Mobile Suit Gundam-Project Nova

Here a plug-in idea that I started for EVO but stopped working on it when I heard EVN was coming out. But here is the beginning of the webpage at (url="http://"")

No, I didn't on purpose use the word nova in the game name. The reason why it is called Nova is because warring goverments have to bond together to stop a super nova wave from a sun exploding a a few galaxies away from destroying the sol galaxy.

What I need for the game now, since the plug is about 60 percent complete, is graphics. Besides that, the galaxy and missions needed to be completed. Oh yeah, this galaxy is different because its many systems but it ranges from the Sun to Pluto and not many different systems with different planet and stuff. Does anyone understand what I'm saying? But if an graphic designers want to join, email me or respond to the post.

I have already won when I
haven't even begun


Originally posted by Dark Angel:
**Here a plug-in idea that I started for EVO but stopped working on it when I heard EVN was coming out. But here is the beginning of the webpage at

No, I didn't on purpose use the word nova in the game name. The reason why it is called Nova is because warring goverments have to bond together to stop a super nova wave from a sun exploding a a few galaxies away from destroying the sol galaxy.

What I need for the game now, since the plug is about 60 percent complete, is graphics. Besides that, the galaxy and missions needed to be completed. Oh yeah, this galaxy is different because its many systems but it ranges from the Sun to Pluto and not many different systems with different planet and stuff. Does anyone understand what I'm saying? But if an graphic designers want to join, email me or respond to the post.


A few galaxies away, eh? Oh, they'd better work fast, then. They'll have only a few billion years to stop it.

Type I supernova occur roughly once per 36 years in a galaxy similar to our Milky Way. Type II's are a little less frequent, about every 44 years. As a typical example, the Vela supernova remnant, also called the Gum Nebula, is 1300 light-years away and in 9,000 BC it would have shone like a second moon over the settlers of the Nile Valley. The expanding gases have been moving at supersonic speed and at present are only 330 light-years away. Get out your umbrella. 🙂

Incidently, the last supernova observed in our galaxy was in 1604. Andromedae had a good one in 1885, and the Large Magellanic Cloud produced the well-observed 1987A. There have been some interesting thoughts about pressure waves triggering new star formation, but if it were possible for a supernova to set off other stars in a chain reaction we would have been gone a long time ago.

A supernova in our immediate stellar neighborhood could be interesting, however. Charles Sheffield has some thoughts on that in his "Dancing with Myself" (Baen Books 1993). If for some reason Alpha Centauri, a mere 4.3 light-years away, were to forget that it has too small a mass and no companion star and went supernova anyway, insolation of our solar system would increase by a third for a few weeks. Expect massive die-offs of vegetation, skin cancer, lots of fires. 75 years later the high-energy particle storm arrives, killing anything not under tens of meters of solid rock. Protecting the L5-type habitats of the Gundam world would be a chore indeed, and take much working together.

I seem to recall a pair of science fiction novels recently on more-or-less this scenario. Can't come up with the title and author at the moment, though.

Anyhow, an interesting idea. Just get hold of an introductory text or two (such as one of Isaac Azimov's immensely readably popularizations) and get a idea of the time/distance/energy scale you are dealing with.

You see a Grue.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by a galaxy that ranges from the Sun to Pluto... do you mean Sol is the only star in it or something?

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink

I think by galaxy he means system. There is a no sol galaxy I know of, though our system is known as Sol.

For future reference DA, a system is a contaement of planets revolving around a star (or two plus as the case may be). Galaxies are made up of thousands of millions, of billions of these 🙂

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Dark Angel, while I sorta admire your idea, I must say that I am otherwise enraged at what I see in your plug.

Again, there's that whole galaxy thing, but I'm willing to forgive that, because I believe that you probably meant systems.

Here's my main problem with your idea.

So I go to your webpage. Only the governments have a link, so I click on it. The first thing that I notice is that you've misspelled "outer". I know that a lot of people have bad spelling, but I notice that "asteroid" is misspelled differently every time that I see it, and more importantly, none of the governments that you've listed have anything to do with the Gundam Universe!

I am a Gundam fan, and I feel very strongly about how it is represented. Certainly, it is the longest running, and one of the most popular "Giant Robot" animes out there, and I believe that it has many core elements that HAVE to be included in ANY Gundam plugin.

Your "Space Federation" and "Zeon" are the only two governments that even resemble anything in the Gundam universe, and apparently, they have been relegated to the "Outter" Governments. In Gundam, the Earth Federation was the prevailing government on Earth, and most of the colonies. The Jion Archduchy originated in Side 3 and eventually expanded to several asteroid colonies, and even as far a Jupiter. You HAVE to have the Federation and the Jion (or AEUG/Titans or Federation/Neo-Jion or Earth Federal Forces/Crossbone Vanguard, etc) as the dominant governments in the sol system!

