Mobile Suit Gundam-Project Nova

Fine, I'll let the serious gundam fan(s) from Inferno Studios have their way and change the name from mobile suit gundam - project nova to mobile suit gundam nova.

I have already won when I
haven't even begun


Originally posted by Dark Angel:
**Fine, I'll let the serious gundam fan(s) from Inferno Studios have their way and change the name from mobile suit gundam - project nova to mobile suit gundam nova.

Um...that's hardly a change at all. You might as well leave the name the same.

By the way--after reading these posts, I don't think most of the complaints are with the name.

Michael Dippery.

My suggestion for a name would be (since you're basing more on Gundam Wing, rather than the "mainstream" Gundam timeline): New Mobile Report Gundam (W): Project Nova. The W is optional, depending on how much you Gundam Wing you want in you plug. When I read your original title, I was sorta expecting to see Federation, Jion, Amuro Rey, etc. The NMRG: PN title would differentiate your plug from "Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory."


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."