Weapons Plug

This time it's for real, I promise

You might remember that I was working on this ages ago. Well, studying for finals at school forced me away from this project, and after that I sort of forgot about it. Well, I've returned. Art is almost done, and all I need to do is finish up some of the outfitter art and descs, and it will be ready. What kind of cool weapon would you like to see in Nova? Tell me, and I will see what I can do.

I want a cannon that shoots teddy-bears. Teddy bears that shoot beams out of their eyes. Tractor beams that suck up enemy ships causing them to inflate the teddy-bear to gigantic proportions. Then the giant teddy-bear goes on a rampage across the system stomping and pounding ships and planets alike.

Why is everyone looking at me funny?

I think it would be cool to have an ultra-expensive mass disabler. I'm making one for my plugin, but don't really care if anyone copies the idea (heck, somebody probably already thought of it). You stand a safe distance away and fire, disabling half the ships in the system. Keep in mind, though, that to be balanced it should have a max ammo value of, say, 2 and be really expensive. It could even be incorporated into a plug so that you get it for one mission only to punch a hole in a blockade or something. Anyway, just my 2 cents. I think the EMP torpedo should be just that, an ELECTRO MAGNETIC PULSE generator, not a nuke. It should have a very high damage rate, but can disable but not destroy and go through shields. A medium and heavy cannon would be cool too. Maybe even a turreted version.

I think I should add a list of what's in the plug so far:

M32 High Explosives: Fires a small bomb that's very hard to aim, but can take out capitol ships in a few hits
Anti-Fighter Laser: Point defense beam
Piranha Missile: Missile that splits into a ton of little missiles (multi-torp for the masses)
Telsa Coil: High damage beam that ionizes and disables
Anti-Fighter droids/bay: Just that- little flying drones equipped with anti-fighter lasers
Ehteric laser: Low damage, slow firing laser that fires while cloaked
Coilgun: Like the railgun, only fires in bursts and is much more damaging
Ion Missiles: mini version of the EMP torpedo, disables
Nanites: the Krypt's weapon
Light/Medium/Heavy Lasers: Normal beam weapons of varying damage
Assault droids/bay: Little flying drones equipped with light lasers and ion missiles, gives crew bonus
Antimatter Missile: Boom.
Fusion Pulse Projector: FPC gone crazy, emulates a flamethrower
Stealth Missile: Can't be shot down, can't hit asteroids, and can be fired while cloaked
Drop Missile: Big missile that drops Steller Grenade like, then flies off at a target
Reaper: shield ignoring missile
Hypercore: Multijump, tunneling organ, fast jumping, can jump from anywhere, and can be discharged to ionize the entire system (requires a ton of fuel)
Hammer of Dusk: BIG laser, does a ton of damage
Tractor Beam: Pulls stuff around, but you figured that out already
Electric Hull: AOE damage around your ship
Flak Cannon: Like the hail chaingun, but explosive
Hunter-Killer: missile that tracks cloaked targets
Recoil Cannon: Does low damage and pushes target around
Particle Cannon: fires a wide spread of low damage shots
Antimatter Cannon/Turret: Big gun that 'splodes stuff real nice

That's it for now. Right now I just want to get stuff finished so that I can release a beta. If I work hard at this, expect a plugin by Friday.I'm

Kaoz returns! May accolades and merriment spring forth!

Kaoz, remember that spun carbon item I was talking about earlier? Maybe it should be like a 1 weapon mass/10 ship mass ratio.

Additionally, I'm not sure if you know about these, but perhaps you've heard about hiring crew members? It's seen in the PlugPack series made by Terek'E'Ban, a well-known plug-in creator. Perhaps in a future (or possibly even this ) release, you could add those? Just a side thought, but I figured I should mention it.

Once again, good to see you, sir! 🙂

How about a beam weapon that takes ammo (well, after about 6-9 shots) ? i did that awhile ago.

Here, for your enjoyment, is the current version of the plug. This is more of a late alpha than a beta, but see what you think. All new weapons are available from Prime in the Konstrukt-001 system (right off of Sol). There shouldn't be any issues in this plug, but if there are, be sure to tell me.
Here it is.

That link doesn't work.

Just got the plug. Haven't tried all the weapons yet, but it looks great. Keep up the good work.

I would try it, but before I could find a download link on that page (was there really even one there?), it turned up my computer's sound (seriously; it was muted until I clicked your link) and started playing loud noises and redirecting me to various pages.

Next time, try a file download service that doesn't hijack people's browsers. <_<

Pfft, coilguns are for sissies. Gauss is the way to go. 😉

Nil'kimas, sorry about that. The service never gave me any trouble. Try the new link.

Ok, I used a different browser with better ad-blocking and I got the download to work, although I still got redirected to a few ad sites in the process. I haven't tried the plug yet, but I peeked at some of the graphics with MissionComputer and the antimatter explosion is awesome. The rest looks good too.

Edit: I like the weapons. However, the drones interfere with the shuttle variants' graphics, and replace the shuttles. You need to give them an RID that isn't already used. Also, for weapons whose names take up more than one line in the outfitter window, if you don't want the second line to be gray, make sure the second line starts with an alphanumeric character and not a space. Also, the outfitter window is arranged kinda weird for some weapons (e.g. the antimatter missile shows up on the line below the launcher), so you might want to mess with the display weights.

The recoil gun has problems with its mask; there are black boxes around every shot I fire from it.

The tesla coil has too much zigzag-ness; it leaves white pixels on the screen after I stop firing it.

This is just an opinion and not a bug, but it seems weird to have ground explosions for the Flak cannon, since you're using it in space. It does look pretty cool though...

For a beta version, it's pretty good though, and I'm sure it will be great once it's finished. 🙂

This post has been edited by Nil'kimas : 25 July 2007 - 07:06 PM

I'm posting here because I need some help. I've been trying to import this explosion for a while, and every time it seems to do what it does in the pic. The .pict I get from spinapp looks fine, but then I try to import it and it goes wrong. I import it as 192x192 (9 64x64 pics) with 3x3 frames and 1 and 9 start and end frames. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File Bug.PNG (12.01K)
    Number of downloads: 39

Well, the problem resolved itself. Anyway, here's a pic pf the new Flak Cannon explosion.

Attached File(s)

@--kaoz--, on Jul 31 2007, 02:42 PM, said in Weapons Plug:

Well, the problem resolved itself. Anyway, here's a pic pf the new Flak Cannon explosion.

Veeeery nice.

Your droids are overwriting the shuttle and heavy shuttle, just to let you know. Move them to a different ship slot and make their availability percentage 0. They can still be bought as fighters for a bay, but not as player-flyable ships. Also, make sure that "This is an escape ship" is not checked.


Your droids are overwriting the shuttle and heavy shuttle, just to let you know. Move them to a different ship slot and make their availability percentage 0. They can still be bought as fighters for a bay, but not as player-flyable ships. Also, make sure that "This is an escape ship" is not checked.

I fixed it already, but haven't uploaded the new plug.

When boredom striketh, things like this get made.
It was originally intended to be the PSG1 Light Fighter, but I didn't feel like resizing all the frames, so it's now the PSG1 Battlecruiser.
LEGO FTW! This will be included in the final version of my plug.

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File psg1.GIF (40.67K)
    Number of downloads: 52

This post has been edited by .:KaoZ:. : 04 August 2007 - 05:34 PM