Many Ships Go to Waste

I see people making ships and posting them on the ev image topic and I think about 50% plus will never see the light of day and go on plugless. In a limbo were all good ships die. Now what can we do about this. Their is no real plan to save these ships from the limbo of nothinginess. Is there?

Must be an easy upload website that will take in these homeless ships and ev artworks.
Life is a dream we will
all wake from one day.

(This message has been edited by Wolfstar (edited 11-28-2001).)


Originally posted by Wolfstar:
Must be an easy upload website that will take in these homeless ships and ev artworks.

Hmm, I seem to recall hearing this idea somewhere before... 😉

But really, alot of the ships on the image board wouldn't be any good in a plugin, at least not one for EV or EVO: they're too complicated, for the most part. And the ships aren't dying: it's the image board, not the ship model for plugins board. I would say that at least half of the people posting images don't care about plugins and are devoting their attention to producing quality images, and would much rather produce a photorealistic 1024x768 battle scene than a TC with 47 all-new ships.

wait and see, Wolfstar, wait and see.

=Spread the Chaos=
#ev3 on


Originally posted by Squibix:
**Hmm, I seem to recall hearing this idea somewhere before...;)

But really, alot of the ships on the image board wouldn't be any good in a plugin, at least not one for EV or EVO: they're too complicated, for the most part. And the ships aren't dying: it's the image board, not the ship model for plugins board. I would say that at least half of the people posting images don't care about plugins and are devoting their attention to producing quality images, and would much rather produce a photorealistic 1024x768 battle scene than a TC with 47 all-new ships.**

Well, why let the models go to waste in any case; post them up at 3dModel World, Renderosity, the 3D Cafe...out where the wider world of 3D imagery can use them, too. 🙂

everywhere else, it's --


Originally posted by Commander Arashi:
**Well, why let the models go to waste in any case; post them up at 3dModel World, Renderosity, the 3D Cafe...out where the wider world of 3D imagery can use them, too.:)

Hehe, that wouldn't work for me. Future use of my models is limited to the wider world of Mechanisto users, I'm afraid.

Yeah, mechanisto. Wooo! 😛

Isn't there some universal graphic format that most any 3d app can read? If there is, we should contact the guy who made mechanisto and talk to him about making mechanisto capable of saving in such a format.

(edit) I tried emailing him at the address left in the application, but it bounced back. Does anyone have a working email? (/edit)

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Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

(This message has been edited by ares1 (edited 11-28-2001).)


Originally posted by ares1:
**Yeah, mechanisto. Wooo!:p

Isn't there some universal graphic format that most any 3d app can read? If there is, we should contact the guy who made mechanisto and talk to him about making mechanisto capable of saving in such a format.

There are many usable format for 3d work that any program can read. dfx (right letters?) models can be imported into Mech., but nothing can read the file created by Mech. Get someone to add an exporter would be wonderful... too bad the email didn't work. Maybe he had trouble coding that feature.

Approving someone else's work is not the same as creating it yourself- Bill Watterson, Author of Calvin and Hobbes
Silence is golden, till is screams- John Prine


Originally posted by ares1:
...we should contact the guy who made mechanisto and talk to him about making mechanisto capable of saving in such a format.

Good luck! Unfortunately, he's completely abanondened poor little Mechanisto and wants nothing to do with it. Even if you were able to track him down, I'm sure he would politely (or not!) decline your request.

Anyways, how come you're just finding out now that you can't get in touch with him? Does this mean you never even tried to register the program?! 😉

I was going to register, but someone told me it was abandonded and therefore freeware. Actually, I think I heard that way before I even got the program and started using it.

Why did he leav it? It is a great application with many possibilities....

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

squibix, your stuff is good, but in general mechanisto is pretty sucky 😛

=Spread the Chaos=
#ev3 on


Originally posted by ares1:
Why did he leav it? It is a great application with many possibilities....

A correspondent (d2Price) tells me that 'the author migrated to the windows world when Apple's future started looking rocky in 1995/6'--which sounds reasonable.


Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
squibix, your stuff is good, but in general mechanisto is pretty sucky:p

Thanks... and it works for me. It's all a matter of taste, I suppose; that, and the amount of money you're prepared to invest in what, for most of us, is only a hobby.

By the way, thanks to some brutal criticism from the aforementioned correspodent I'm working on some new, more basic Mechanisto tutorials. Anyone with any input to share on what they'd like to see in said tutorials, please feel free to contact me.

How similar are Mechanisto and Infini-D? I'm trying to get this copy of Infini-D, I just hope that if I do get it, I wont have to learn everything all over again. In my opinion, the best thing about mechanisto is how easy it is to learn.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Maybe if a ship on the image gallery is of good qualiy (and 95% of them are) the designers of these ships could post a top-down scaled image and someone could put the best of them in a "Ships of the EV web board" plug (it wouldn't be that mutch work either with no new graphics, no concept work and no missions to do)? Just an idea

Why is everyone convinced that mechanisto is a bad program? Strata is more complex and can maybe do some more fancy stuff, but that hardly means that mechanisto sucks. It is a 6 year old program, anyways. Great things can be made with it in the right hands. It is simple, straight-forward, and I, personally, prefer the interface over strata's. It is a matter of personal taste.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.


Originally posted by ares1:
**Why is everyone convinced that mechanisto is a bad program? Strata is more complex and can maybe do some more fancy stuff, but that hardly means that mechanisto sucks. It is a 6 year old program, anyways. Great things can be made with it in the right hands. It is simple, straight-forward, and I, personally, prefer the interface over strata's. It is a matter of personal taste.

Strata is not the standart.Not at all.
And why Mech is not that great. Cause it cannt do a lot off (too much) stuff other programmes can.Texture quality, metalic effects, cool reflections,the render quality....and so on. Basicly if it was a great 3D programme it wouldnt be an abandoned freeware, would it? But its good enough for making ships for EV and some people here can make very nice stuff with it.


Mechanisto is said to suck because it is A. not in in depth modeler, and B. not an in depth rendering tool.
I use bryce4 which is considered a good renderer, but a horrible modeler. there are always exceptions, as in some things i have done modeling in bryce4: (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...vsoft/graphics/(/url)
but in general dude...our progs suck. I am upgrading to strata soon. and hopefully after that LIGHTWAVE w00t, until then im just another poor kid

Why is it that every time I make a new signature I end up hating it even more than the previous one?
AOL/IM: Will346 sometimes IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Not an in depthe modeller or renderer? That makes no sense. Mechanisto has a decent modeller and a very good rendering engine. Even some strata users say so...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

I regularily model in Bryce. I just got the trial verion of Bryce 5 and will probably upgrade when i can find $149. It isn't that bad a modeler now it can use metaballs and full boolean features. the files have a rather large tendency to get very big very qickly however.


Originally posted by ares1:
**Not an in depthe modeller or renderer? That makes no sense. Mechanisto has a decent modeller and a very good rendering engine. Even some strata users say so...


it makes perfect sense. it has bad modeler and a bad renderer. is it so hard to understand? you're using a very, very, VERY obsolete program.

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Well I found a website with a bunch of three d models. Since I am not even a hobbist in 3d models maybe you folks can do something with them. Some very nice ships. Could see a battlestar galactica plugin soon 😉 since the models already made here.

Life is a dream we will
all wake from one day.