[ANN] SpacePort 1.2 Enters Beta

Just noticed something new: In EVO, if a pers has no hail quote defined it will use its standard govt quotes instead (just like dudes) but this does not happen in Nova (again like dudes). Unfortunately (unlike dudes) there's really no way to deal with this - perses can only use 1 quote and this must come from STR# 7100.
I also found out something I never knew before: Govt comm quote STR#s are divided in half - the first 5 entries are for traders and the last 5 are for warships/intercepters. But I'm sure most of you knew that already.

Here's a new feature: Ships with <100 shields should have 0 shield regen. Ships with 0 shields should have 0 armour regen, regardless of the checkbox.

Just for the record, I have Spring Break starting this Friday, so I'll have plenty of time to work on this and Plug-in Archiver. Expect some work released by the end of next week. 🙂

Same here, as it happens (apparently, your far-away, nonexistant planet has the same holidays as I do, how interesting). You can expect (actual 😉 work to be done on Rezilla Custom.

Desc ID 1900 (Escape Pod) should be reID'd to 13999.