Numerous - Multiple


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**I'm going to stay off the boards until "IT" gets risen. They'll punch me another one if I say "IT". So, seeya YA`LL!

Space, in case you're still reading here, the only way to get your karma up (realistically) is to post. Also, if you have negative karma, it will go up a point every 20-25 posts or so, I can't remember the exact number, that you make without getting it lowered again. So if you just hang around a while, and try to be just a tad less inflammatory at times, it'll go up eventually. And as ares said, it's just a number. In the big scheme of things (and even the little one of this board) it doesn't matter much until you get quite a bit lower than you are now.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Well, the "webmaster" said that "It'll go up in time, so don't worry." Well, i want to get away from Ambrosia for a while. The kinda tick me off. So, I'll be working on my Plug and posting about it. So, that's all.

P.S. Did you get my e-mail?

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**.... However, PlugChecker does not give 'wrong' readings...

I guess this depends on how one defines "wrong," but I have noticed several examples of Plug Checker reporting false "errors."

Plug Checker, contrary to the conventions used by Ambrosia and the recommendations of the EV/O Bibles, assumes that ship sprite and mask Pict ID numbers start with 998, so if a plug uses ID# 1000 as the starting point it lists each sprite and mask ID as an error.

Plug Checker lists any resource ID number in a plug that is the same as one used in EV/EV:O as an "invalid ID#."

Plug Checker reports an error if a sprite or mask is not in the standard 6x6 grid form, though other arrangements will work.

If a 'Ship type" field in a dude resource contains a negative number so that the resource points to a flet rather than a single ship, Plug Checker reports an invalid ID#.

There are others, but those are the ones I remember at the moment. None of these are bugs, they simply reflect limitations in the program. Nor do these incorrect error messages make Plug Checker less essential for spotting real errors, they are an inconvienience that one learns with experience to expect and ignore - and it's better to be warned of an "error" that actually isn't that to not be informed of a genuine problem.

Every program has limitations, and requires some practice to use effectively, but that does not make it "bogus" or "rubbish."

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer