The SUN!

EV nova is pretty kool and all, but from what ive noticed over and over again is that theres is never a sun in the game, shouldnt there be one in the middle of sol or like in its own system along wit mercury and venus,

There should be a plug for this, and it wouldnt really be cheating cause ur adding a system to the game, also the system should have Hyperioid's considering they made of pure energy supposedly. Also it should be so that ur sheilds and armor go down little by little from being near the sun or something.

Interesting aint it? 🙂

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
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Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

Something about the work entailed in adding a Sun to every system.. placing it at the correct angle to match the existing lighting on the ships and planets..

Cool effect but a lot of work..

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to a use that will benefit society?"
Gryphon, Hopelessly Lost Vol. 4

omg. u should make that pulg-ing omg lol.

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I think that if they added a sun, you would have problems with ship-shadows and such.
Like your ship should have a shadow that is in relation to where the sun is, but the engine wont support that.

"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." -Jack Handey

well ur ship dont have to have a shadow, jus have a sun in the system, and it slowly depletes sheilds then armor, like 1 % every 20 secs or something.

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

That would be neat. You could make the Sun have a xenophobic govt, then give it a fast, weak, invisible weapon that decays with distance ("radiation"). Then, have an invisible spob that resides directly above the Sun, which has a short-range "Solar Flare" weapon which makes cool flares. High reload and innaccuracy, and it looks like a big flaming blob of plasma that fades out slowly. Plus make the Sun a deadly spob.


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"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. .... Radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." - Albert Einstein

(This message has been edited by Vaumnou (edited 06-14-2003).)

Also, i would make a plugin for this, but i dunno anyone about making them, tho ill try to learn. I jus need some feedback, like where can i put the sun, in each system, and it uninhabited systems should there be a very energy sensitive dead sun, like if it gets hit numerous times, it explodes cause its unstable, and also causes a wormhole effect. Like the actual theories scientists have today.

I guessif i make it theres least three things i HAVE to know: 1) um what progs do i use to make it (using OS 8.1) 2) Where can i find a guide to starting ur own plugin.
And 3) not as important as the 1st 2 but like where should the sun be in relation to the systems? (1 in a few systems and/or uninhabited systems, or jus like 1 in a seperate system adjacent to sol.

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

a xenophobic govt, i like that, lol u jus gave me an idea, also, im ganna add like a station or two to the system, along wit venus and mercury, and u can land on the sun 🙂 and also theres like burning red starbridge :), courtesy of the govt. It'd be pretty kool once finished tho, once i get all the ideas down, ill list them on this post.

To send me additional feedback tho, my email is, please do not spam,
NOTICE TO MOERATORS and ADMINS: please do not make a big deal about this new address because i made it so i can recieve feedback about this plugin i wanna make, my main email address is the one i entered when i signed up

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

I normally complain about AOL speak, but pikeman, that was really funny.

The problem with putting a sun into the system as persondude said, is that with adding a sun, that implies that that is where the light that falls on ships is coming from. In a real-time rendered engine, that wouldn't be a problem, but in Nova, where all the sprites are pre-rendered with the light coming from a set direction, it makes it confusing. I mean, if the sun was on the wrong side of the ship, it would look like the sun was a darkon.


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Yeah, but like i said b4, does the sun HAVE to give off a shadow. Lemme put it this way, is the only purpose of the sun to give light? no, so i could always jus make a sun for any other reason, not just for shadows, I mean if it was possible, then kool, but if not its ok, its not like the thing wont work if theres no shadow

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂


Originally posted by bothater3000:
**Yeah, but like i said b4, does the sun HAVE to give off a shadow. Lemme put it this way, is the only purpose of the sun to give light? no, so i could always jus make a sun for any other reason, not just for shadows, I mean if it was possible, then kool, but if not its ok, its not like the thing wont work if theres no shadow


Do not use AOLSpeek!!! Posted Image

As for the sun idea I like the Xenophobic idea with the Radiation weapon but it would be unrealistic if the shadows did not match and even more so if they did not exist. Sorry...


.sit happens!
Had a topic that was off topic and stopped but still want to continue? Come to (url="http://"")Steelix's Non-EVN Related Topics(/url) and at least try it?

well ill do my best on it considering this is ganna be my first plugin

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

Ok one last thing, can someone tell me a site that explains the programming a lot more for plugins, because i looked at the EVO bible, and understand it for the most part, but like what im trying to set up is a link from yhe "solar" system to sol and i wanted to know about that ID number stuff, basically, i was looking for a site that explains some of the basics for plugin making

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

Look in the add-ons section under guides there is probably one there.

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The Ancients: Will we survive the onslaught? (EVN Plug)

Do you have NovaTools installed on ResEdit? It makes it a lot more self explanitory. No more flags. About the shadows, it's just a game. It would look fine as long as the sun was cool enough to make up for it.

(url="http://"")My Homepage(/url) - Home of the Hyperioid String

Ooh, ooh! Make the long-range weapon ionize your ship instantly on entering the system, and have the Ionize color be white or light orange. = radiation damage?


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. .... Radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." - Albert Einstein

(This message has been edited by Vaumnou (edited 06-15-2003).)

ok well so far i dled mission computer and res edit and also nova tools, but when i try to use nova tools it wont open

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

ok lemme put it this way, what is a website i can go to to learn about making plugins, a plugin n00bie site if you will.

I came, I saw, I broke a hip
Vine, vi, rompí una cadera
Ik kwam, ik zag, ik een heup brak
Dunno wat language that last one is in 🙂

NovaTools is an add-on for ResEdit. Follow the instructions that it came with on how to install it.

This is getting to be more of a dev topic, so I'm gonna move it to the EV Developer's Corner. You'll be able to get all the help you want on it from the folks over there.

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(url="http://"")How to make a pilotlog file(/url) | (url="http://"")How to read a pilotlog file(/url)

Ok in Nova and EVO and EVC for that matter, it is assumed that the sun is quite a long way away, so that you can't ever see it and never go near it. Cause it's gonna kill you straight away if you get close enough isn't it? And then their is the size problem. See how huge Jupiter is, well our sun is a small sun, and still it is going to take up an entire screen even at 1024x768. Imagine how big Sirius or Procyon will be...

It is a good idea, but you must be really careful on how you do it. Having the heat/radiation weapon is a good idea, but having a seperate system where the sun is, don't do that... it will cause outrageous amounts of trouble and be incredible time consumming to do - plus whats the point on jumping to a system that only has a sun in it which kills you straight away? Better to put a sun in all the systems, say at x=-4000, y=-4000 - just a good distance away so you can't see it, and wander in to it when you are just going about your normal buisnesses. But then that raises the problem of when the player is hyperspacing out of the system - if it is in the way of his hyperspace route, the player is going to be torched upon leaving.

I think you have to look at Nova as a different sort of game, it isn't a realistic 3D space flight simulator, it is a 2D overhead space trading game, a more advanced version of maelstrom or barney blaster (much, much, much more advanced). If you are going to take this project on, sit down and figure it out first, make sure you have thought of everything before you start to make it. It will take you a long time to do seeing as nova has a rediculous amount of systems and you don't want to encounter a problem half way through - the work is going to be very tedius, and not very educating as far as plug making goes. So just think about it first.

But if you or someone else were to release a plug that did this, it would certainly expand the limits of Nova plugin development, and a lot of people would use it.


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