sprite issues...

Plantet_Buster: I made a little plug with a pict-based-sprite ship that replaces the shuttle, doesn't have a spďn, and uses shän #128, and I haven't had any problems.

Double check everything in the shän to make sure it's correct. If you think the file is corrupted, make a new one with just that single ship in it. (and don't copy/paste anything) You should also give ResEdit as much memory as you can, (mine has 20 megs) but you probably already did that stuff?

From your description, your shän should look like (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/madfax7/.Pictures/Arwing sh%3A8An.jpeg")this(/url).

kbmeister: count the number of frames in a single rotation (add 1 if you let NovaTools do it for you) and multply that until you get the total number of frames in the sprite, then divide 360 by the number you got.

example: frames per rotation in hyperoid are 36, 216 is the total number of frames in the hyperoid rlëD, 36 x 6 = 216, 360° divided by 6 is 60°.


Planet_Buster: Send me the plug, and I'll see if I can fix anything, (url="http://"mailto:sabbas@btinternet.com")mailto:sabbas@btinternet.com(/url)sabbas@btinternet.com

Send it to me as well. Just click on the little Email button for my address.

"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion."
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/TheChallenge101.sea.bin?path=evn/plugins&file;=TheChallenge101.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.2 coming soon)
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mrxak/Haikus/haikus.html")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator

Ok...Sprites. Uhh, I dunno much about sprites, but I must make the obligatory statements. Generically problems with this are not with the program or sprites, but with the coordination. Make sure that they have the right correspondence in the spin/spit resources, and make sure that the extra sprites and the spin direction/times are correct...I don't think that frames should have an adverse effect, but check that too.

Also, I assume that testing this sort of thing with other plugins/certain other...stipulations would screw it up. Plus stuff with memory and extension conflicts.

Argh, I can't help anyone for crap on these things 🙂


Lequis Design

(This message has been edited by Lequis MX (edited 04-20-2002).)

Have you made sure you have both 8 bit and 16 bit PICTs in there?

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink


Originally posted by Gul Banana:
**Have you made sure you have both 8 bit and 16 bit PICTs in there?

Heh, that was MY problem when I was trying to convert things with DeRLE/EnRLE. It's such a simple easy thing to forget.

Never settle with words what you can accomplish with a flame thrower.

Yes, and *2s is very handy for making them...

"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink