Can I make a ship that blows up as soon as it jumps in?

I want a situtation where there is a delayed evaluation of an ncb set string when a player aborts a mission in space, so that a few seconds after they abort it, somethign will happen. The only way I can think of to do this is to have the onAbort of the first mission start a second mission that calls in an invisiable special ship that explodes invisably as soon as it jumps in, and have the second NCB string in the OnShipDone field.
Anyone know how to make this happen?

Also, can you think of a way to have a mission cause another ship to refuel the player's ship? can you give a player fuel when they board a special ship, or something like it? I am trying to make an "order out for fuel" type thing.

Thanks all

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Make a ship with negative shield regeneration. The shields will drain and then the ship will explode.


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oooh.. Wow. That is perfect. Does negative shield regen work?

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Azratax2:
**oooh.. Wow. That is perfect. Does negative shield regen work?


When I was into making cheat plugs, I made a plug that gave shield regeneration, and set the max really high, so I bought too many and killed myself when I took off from the planet. It was really funny.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 12-17-2003).)

Woa! That is excellent!

/me does the Happy Developer Dance

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Also, can you think of a way to have a mission cause another ship to refuel the player's ship? can you give a player fuel when they board a special ship, or something like it? I am trying to make an "order out for fuel" type thing.

What are the circumstances that you need this to happen in? I did something like this for an 'Out of Fuel' fix, but that may not be what you're after here. I just made a new govt that refuels the player for free, new dude, etc, the player just had to hail 'em.


Make a mission like the ones where you refuel the pers ships that ask for you, only have the outfit granted when boarding the ship give the player fuel (I would suppose a negative value for the 'take player fuel away' outfit, if such a thing exists). Or maybe there's a mission trigger you can make that'll do that. One thing is for sure; if you want the player to be able to 'buy' fuel you'll have to make the fuel-giving ships persons.

Retribution: An Upcoming Plug-in for EVN.
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What I want is to be able to have something like this:
1. Player aborts mission in thier mission screen
2. this causes another mission to run that calls in the refueling ship (and costs the player a pretty penny), which jumps in
3. Player hails refueling ship, and is refueled.
Anyone got any thoughts?

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

I doubt that granting the player an outfit with mod type 12 would give the player more fuel - I think it would just increase his maximum amount. When you buy a battery pack, it increases your maximum fuel by 100 units but you have to hit the Recharge button before leaving the planet. I guess it's an undocumented feature that mod type 12 changes the player's maximum fuel with a positive mod value but changes the player's current amount of fuel with a negative mod value.

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All those nifty undocumented features/special behaviors (ship that explodes when his shields are exhausted :eek: ...1337!) seem to use negative values for usually positive-filled fields...
We should try to enter negative values whenever we see a place one could be put instead of a positive value and report here... I will try negative tech levels at home. Negative prices may be fun... negative modvals for all outfit modtypes, also (though some are documented, like the infamous fuel-sucking).

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Originally posted by Zacha Pedro:
**All those nifty undocumented features/special behaviors (ship that explodes when his shields are exhausted:eek: ...1337!) seem to use negative values for usually positive-filled fields...
We should try to enter negative values whenever we see a place one could be put instead of a positive value and report here... I will try negative tech levels at home. Negative prices may be fun... negative modvals for all outfit modtypes, also (though some are documented, like the infamous fuel-sucking).


Well I did stumble on it, but if you think about it, it makes sense. When a ship's shields and armor are knocked completely down, the ship dies. Duh. The maximum value for almost any field in EV/EVO and probably EVN as well is 32767, so if you make an outfit that pushes a stat above that value, EV automatically wraps the value. Thus, you end up with negative shield regeneration that drains shields. Kind of funny. I've never actually tried entering a negative value into the field, but I have no doubt that it wouldn't work (unless they fixed the engine to not allow that, but I don't see why they would do that).


