Have you started the porting yet? I ask because I'm tired of waiting for Port Authority and a port of EV, so I've been using ConText and ResStore to pull a port of EV to EVO into a spread sheet, and have it automagically move the data around to where its supposed to be for Nova (and fill in the blank data with 0s or -1s as appropriate).

I've only made spreadsheet converters for systs, spobs, dudes and govts thus far, but you are welcome to use them if it will expedite your porting project.

If you're interested, I'll post them along with instructions. As I said, it's only four resources, but I plan on making conversion sheets for all of the resources in time.


"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson


Originally posted by Mantaray:
**Considering you wrote me an email called "Hell from Evil Spoonman"... I think we have a winner, folks!



/me reads...reads again, blinks, reads again, bursts out laughing at his own misspelling... 🙂

Hello everybody, i'm The Evil Spoonman, welcome to hell. Now your all here for, ah, eternity, and let me tell you thats a heck of a long time. So where all going to get to know each other quite well. Now I'm going to sort you all into groups to make it easier Let's see here... Athiests, your all feeling like a bunch of nitwits now aren't you. - Mr. Bean

One of the funniest things I've seen in a long time...

Looking, back at my previous post.
/me looks, frowns, edits, smiles.
Oh well, I now feel more insane than Mantaray again.

😄 😄 😄

The Evil Spoonman
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."


Originally posted by seant:
If you're interested, I'll post them along with instructions. As I said, it's only four resources, but I plan on making conversion sheets for all of the resources in time.


That would be very helpful, however we may change quite a few things. If you don't post the dudes because none of them will be the same but the rest would be good.
Even better would be to email it to me, at pie_cannon@hotmail.com.


"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)


Originally posted by Deathmatch:

How handy!

seant, your Excel spreadsheets certainly sound useful - good luck.

(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
There is no honour without pie
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