Nova: High Seas

What would the weapons be, just out of thought? Cannons? You'd need some sound effectd for those..... And what about converting the missions? What would you change the Alien Cruiser Mission to? And the Forklift? (If possible) The Tractor beam?.....This sounds like a challenging project.



Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**What would the weapons be, just out of thought? Cannons? You'd need some sound effectd for those..... And what about converting the missions? What would you change the Alien Cruiser Mission to? And the Forklift? (If possible) The Tractor beam?.....This sounds like a challenging project.


Mantaray's project, Caribbean, is a TC for EV:Nova. TC stands for "total conversion," which is a plug that replaces EVERYTHING to create a totally new scenario (look at the Star Wars TC, or Frozen Heart, etc). In other words, he doesn't need to worry (much) about the missions, or what the Alien Cruiser would be, because they simply won't exist in his universe. I'm not even sure that Nova even has a Forklift (granted, I haven't looked yet), but such a weapon is really simple. In essence, his project will have absolutely no bearing on the original EV:Nova game, and will only use its engine for his own world/scenario. As for sound effects, it'd be really easy to get them from the multitude of era movies. It doesn't even need to be ship mounted sound. He could easily take the sound from a ground based cannon (20 pounders, or even a modern tank, or howitzer, or something).


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I was still liking the idea of more modern battle ships and things....
WHO said anything about EV? I said at the beginning of the topic that I had had the idea since then, but that it would be difficult to do because of various limits ans stuff. I think that I figured out what to do for turret graphics though it would be difficult and long, but would make any plug very cool.

I am ME hear me roar!

You know what would be cool in a water TC? The ability to buy a disguised ship. In other words, you have a ship with nothing illegal on it that is relatively weak, but you could do something and transform it into a more powerful ship which would be attacked. In that way you could justify the ability to land the ship on a port when they hate you because you are disguised, and then you could fight back. I even have some ideas on how it could be implemented, but I think I'll wait for a few people to tell me its impossible with the game engine first :).

Why are you all looking at me like that?


Originally posted by Sheer_falacy:
**You know what would be cool in a water TC? The ability to buy a disguised ship. In other words, you have a ship with nothing illegal on it that is relatively weak, but you could do something and transform it into a more powerful ship which would be attacked. In that way you could justify the ability to land the ship on a port when they hate you because you are disguised, and then you could fight back. I even have some ideas on how it could be implemented, but I think I'll wait for a few people to tell me its impossible with the game engine first:).


Like a Q-Ship. They were designed in WWII to appear to be merchantmen, but were equipped with heavy guns and lots of cork. That's right, cork. The idea was that submarines would approach what appears to be an unescorted convoy, but when they closed to torpedo, or even gun range, the Q-Ship would unveil its weaponry and pound the sub to bits. The cork was there to prevent the Q-Ship from sinking if it took damage.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Ah, well. Since no one seems to care, this is how I'd do it. There are some problems, but who cares? It's fun.

First, give the transforming ship blind spots everywhere and a explode time of 0. Also, make it so it doesn't show explosion animations. Second, give the ship an auto-eject. Give it a weapon that is called something like "transform," and make the weapon do nothing but destroy the player (one of the possible things weapons can do). Give the player an outfit for a ship that has the flag set for being an escape pod. If you want a two way transform, you could do the same thing for that ship. The problem with this is the player can never die, but hey, it is fun anyway. If it is just a disguise, you can give the disguised ship a tiny amount of health and just say that the player is "revealed" when hit with a weapon. Just my... carry the five, add 2... $3.14 😄

Why are you all looking at me like that?

Isn't there a bit flag for the player's current ship? Maybe that was for the player's outfits but with a different ship. You could do it, but with very many sub ships and outfits and stuff. I am not so sure about no exploding graphic, you could have some splintering graphic that covered up the time when your disguise dissipeared and your ship appeared. Don't want a ship randomly turning into another ship. I could make it work(i think) and you could even have computer ships that were disguised.
Like said, if this will work at all, I need graphics. Or somebody needs to make graphics and use them by themselves, but still.

Do you realize how easy it would be to make a sub?

(edit: fixed some repeditiveness and added thing about computers)
I am ME hear me roar!

(This message has been edited by Meaker VI (edited 09-25-2002).)

OK... I would now like somebody to help with making picts and stuff, If there is anyone out there... Maybe I should check the post on available people. Also, I have no intent of copying whoever it was that was making the Cambrian plug, I would use more modern ships.