I click on the "World Nation" link. I read until I see "The World Nation government withdrew its forces until they controlled a mere 30 systems." 30 SYSTEMS?! Do you even have any idea about how the universe is organized? Maybe that whole galaxy thing wasn't just a mistake. You must think that Earth is still the center of the universe!

Did you think that you could make up your own universe and then tack "Mobile Suit Gundam" to the title to attract attention?! I must say that that was a VERY transparent ploy there. While I like the plot (the sol governments having to band together to somehow save themselves), I DO NOT LIKE YOUR USING THE GUNDAM NAME FOR PUBLICITY! It's like America and "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" Does anyone besides me know that the real title of the series was actually "New Mobile Report Gundam W"? People are just tacking the Gundam name to their random s*** so that they can get more dls! You're soiling the good name of all Gundam series out there! I must say that the only reason why I might even CONSIDER downloading your plugin is to see how much you've mangled the already well defined boundries of the Gundam universe.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Did I forget to mention that Gundam years are generally measured in UC "Universal Century" and not CE "Colony Era"? You should at least get THAT right.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I'm at school now so I'm using an unreg.

Ok, Matrix, I'm sorry if I made you mad but I'm trying to add some orginality to my plug. And also, it would be VERY VERY hard to have everyhthing right with other the governments since the World Nation and Federation both ruled over earth. And by systems, I'm mean Colony Area. If you look in my game, there is earth and they have colonies surronding it. And the area that surrounds the earth is called colony area. And since is owned by the World Nation, is called the World Nation Colony Area. I'm not trying to get it excatly by trying to change stuff to create somewhat of oringality.

oh, and the webpage is updated.


Originally posted by Jive 320:
**I think by galaxy he means system. There is a no sol galaxy I know of, though our system is known as Sol.

For future reference DA, a system is a contaement of planets revolving around a star (or two plus as the case may be). Galaxies are made up of thousands of millions, of billions of these 🙂


Yeah, that what I mean. The game takes place in our system only.

Oh, and sorry for the spam but one last, thing. When looking at my webpage,can you post any of the errors because I'm not a good speller nor proof reader at all.

Thanks in Advance.


Originally posted by Mr. Bucket:
**Oh, and sorry for the spam but one last, thing. When looking at my webpage,can you post any of the errors because I'm not a good speller nor proof reader at all.

Thanks in Advance.**

I don't want to join the dumpers. I'd like to see you make a plug. But this may not be the best choise. First off, the Gundam stories are confined to our solar system. Ships get from Earth to Side 3 in the same way Apollo 11 did; no hyperspace, FTL drives, other stars, etc. Just blast the big rockets and coast.

Second, Yoshiyuki Tomino first created Gundam as a more realistic answer to the flood of generic "Giant Robot" shows. Even Minovsky particles and Newtypes do not seriously violate scientific plausibility (although the later transforming robots certainly stretched it). To be true to the show one needs a semi-serious attitude towards scientific realities; near-magic and techno-babble doesn't cut it.

I think you still have not grasped the scale of a supernova. A single solar flare on our own quiet sun is vastly more powerful than the simultaneous firing of every nuclear weapon in the present arsenals. The most massive construct in the Gundam universe would be an invisible spec within a typical sunspot. And a supernova is one hundred-billion times (100,000,000,000) more energetic than our sun. It can outshine an entire galaxy. It would notice the greatest attack the Gundam people could mount about the same way the Brooklyn Bridge would notice you attacking it with a used Q-tip.

You see a Grue.


Originally posted by Mr. Bucket:
**Oh, and sorry for the spam but one last, thing. When looking at my webpage,can you post any of the errors because I'm not a good speller nor proof reader at all.

Thanks in Advance.**

Wouldn't email be more appropriate for that? I don't want my board spammed up with loads of corrections of your terrible spelling.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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Originally posted by Commander Arashi:

Blah Blah Blah


Ok I sorta understand the concept of a supernova. But we stop getting overwhelmed by all the true scientific fact and lets just say "its just a game"?

Oh, can the mistakes be emailed if you see any?
Thnx in adavance again.

I have already won when I
haven't even begun


Yeah, that what I mean. The game takes place in our system only.

well, howdya do that? that wouldn't be any fun at all! think about it, never leaving the system, always land on earth, getting another stupid "attack this ship but ignore the rest of the universe" mission, and you would inevitably never see the rest of the NOVA universe. BTW, gundam wing certainly leaves the sol system a number of times! half the series is in space! gyah! why doesn't anyone ever focus on gundam wing?

Secrets don't make friends, and
neither do jerks.

