The Arena plug, maybe for EVN?

I'm not sure of the man who made the original Arena pug-in for Escape Velocity, but I must say how much of a great plug it was. For those who haven't played it it consists of 2 systems where you are initially given a weak hawk gighter and have to fight in the Arena (next system over) as a form of public entertainment and to win yourself money for newer ships and upgrades for higher fights. Its sort of a gladiator in space idea. For the those who like the fighting part of the game or just wanted to have a little fun blowing stuff up, the plug was great.
I was just thinking, why doesn't somebody with some plug making experience try something like this (or even the creator of the original if he sees this post) as a plug for EVN? If it was good in the first EV, imagine how fun it would be if you factor in all the ship and upgrade diversity that EVN provides. Maybe some people could drop in some constructive feedback, like if it would be possible or not (no comments such as "the first arena sucked" because that is not what this post is all about) 🙂

RANK: Captain

Good idea. Go ahead and do it. 😄


Originally posted by forge:
Good idea. Go ahead and do it.:D

Ahh, forge... You're always a big help. 😉

D.E.N.N.I.S.: Digital Entity Notorious for Nocturnal Infiltration and Sabotage
(url="http://"")The Source Cod - Nothing Fishy(/url) / (url="http://"") - Coming Soon(/url)

TO take advantage of the new Nova features. Accept all the fight missions you want, then accept a mission entitled "Begin Fight." "Begin Fight" has the Mxxx command in the onAccept field so you move to the Arena. It also creates a neutral ship, call it the Referee or whatever, that sits in the system. Killing the ref brings you back to the starting system by the Mxxx command in the onShipDone field.

This could be done by putting those commands in the individual missions, but that would prevent the player from mixing and matching combat missions. For instance, instead of choosing to fight Polaris fighters and Fed Capital ships, they would only get to fight one or the other, or a mission would have to be made for any combination.

"Deep in the fundamental heart of Mind and Universe, there is a Reason."-Slartibartfast
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I remember that there were many, many requests to do this for EVO. I don't think any of them went through. I was planning on doing one, but the reason I didn't was because I decided that I'd rather work on some of my other, more traditional projects.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

I have started an Arena (on my own having never played one before) and wow how great minds think alike. I am to the point of actually making the missions - but I cannot get them to show in the mission BBS - I'm new to this and this has been a wonderful learning curve. I even have filming drones! I did it based on the weight class - feather,welter,middle,heavy,super heavy classes. Prize money depends on the class you take on. Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas about how to fix the problem of missions in the BBS let me know - my email is

Thanks in advance,

Well for the most part Arena is done. I am working out the fine details now (fluff really). I made it almost impossible to get a new rank provided by my system - but hey if you can live through that kinda combat - you deserve it. I will be posting it soon to the add-on board.

Thanks in advance

Once again, someones actually doing one of the things that gets talked about non-stop but never attempted. That's twice I've seen this recently. I have renewed faith in the plug-in developers of these boards. 😄

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

I'm glad I could restore yor faith. The plugin is in testing right now with some diehard players. I should post it today sometime - I found a few spelling errors and such. Man this was great experience for me - it has been ages since I worked in resedit.


I will be sure to download it.

Formerely Mac Emu (no, I'm not just putting this so I can say I've been here longer than you, that's only part of it).
Headline news: The Yoda Story "Addicted to drugs, I was"
evn: Invasion coming soon. Search for topic EVN: Invasion Plug for more info

I posted it - Arena 1.0 althought I don't know how long it takes to make it to the add-on board. I had some good feedback on it. I like playing most things stock so while more outfits were available - players still have to have the right mission bits to get at them. Also some people thought that the super heavy weight division needed to be harder - but I figure it might be hard enough if you fly a non-Capital ship. Kamikazi - so far nobody has lived without editing the original data files or having another plugin (or aborting the mission and hypering out) - which many seem to conflict with mine. I guess I will have to work on that a little more. Any other feedback would be greatly appreciated. I really liked doing this and it was a great break from php.

- Chris

And yes I read the Non-Technical Bible - it was a great help.

Yeah, it is very cool and helpful.

Formerely Mac Emu (no, I'm not just putting this so I can say I've been here longer than you, that's only part of it).
Headline news: The Yoda Story "Addicted to drugs, I was"
evn: Invasion coming soon. Search for topic EVN: Invasion Plug for more info

Well the plugin posted - I guess Ambrosia finally made it back from Macworld Expo 🙂 Anyway - let me know what you like and don't like about the plug. Someone liked it so far - or they lied on the "rate it". Oh well.


What ever doesn't kill
you makes you stronger -
or bitter

I just tried the plug, it's fun, but FAR to easy. I beat the kamikaze mission on my first try, of course, my maxed out (but not cheated on) Unrelenting is darned good, but still, I hoped for a little more of a challenge.

What did I tell you about making those corny signatures??

Yea me too I destroyed the entire fleet within 10 seconds while taking only a small amount of damage myself with my decked out Scarab.

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Momentum Team: Freelancer and Official Tester
The Ancients: There coming and nothing can stop them
The Nova Expansion: coming soon

somehow you could make it possible to fight all the divisions at once, a little more of a challenge maybe... or just make it harder.. instead of Fed carriers make it Ravens and Scarabs.. and a few thunderforges and unrelentings thrown in for good measure.


You can already fight all of them at once. Just accept all of the missions at once then leave the planet and they will all arrive and fight you.

Why not? | (url="http://"") | (url="http://";=26")The Search Function(/url)
Momentum Team: Freelancer and Official Tester
The Ancients: There coming and nothing can stop them
The Nova Expansion: coming soon

Thanks for the feedback. This is the same thing that was told to me by my beta testers. I randomized all the capital ships so I will change some of those to be a little more powerful. I think I will take out the fed ships and stick to the other governments. I am making a list so if there are any other ideas please let me know and I will be happy to implement them (or at least consider them). Remember though, i designed this to test out ships and build combat ratings - so I don't think I will change the lower missions - probably just the kamikazi one.

Thanks again for the feedback.

- Chris

What ever doesn't kill
you makes you stronger -
or bitter


Originally posted by roninuta:
And yes I read the Non-Technical Bible - it was a great help.

What is this 'Non-technical bible" and where can I get it?

Warning: Signatures in mirror are closer than they appear.
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