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)


Originally posted by Azratax2:
What I want is to be able to have something like this:
1. Player aborts mission in thier mission screen
2. this causes another mission to run that calls in the refueling ship (and costs the player a pretty penny), which jumps in
3. Player hails refueling ship, and is refueled.
Anyone got any thoughts?

Set the special ship's govt to refuel for free and have it use the standard AI. Then when you hail it and hit Request Assistance, it'll come over and refuel you. If you want it to give you fuel the second you hail it, I don't think that's possible.


Originally posted by Azratax2:
**What I want is to be able to have something like this:
1. Player aborts mission in thier mission screen
2. this causes another mission to run that calls in the refueling ship (and costs the player a pretty penny), which jumps in
3. Player hails refueling ship, and is refueled.
Anyone got any thoughts?


Well, obviously if you want the refueling to cost a lot then setting the govt to refuel player for free won't work. I think the way you have it set up would be fine. Mission aborts and invisible mission starts. Create a new dude with the special refueling ship and give it the Warship AI (3?) and a govt that is neutral to everyone so that it won't attack you accidentally. Make that dude the special ship. Set the special ship to follow the player and jump in after a delay (like the BH missions). Ship jumps in looks around, then takes off if it isn't hailed in time. I spose if you wanted it to stick around you could give it interceptor AI, or really any AI would be fine I guess. But just make sure their is no special ship goal. Exactly how the mission would abort I don't know. Otherwise, you'll have a ship following you everywhere. Maybe just make it so that it auto aborts.

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EV automatically wraps the value...

New possibilities...I think that this may be the solution for making missions that take a player back in time (DatePost) or do negative damage to other vessels (Damage fields). At the very least, something strange is bound to happen.

Retribution: An Upcoming Plug-in for EVN.
Visit the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) today! Be sure to read the short story ' (url="http://" &number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=100&article;=000262&startpoint;=")Fiery Descent(/url)'!
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga(/url): An upcoming TC, visit the web page today.| | | Both the best and the worst plug-in editor for Windows! (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url)!


Originally posted by Kame:
Well, obviously if you want the refueling to cost a lot then setting the govt to refuel player for free won't work. I think the way you have it set up would be fine.

Actually, I was thinking of, say, an auto-aborting mission with negative pay. If you do that, you wouldn't want to then pay the refuelling ship, would you?


Originally posted by PBoat101:
Actually, I was thinking of, say, an auto-aborting mission with negative pay. If you do that, you wouldn't want to then pay the refuelling ship, would you?

This is how I plan to do it - if you dont get them to refuel you, they still bill you for coming all the way out there for you.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Aprosenf:
**I doubt that granting the player an outfit with mod type 12 would give the player more fuel - I think it would just increase his maximum amount. When you buy a battery pack, it increases your maximum fuel by 100 units but you have to hit the Recharge button before leaving the planet. I guess it's an undocumented feature that mod type 12 changes the player's maximum fuel with a positive mod value but changes the player's current amount of fuel with a negative mod value.


It doesn't change the amount of fuel, I think.

And to make a ship blow up automatically, give it negative armor recharge, otherwise only its shields will drain. Shileds and armor are tracked seperately.

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do negative damage to other vessels

Repair drones!
Xenophobic govt, give it a weapon with negative damage.


Originally posted by Wyrm:


do negative damage to other vessels

Repair drones!
Xenophobic govt, give it a weapon with negative damage.**

I think someone thought of that when he tried to make an EVO plug-in, but the game engine wouldn't allow it. So in a Nova engine that could be possible to create a healing beam of some type. The problem is, will the ship you intended to repair, will i respond to it as a hostile act? I know that in EVO, both the tractor beam and repulsor beam is viewed as a weapon, only it doesn't do any damage at all, so using it on a neutral ship and it will respond hostile.

And if it is possible to make a healing beam, I don't think it will be useful on any escorts you have under control. Because most of the weapons you fire don't affect them...directly.

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Negative damage has been tried.
People talked about how cool it would be if it worked for a week, until someone finally tested it, and discovered that it didnt work. Giving negative damage makes a weapon that does no damage.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")