What kind of graphics do you need? Mobile suits,weapons, spobs, landing picts? All of them?
Im not a Gundam fan, but since I leave in Japan and there are a lot of people crazy about Gundam series here. So while purchasing the literature on 3D modeling Ive got a lot of stuff explaning how to make those robo-suits (whatever). I mostly do landscapes and ships but I may think about making some mecha just for the hell of it.



Originally posted by Lord Admiral Littonius:


Yeah, that what I mean. The game takes place in our system only.

well, howdya do that? that wouldn't be any fun at all! think about it, never leaving the system, always land on earth, getting another stupid "attack this ship but ignore the rest of the universe" mission, and you would inevitably never see the rest of the NOVA universe. BTW, gundam wing certainly leaves the sol system a number of times! half the series is in space! gyah! why doesn't anyone ever focus on gundam wing?


When I said our system, I meant not just earth but saturn, venus, mercury etc. This is mainly because none of the gundam series leaves our solar system.

I have already won when I
haven't even begun


Originally posted by Dark Angel:
**When I said our system, I meant not just earth but saturn, venus, mercury etc. This is mainly because none of the gundam series leaves our solar system.


The first series takes place almost entirely in the Earth-Moon system and the Lagrange Points formed by those bodies. Later series (presumably) explore more of the Sol system. Whether they eventually get FTL, I do not know.

The "Habitats," most of them, come right out of Gerard O'Neil and his L5 Society and provide a delightful recognition to anyone familiar with 1960's through 1980's thinking on Mankind's future in space. The rest of Gundam shows a similar thoughfulness, and it is a discredit to the show and to the author to ignore that.

If it's "Just a game," then science doesn't matter. Neither does good art. Neither does a decent scenario. Neither does any craftsmanship at all. In fact, if it is "just a game," why bother to finish it at all? You see the thorns on this path... 🙂

You see a Grue.

The reason why I say its just a game because some people go on getting all technical about a super nova. Travels at a slow speed, causes cance,r radiation, blah blah blah. But if people get technical about that stuff, why don't we have a silent game? Of course you know that in space there is no sound. Why is there no sound? Because there is no air to carry the sound virbrations so lets cut out the weapon fire and explosions sounds.
And lets not hyperspace pending on the fact a ship can't go as fast as they do in the game because einstien stated some fact that matter with mass can't go as fast or faster than the speed of light.

But of course without the sound, what would EVN, or any game be? But of course, its just a game so there can be sound.

What makes a game is not that fact the fact that it is sciencetifilly accurate, but that its exciting. All the graphics, sounds, features, scearnos, and stuff that cannot happen does. If games were kept scientifilly accurate, then what would be the point of an imagination.

Slav, your email doesn't work. Is there any other way I can reach you beside the webboard?

I have already won when I
haven't even begun

(This message has been edited by Dark Angel (edited 05-02-2002).)


Originally posted by Dark Angel:
**And lets not hyperspace pending on the fact a ship can't go as fast as they do in the game because einstien stated some fact that matter with mass can't go as fast or faster than the speed of light.

There's a problem in your logic. some particles can go faster than the speed of light due to the uncertainty principle. That is how Hawking radiation can escape from a black hole. They just can't go FTL for very long. Besides there are lots of other theories of wormholes, black/white holes, curved timespace, the list goes on.

The point is you can bend the rules. Just don't break them.

(url="http://"")NovaBurst Home(/url)

(This message has been edited by ThorPrime (edited 05-02-2002).)

For science fiction, there is a thing called "suspension of disbelief," and that is what allows all of the terrific "science" to be considered plausible enough for us to just to enjoy it (ie. hyperspace, sound in space, etc.). There is a point, however, that things become too implausible for us to believe it.

What I might believe, however, is maybe one of your (numerous) governments decides to use a weapon that destabilizes the core of (Jupiter maybe). The plug could revolve around trying to prevent them from doing that. The problem, of course, is that Jupiter is too far away from anything to do any damage. Let me think a bit more.

Ok, a government has been using nuclear rockets to propel asteroids at Earth and the L5 colonies. The start of the plug consists of stopping (or destroying the asteriods), and then carrying out war against the outer governments.

But a supernova is kinda too implausible. When you think of a plot, try to figure out something that "could" happen, and then try to figure out what the motivations behind it would be. The Jupiter disaster, for example. It's plausible, but I couldn't figure out any motivation for the other governments to anything about it (other than the solar system would only have 8 planets, and maybe mess with the gravitational equilibrium of the system...)


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I agree with what_is_the_matrix. MS Gundam was a serious series, not some fantasy world... The creators of Gundam tried to make the saga as realistic as possible, while keeping the show futuristic. A supernova close enough to sol would also be immpossible to stop, kinda like using a toothpick to stop a nuke. We don't mind breaking the rules of physics in a plug in, but you cannot break the rules of a great anime.

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