Spells expander

I have started a new game as a conjuror with this plug and I like it a lot. However i noticed that I have only gotten one plug in related quest. and I am wondering where you get the others if there are any. the one I got was when i killed the guys in the lab and got the tomb of relocate. Thanks for the help guys.



Originally posted by Newguy:
I have started a new game as a conjuror with this plug and I like it a lot. However i noticed that I have only gotten one plug in related quest. and I am wondering where you get the others if there are any. the one I got was when i killed the guys in the lab and got the tomb of relocate. Thanks for the help guys.

Mr. Newguy,

Spend some time listening to rumors in the Mage's Tower. Everything about the plug-in can be found there-in. If you absolutely can't figure out where the next quest begins, send me an e-mail and I'll e-mail you back with what you need to do.

Good luck.

(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
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