Colosseum TC needs your graphic skills

No problem. Did you get the mask?

Yes I did, thanks.

Hey, if you're interested, I can probably come up with some outfit pics. (not all of them though, unless you want to delay that release date... 😉 )
Do you have more specific info on what outfits you need exactly? (weapons, sensors, blablabla...)

Hang on and I'll send you the list. You won't be the only person doing outfits.

Ok, got the list. I am working on a few things. I'll start sending you samples and you can see how they integrate with the graphical style of your plug.

What do you mean by "misc spob"?

@crusader-alpha, on May 14 2007, 10:58 AM, said in Colosseum TC needs your graphic skills:

What do you mean by "misc spob"?

Just something. I probably should be more clear, eh? One spob is a sort of jamming device used to make interesting battle conditions.

Hate to double post, but I still need a bit of help in the graphical area of things. Especially since the TC is in full fledged beta. And not just the start, but we're on the third beta version, soon to be the fourth. Again, any help is appreciated and credit will be provided. Please see the first post for a list of what is needed.

I would help but all my graphics are all 2d so far and they're all scetches in the back of my history book so can't help but good luck.

what does TC mean anyway? :wacko:

It means total conversion, which means that it is a plugin that makes an entirely new game out of the EVN game engine.

Josh, I think I can manage the menu screen and the interface (interfaces aren't difficult; I might be able to make a few), and I can probably whip up the misc spob, but I'll need details on what you want with the menu screen and interface. If you don't already have someone working on those, just PM me.

EDIT: I did a cursor, just for fun. I don't know if you'll use it, but it's here, just in case.

This post has been edited by Crusader Alpha : 22 June 2007 - 12:00 PM

Thanks. And expect a PM in a moment if you haven't already gotten it by the time you're reading this.

Also got an offer for the explosions. So those are, for the time, off the list.

This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 22 June 2007 - 05:03 PM

Thanks crusader alpha

This post has been edited by Admiral Max : 22 June 2007 - 07:28 PM