Want some feedback

Well, I have them colored thus to reflect decades of rust and space-dust accumulation (I'll probably dingy them up a little more as well). I do have my DY-500 freighters -- the automated ones still in service like the Woden from "Ultimate Computer" -- colored a light aqua.

I understand that "Enterprise" may be doing stuff with the Romulans this season that will set up the eventual war...and they've already promised that the Romulans will refuse to use visuals over their viewscreens, so we have that going for us, but if they have a cloaking device I'll be seriously miffed (and when I say "miffed" I mean something far more scatalogical).

I'm encouraging further discussions of this TC over at the (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=145")EV-Nova.net boards;(/url) perhaps it would be more appropriate to do so, since we're discussing very little actual EV Development stuff in light of all the Trek Lore minutiae -- which I'm enjoying, don't get me wrong, but I find I'm answering a lot of the same questions or having similar discussions in several different threads in several different boards and I'd like to consolidate.

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.