Mega-Mula Ideas

I'm posting this message for Cyberdragon.


Aparently, my other topic wasn't very clear, so I am "re-re-topicing" Mission Ideas. (For a more detailed description on the conflict, go here. However, since neither Crawler nor Knucklehead has taken up my call for help, I've asked others rebel council and Insano took up the call with a will. I can't post here (why wont those d**n fools at AOL get my E-mail working. so I can register!). As for you newbies, here's the scoop (this was pasted in):

I'm creating a plug-in called Mega-Mula. It, as the name implies, will onsist of ways to give the player money. However, so far, all I have is a person named Bill Gates and a Mission named Rescue Sarah. If anyone could give me ideas, I'd give ya credit for it. Don't make 'em oo easy. For ex, Bill Gates is an Alien Crusier with 500 million credits, but'es armned with 4 forklifts, an Alien Fighter Bay (+30 fighters), 10 Lighting Bays (+30 Lightnings), a Heavy Fusion beam, a Mass Driver, and 2x his Normal Shield Regeneneration! This plug is meant to be a challenge, not a cheat. Please post the name you would like in my credits, along with your idea. Thanks!

Got it? Good. And if you want to see other people's ideas, you can go here to find out more.

Thanks, everyone, and remember- You'll get credit in my read-me!


Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Thank you, Insano. Unfortunatly, I screwed up in the description that Insano pasted in for me, so here are the two links again-

To see the conflict that arose, go (url="http://"")here.(/url)

And if you want to see other people's ideas, go (url="http://"")here.(/url)

Hope that works, and sorry for the incovienience.

CRAP! I screwed up AGAIN! they're both the same! Any way, who wants to see the conflict? Just go to either one to sewe other ideas (before Andrew shut it off)

Oh, come-on, I just posted my last plug, and now no one wants another one? Ye' know, this happened before, with FIREBALL- only that was after it was made, not before. C'mon, you guys/gals! Give me some ideas!

Why don't you create a Defender with one space bomb. The ship will probably last for one pass but it will pack a wallop. 🙂 Make it very rare and Xenophobic. <sp>

If anyone needs help creating a web site or needs help with html please E-mail me at

Yes... But how would that give the player money?

I will emerge from my non posting corner of EV Dev to tell you rule number one of making a plugin:
This will make for a horrible plugin, come up with your own original ideas, or recruit someone creative to plan it all out for you. Be Original!
Now I go back to the depths of my corner...

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Kind young fellow, aren't you?


Originally posted by Matrix:
**I will emerge from my non posting corner of EV Dev to tell you rule number one of making a plugin:
This will make for a horrible plugin, come up with your own original ideas, or recruit someone creative to plan it all out for you. Be Original!
Now I go back to the depths of my corner...

Hey, you made a plug-in I downloaded once! What was it again... Anyway, could ANYONE give me ideas?

The Silk Road Trading loop.

Create a series of misns that take the player up around a loop of planets. Each misn requires the player to carry some cargo to the next planet in the loop. Say the player accepts and completes misn 1. On completion the player is paid handsomely, and misn 2 in the loop becomes available on the planet where he completed misn 1, and misn 1 is made unavailable. When the player completes misn 2, he is paid, misn 3 is enabled, and misn 2 is disabled, and so on. The last misn in the loop enables misn 1. In EV, you can set/clear 2 misn bits with each misn so this should be possible.

This loop should pass through some dangerous space. It shouls also have govt ships, rival merchants, and pirates all hunting the player while on a Silk Road misn. It should also have nearly impossible deadlines like 3 jumps in 4 days, forcing the player to do the loop a small (weak?) ship!


OK, sounds cool, I'll have to edit that a bit, but... You'll definitly be in the Read me for that!


Kind young fellow, aren't you?

Bad mood, and I am touchy on certain question I am asked all the time.


Hey, you made a plug-in I downloaded once!

