detect echo to make it a bit louder, and then normalized it...or did I equalize it? Or did I do both? And did I keep the echo? I don't remember, but the first five steps I am certain I kept.

By the way, could you perhaps upload your files as .wavs? In order to get Missile 2 into Nova, I had to convert it to a .wav so Sound Sampler would open it, so I could then reduce it to a mono system 7 sound so Nova would use it. Noticable loss of quality and volume, as expected from a drop from .mp3 to system 7. I might make the .wav louder and then convert it again...

Edit: I don't have much problem with the fact the gun samples are repeated (I could cut them quite easily), they just sound like clicks as opposed to shots, like the guns are empty. I've never made sounds from scratch (a few voice clips aside), so I wouldn't know how to make them sound more bulletish.

Edit 2: You know, at glance those "pass by" and "about to hit" sounds wouldn't have much use in Nova. Though if you are clever with proximity radius and submunitions, you might could use the "about to hit" sounds for their intended purpose.

Also, I happen to have a dump of Master of Orion 2's sound effects in a .mp3 file which might be useful to someone. I'm not sure you could legally use those in a Nova plug though. That worry is the only reason why I haven't extracted and used some of them. I always like the sound the Plasma Cannons made.


This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 19 September 2007 - 11:58 PM

Hey I can convert any files to .snd and send them in a plugin, but sure I can upload as .wav

I made those "about to hit" and "pass by" sounds for the EV tribute animation, but uploaded them so you guys can check them out.

This post has been edited by Geek : 20 September 2007 - 12:52 AM

Just thought I'd mention my audio guide here (available from the link in my sig) :). Talks all about snd resources for use in Nova and what programs you can use to get your sounds into a plug.

Geek, you may want to find some file hosting or something. You're going to run out of attachment space soon, especially if you start uploading wavs rather than mp3s (I too would suggest using wavs or AIFFs).

This post has been edited by Guy : 20 October 2009 - 04:32 AM

Thanks, Guy. I probably will bet a Box.net account soon...

This post has been edited by Geek : 20 September 2007 - 04:59 PM

I now have a box.net account, and have uploaded my sounds in .wav format. You can visit it here. When I get around to editing sounds, I will upload the new sounds in place of the old versions. I will probably be deleting most, if not all of the sounds I've posted here.



This post has been edited by StarSword : 22 September 2007 - 01:09 PM

Love the missile 1 & 2 sounds. I am going to use those.

That goes in the credits..... 🙂

Just to remind everyone, I will not be posting any more sounds on this thread, and will in fact start removing them soon to reclaim attachment space. I have also update my signature to link to my public box

This post has been edited by Geek : 22 September 2007 - 09:46 PM

The files on the box account don't seem to have extensions :huh:

hmm.... maybe I should just do the mp3 ones...

They do work okay, once you add the extension. Did they have extensions when you uploaded them? I don't see why mp3s would behave any different.

They had extensions when I uploaded them. I had the same problem once downloading one of Gray Shirt Ninja's MP3's. The info said "MP4 audio file" or something like that...

I have removed all my attachments on this thread. Please refer to my box.net page for sound files.