Which Graphics Software?


Originally posted by blackhole:
Oh, and if you want landscapes, I suggest you try Mojoworld, looks far better than bryce.

The problem with Mojoworld is that it's highly specialized. Unlike Bryce, mojoworld can't do anything but landscapes. Besides, Bryce gives you more control over the landscapes you create then mojoworld does.


Originally posted by Commander Arashi:
I've been reading up on Animation Master. It just seems so different from anything I've worked with.

Yea, it's different. A:M is patch based, which means it creates models out of mathematical formulas instead of polygons. This is very difficult to get used to, and requires more skill then polygon modelers (I've had A:M for four and a half months, and I'm still not 100% comfortable with the patch modeling system), but it pays off in the long run. Patch models are smoother then polygon models, and take up far less disk space and memory. Also, if you want to export your models, A:M can convert patch models to polygon meshes, in DXF format.

(/mindless babble)

Ok, well, I have figured out how to make ships in Bryce 3. Alright, maybe they don't have complicated designs (except the Aurora Dragon, one of my best works, composed of probably 400 objects or so)...And the only problem I have with making ships (yes, sprites are easy too) is that B3 doesn't support complex modeling tools. Even mechanisto does, you know? The only thing complicated I could do was grouped Boolean objects, however I often got incredibly mad at Bryce because it would inadvertantly revert positions and attributes of objects, thus ruining my work.

(Extremely prevailant on one of my works of higher potential, the 'Orion Class Assault Cruiser', utilizing sail-like objects, incapable of rotating because their base had been flipped around like 182° and 'neutral-ized' as far as aesthetics and boolean attributes go...)

In any case, if I can find a student discount version of Bryce 5, I would like to buy it. If I can find it, that is. (And, oh gee, I'm looking at this Mojo-world thing and it looks really cool-) and I am having some success. However, I... ah... well, I'm just going to do a bit of comparison shopping. 🙂

Thanks for the help,


(quote)Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**And, of course, if you have $7,500 laying around, you could always buy Alias|Wavefront's Maya for OSX.:p They don't use it in the Star Wars films for nothing (as well as "Duality").

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(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Electric Image is better (in my opinion).:) (url="http://"http://www.sidefx.com")www.sidefx.com(/url)

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Originally posted by Lequis MX:
**... however I often got incredibly mad at Bryce because it would inadvertantly revert positions and attributes of objects, thus ruining my work.


B3 runs much, much smoother with the 3.1 patch. Unfortunately, patch got lost in the shuffle; you need to find a friendly person so send it to you (yes, I will do that if asked; at least, I hope I still have a copy of the patch installer). The patch fixes almost all of the bryce-crashing bugs, improves several little things here and there...and adds negative lights (put those to use in a recent Bryce image...http://home.earthlink.net/~nomuse/brycepages/ninja.html)

Yah, I spent a while at Hash's site and browsed a book on AM at Barnes & Noble. I think in splines fairly well and prefer them to polygons when possible...but "hash patches" are something else again.

Anyone here try out Amorphium? I've had fun playing with it, but every time I've brought it to a specific task it failed miserably.

everywhere else, it's --

Allow me to point you to this article:

(/mindless babble)

Hey, thanks... this was somewhat useful. Amazing, as well, to see the capabilities of some of these things.

Which leads me to wonder about yet another question------
Which graphics programs are easiest to use, proportionately to their power?


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