I bump

I am ME hear me roar!


Originally posted by Meaker VI:
**I have had this idea since EV, but I never had the recources and EV has never been capable to the fullest effect. Anyway, the idea would be to convert everything from space to sea. The planets would become Islands, the background would become blue, stars to waves(or something), asteroids to Icebergs and whatever other rubble you wanted. I thought I would post, and check back in a day or so to see if anyone likes the idea.


That's freaky FREAKY! So have I! Great minds think alike I guess...

Erik K. Veland
"That's no ordinary


Originally posted by Meaker VI:
**OK... I would now like somebody to help with making picts and stuff, If there is anyone out there... Maybe I should check the post on available people. Also, I have no intent of copying whoever it was that was making the Cambrian plug, I would use more modern ships.

I bump


Cambrian plug? Pre-Cambrian plug, maybe? (Now, there's a thought. Replace space with a shallow ocean, the ships with trilobites and sea slugs...)

Coming soon..."High C's" The Nova TC where 300 lb sopranos soar like blimps, battling it out in an effort to reach la Scala and popular acclaim...

On a more serious note; I could be intrigued by this. As I mentioned several posts back I just got done doing background sound effects for a WWII play. I also have some lo-poly but plausible modern ships on the Ray Dream Designer "Content" CD. It wouldn't be an enormous commitment for me to turn a few into sprites.

"I know the stranger's name."

Ah, that is more the responce that was wanted.

I was thinking that we should experiment with graphics before making a whole huge set. I wanted to see if it would be possible to have a ship with weapons that rotate tward the enemy. I have an idea on how to do it, but can't make the pics. I would have 2 sets of graphics, one with the main gun(s) pointing left, standard set would have foward and extra frames for turning right. I would make 3 weapons then, one foward fireing turret(no graphic) one right(use extra) and one left quadrent(use spare set) I am not entirely sure this will work, but I can try, and need some kind of graphic to do it.
E-mail your support, post your suggestions.

I am ME hear me roar!

And the list goes on... I as well had this idea, after playing a game of Sea Dogs on a friend's computer, and then EVO and put the two together.

Has anyone ever played Sea Dogs? This is an excellent game to base an ev sea adventure on, mechanic-wise. I love this game and there are loads of similarities between the two that would be easy to borrow.

For example, ports are on islands, as people have described before, as a way to make the map.

Cargo in Sea Dogs includes all sorts of cargo from wheat, silk, coffee, tobacco, rum, ebony, sailcloth and planks. (Just like cargo in EV.)

In Sea Dogs you can hire people for your ship: a first mate, carpenter, master gunner, etc. Each man had advantages (and sometimes disadvantages along with them, like a blind master gunner) Such a thing could be setup with equipment as people (hehe) but say, able to find at a bar.

You could only work for maybe one faction (like the French, English, Dutch, etc.) and you could only land at ports that were friendly to you. (sound familiar?) You also had a mark, or papers for such a thing. Occasionally there would be agents in the tavern that would allow you to purchase illegal papers. And yes, there are pirates! And merchant vessels. And convoys.

Weapons and ammunition work similarly as well - there were an amount of cannons equal to the ship specification, and different types (for power, range, etc.) There were four types of ammunition, some at preserving the hull and others for slowing the ship down by cutting through sales.

Boarding, although different as it is simulated in a subgame "duel", upon success, you had the option to keep the ship or even make it your own (again, does this sound familiar?)

Missions also were similarly conducted; destroy ship X, defend island Y, talk to man Z and investigate, etc.

So yes, not only is it possible, but it would also be very playable.

If I were to work on this project, I believe the first thing to do is research ships and decide on a general time frame for an appropriate era. Ships in Sea Dogs included everything from Barks to Sloops to Battleships. I would then get art together somehow, while simultaneously figuring out how to base the adventure. (In Sea Dogs, for exmaple, they actually used the Spanish, the French, etc. but made fictional islands in the Caribbean. However, you could easily make up your own fastasy countries.)

A sea TC plug-in wouldn't have to be all that big of a world - maybe just a dozen islands or so, perhaps a few more if you were really up to it, but in a small part of a sea kind of setting it wouldn't have to be very large.


Either the dates are wrong or this is a two month old topic. If its the latter it is dead, and you should have started a new topic, linking to the old one. Just to let you know.

Upcoming website, for the(url="http://"") New Era (/url) TC.
Look out for the New Era!