Elixir of Wisdom?

I'm playing with Trinity, Spells Expander and World of Chaos so I don't know which plug has it but the Sea Giants keep dropping it. What does it do? The guy that has it usually hits me once and takes off running just like the guy with the quicksilver ring. That's so funny! Sometimes you have to chase this guy right through the middle of a group of Giants. I know it's a game but you have to wonder what they're thinking when this little guy runs past. :eek:

BIBLE: Basic Information Before Leaving Earth

The elixer of wisdom would be from the SE plugin (Stark's Sea Giants get scared :p). You, as a charater have an attribute called wisdom, but it's not shown anywhere, and it's really only useful for conjurors. It's like vitality, in that when you level up, your wisdom determines how much more mana/spell points you get.
I'd think that the giants in "real" life would probably try to kill such a cowardly example of their species, I mean the player isn't even half his height!! :snicker: die suckers!!!! 😛


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Originally posted by Silver Eagle:
What does it do?

As the name implies, it increases Wisdom. Your character has a wisdom stat, but it is not displayed since the standard game of PoG did not need it(you could only play a swordsman!). Since you can not alter the stat screen with a plug-in, Trinity incorporated the wisdom stat but never allowed it to change. Higher wisdom equates with more magic points per level, as vitality increases stamina.


The guy that has it usually hits me once and takes off running just like the guy with the quicksilver ring.

Yeah, this is a bug. Whenever the update is released this will be fixed. 🙂

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