Staff Wanted

oh wow. that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 🙂

great plot by the way. can't wait to see it happen.

P.S. the reason I mentioned insect ships is i'm hyped over a robot wasp modle i'm
making in my electronic media class. I may just post it up here when i'm done.

Big Francis, I like your ideas. Got any more? 😉

A man once said that power corrupts. Killjoy.

(This message has been edited by Antares (edited 02-06-2002).)

dum di dum..strolling along "OH LOOK ANTARES"!"


man imim bored i coldnt even get this damn ship to work its completley stuffed"ARGG!!

oh well back to the drawing board....

Why are man hole Covers round?

Have u tried adding masks?

hee hee hee. (Hides behind tree). Mwahahahahaa!

I'm still working on Venus corp/JMC ship lists, they're so damn hard to classify and describe. (Smashes at keyboard in fury). Bzzt KABOOM. Ah CŽ@p.

A man once said that power corrupts. Killjoy.


Originally posted by Big Francis Canyon:
**- An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) capacitator could send shield piercing shochwaves of electromagnetic energy.

- and a hologram bay. deploys realistic holographic fighters that meirly distact the enemy.

oh damn! now i've gotta re-do some of my weapons in my TC plug so it doesn't look like i'm just ripping you off!

grumble grumble... back to Res-Edit. 😉

anyway, it's looking nice guys! i'll be happy to help however i can!

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. -Isaac Asimov, Foundation
"The loss enemies does not make up for the loss of friends." -Abraham Lincoln
Everybody with telekinetic powers, raise my hand. -me
GodÂ’s coming, and boy is she pissed!

More ideas? well those were just kind of random.
/me pulls out random idea genorator
it's a little low on batteries, but here it goes.

- Fule to shield converter. (probably been done)

- Reflective shield (for lack of a better word) that reverses energy weapon direction
back at the attacker. I dont know how you would do this but it would have to be a
secondary weapon and only cover a quarter of your ship or use fule. otherwize it
would be cheap

Do those do anything for you?

first of all, i'm sorry, being unregistered ( Darn ) i can't edit my posts.
secondly don't remake thoes outfits archon. I've only posted 5 times so far so hardly anyone knows me thus no one will care and you'd be wasting time (and we all know what happens when a plug-in developer spends to much time on his/her masterpeice) and finally, /bangs last ounce of energy out of random idea genorator

- ion cloud. make a fighter bay that deploys large ships with a gass cloud sprite, make it so the ships don't move but shoot invisable ion weapons at enemy ships that pass through them, and the invisable weapon's rang doesn't go past the cloud. Kind of like an oil slick in space. the only problem is if the enemy trys to attack it. you might have to make it self destruct after a badguy passes through it.
(probably the worst idea so far)

me thinks the RIG is dead now. that is untill I can find more batteries.


Fighters: SR-90 'Mosquito'. Very light fighter. Low armament, launched in huge numbers
from 'Scavenger' Carriers
SR-98 'Brick'. Affectionately named by its pilots for its boxy looks.
Sereebrum Industries 'Mischief'. Backbone of the FTU forces. Well armed.

Mod. Freighters: S-EP-6 'Divine Wind' Suicide Ship. Maneuvers into close proximity and
then, well, it blows itself, and a good deal of your ship, into oblivion.
Modified Zucher 'Hercules' Troopship. Lots of crew.

Light Warships: Sereebrum Industries 'Renegade'. Carries 2 'Mischiefs' and 100 missiles.

Carriers: Druill Industries CP-10Q 'Scavenger' Carrier. 20 SR-90's, and little else.

If you wonder about the lack of other ships, the EA space ship list has all the pirate (sorry, FTU :D) ships, as the FTU relies mainly upon the fruits of others.

A man once said that power corrupts. Killjoy.

(This message has been edited by Antares (edited 02-07-2002).)

Hello, again, the web site will be up soon, as soon as i get the time wich will probably be this weekend...
bye..more info later now sleep...

Why are man hole Covers round?