Which one would that be, I've made a total of about 10. 7 real ones, and 3 cheap mods that I placed on EV addons, the others I never made graphics for. BUT I am currently working on a gigantic, plug for EVN making the graphics myself and all that, so download that one when EVN is out and the plug is done it'll rock, even if I do say so myself.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm


Howabout someone gets a Hyper Mail in the Mision computer or spaceport bar, then they read it or not. It could read something like. . .
As you walk into the spaceport bar, you notice a laptop on a small island table in the corner. You walk to the computer and you see that red letters are flashing and saying in a voice that can only be heard from 5 feet away, "H-Mail for <Player's Name>!"
Do you read it? <OKAY> <NO>

<YES> You sit at the table in the corner with the small Apple iBook G3 and click on "READ H-MAIL". It reads:

Dear <Player's Name>,
I am Luietenent J. Rayak with the Space Between Software distribution company. (Space Between Software is a HUGE graphic and game design company.) We have been watching you and your battles. We see that you and your ship, the <Ship's Name> can really pack a punch on those Pirates. So, we have been trying to contact you about a Special Cargo Run that has been needing to leave this dock sinse six months ago. The shipment contains thirty-six tons of our latest game, Between Space And Time. Please note that you MUST have a cargo bay with AT LEAST thirty-six tons available.
There is a LARGE threat of Pirates with VERY powerful ships that WILL try to grab your cargo. If, by any chance, you DO become overwhelmed by the Pirate Fleet, press Cmmd+D to self destruct. We have NO tolerence for missing cargo. So you could do both you and I a favor by destryoing it instead of it being Pirated. Or you'd be better off jumping off the side of Rock Canyon Range on Mars.

----Sincerely Leuitenent J. Rayak----

(do not put the following in the mission message) and those ships could be 20 Rapiers, 10 Kestrels, and 6 Corvettes. Sounds cool eh? I think it does. I have been trying to make this plug-in, but I just don't know how. I have a whole string for this called Space Between Software vs. Pirates ™.

My name is David L. Clark. (For credit in the READ ME). You could also put my Screen Name from here.


----The Beloved----

Oh yeah. . .
The shipme could go from like, Satori to Earth, then maybe to Ruby, then to Earth again. I don't know if you can mae a string that long, I hope you can.
And make it to where you must have an ULTIMATE battle rating. THANKS! SEEYA!

----The Beloved----


Originally posted by Matrix:
Which one would that be

I don't know, I have so many it would take years to go through them all.
Anyway, the reason I remembered was because you put "IonStorm" in your readme for one of them. All I remember is that it wsa one of the first I ever downloaded.


Originally posted by The Space Between:

Ok, that one's going in! OF course, when people give me ideas, i take them, edit them, and transform them to make it sound better. But I will use the special game shipment, however.


Originally posted by The Space Between:
My name is David L. Clark. (For credit in the READ ME). You could also put my Screen Name from here.

Yes, I will put that in, I certainly would't put "The Space Between" in there, because everybody knows you from your big-mucho-mamma flame to Flatulence.

<sarcasm>I got me an idea! How about a second assault by the Aliens!!! GLAIVAN! You'd get it at Earth. An alarm would go off, and a huge amount of aliens enter the system. Hows That?</sarcasm>

Just another idea: try thinking up ten-fifteen of your own missions? Then people would be happy to help you.

Dragon, dragon, come to me! Go eat brother and get his key!
Person, Person, I hear thee! But my evilness head thy plea!
Chomp, Chomp!


Originally posted by draco_2488:
< sarcasm>I got me an idea! How about a second assault by the Aliens!!! GLAIVAN! You'd get it at Earth. An alarm would go off, and a huge amount of aliens enter the system. Hows That?</sarcasm>

This topic is not a joke. Please do not turn it into one. Thank You.
NOTE: That last remark was not directed to draco_2488 only, it goes for everyone.


Originally posted by draco_2488:
Just another idea: try thinking up ten-fifteen of your own missions? Then people would be happy to help you.

I already have my own missions. If I gave other people mine, three things might happen-

  • 1, they might give me a mission that is similar to something I already have, wasting valuable bandwidth to post,

  • 2, They might do a "kickoff" of these ideas in their own plug, and say it wsa just a coincindence,

  • Or 3, If they have no dignity or class whatsoever, they might just outright steal them.

So, please, this topic is for helping me, not hindering me.
Thank You, and please take the forementioned into consideration.

PS- People, it doesn't HAVE to be missions. Give me anything, as long as I can do it with the following programs:


C'mon... A ful day and no responses? Well, I gues I'll have to...



I do, however, have an idea that I don't feel like doing anything with. If you haven't noticed, if you put 0 in the time it takes to destroy a ship(explosion time or something), then you just can't destroy it. It remains on the screen, but you can't target it or blow it up. If you can think of anything to do with this strange feature(maybe an asteroid?), then go ahead.

Dragon, dragon, come to me! Go eat brother and get his key!
Person, Person, I hear thee! But my evilness head thy plea!
Chomp, Chomp!