EV Edit question

Hey everyone. I have a Q about EVE.
IS there any way I can open one plugin, then save it as another name? I have looked under File, Edit, all the panels above. No luck.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"

Oh and another Q:
Is there any way to copy one ship from say, Clavius and Beyond, to my Plug? And weopons?

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"

Question 1: Can't you rename a file in the finder?
Question 2: Never worked with EVE, but cant you copy and paste?

Isn't EVE the buggy program? If it is, I recommend learning ResEdit- very few bugs are created with RE.

Silent Night is coming to Nova! Finally a TC without the burden of a large galaxy, ship graphics, and some other things.
Approving someone else's work is not the same as creating it yourself- Bill Watterson, Author of Calvin and Hobbes

Yes you can rename a file in the finder. But take this fro example:
I open the EV Data and make some changes. But what if I don't want to save the changes in the EV Data file? Well, I can't save it as another file. See, I want to have the ships from EV and Clavius and Beyond, but whenever I open them, they only show the ships that are originally in it. You'd have to do it to see what I'm talking about.
And another thing, just like Luke, I don't have the time to learn RE. I go to school y'know.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
And another thing, just like Luke, I don't have the time to learn RE.

Most plugin developers learned it whilst at school (I personally was at uni). But my one and only hint regarding EV Edit is not to use it. In the very early days of Nova, I used EV Edit. Soon after I had to restart the project because EV Edit eats files. It doesn't take that long to learn (a few weeks with a couple of hours a week should see you right).

Cookie @ ATMOS



Originally posted by The Space Between:
And another thing, just like Luke, I don't have the time to learn RE. I go to school y'know.

No time? What's there to learn? I go to school and have found the time to learn Res-Edit, C, HTML, PHP, PERL, SQL and some basics of SpriteWorld. As for EV-Edit, I would recomend against using it, there are far better tools about which dont corrupt plugins.

(url="http://"http://www.oxy-web.com/sitharus/")Carracho Help - New and Updated!(/url)

Three tips, TSB:

1. Don't use EV-Edit.
2. Don't use EV-Edit.

It's a piece of garbage that may have been responsible of $200 worth of damages to my Mac. Not to mention the fact that Res-Edit is almost identical to EV-Edit, save the spöb and s˙st editing. And what Res-Edit can't do, EVO Developer's Map and Schmelta-V can do with a lot less bugs than EVE could ever fake its way through. Last tip: If you use EVE, upgrade it to 3.x and cut down the chance of your losses.

Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its".

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-21-2001).)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
Yes you can rename a file in the finder. But take this fro example:
I open the EV Data and make some changes. But what if I don't want to save the changes in the EV Data file? Well, I can't save it as another file. See, I want to have the ships from EV and Clavius and Beyond, but whenever I open them, they only show the ships that are originally in it. You'd have to do it to see what I'm talking about.
And another thing, just like Luke, I don't have the time to learn RE. I go to school y'know.


Well you can use the finder to make a copy of the EV Data file, rename it, and then make your changes in that duplicate. Of course you should be working with a copy anyway, for safety, especially if you are using EV-Edit - it can corrupt files simply by opening them.

Whatever editor you use, you are going to need ResEdit or an equivalent to clean up and verify the work done with other editors. If you don't have time to learn ResEdit, (which is not that difficult as witness the fact that I can use it) then you don't have the time to make plug-ins.

And by the way, do you have permission from the authors of 'Clavius and Beyond' to use their ships in your plug? Some authors take a rather dim view of theft of their intellectual property.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Escape Velocity, including the way resources work, was written while Matt Burch was at school.

Brian Schack
"DOS Computers, manufactured by millions of companies, are by far the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do not denote a higher life form."
--The New York Times, November 26, 1991 (also quoted in MacAddict 4)

I don't have permission yet, but I'm not releasing the plug ntil I do. So, right now, it's only for my team's personal use.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


I don't know if Ben Chess keeps up with the boards, but if he is reading these posts, or the many, many that preceded them then he is probably regretting the day he released a piece of software designed to help people make plugins.

It is true that EV-Edit is buggy, and it is true that it can corrupt your plugin (but so can the delete key - I know, I've been there). However, effective use of PlugChecker and a reasonable backup regime (whaddya mean it's only your personal Mac so you never make backups???) can prevent any damage being done.

The best answer to EV-Edit is to make something better -- witness R&R;'s sterling work, and, of course, EVO Develper's Map by Pontus. On the other hand, many people have tried to make something better, and have only got as far as the first couple of resources. Thus far there has not been a competitor to touch EV-Edit for its general access to all resources (but don't expect the Mission editor to work effectively).

I've lost just as much work to QuarkXpress crashing as to EV Edit crashing, and I paid $1000 US for Quark -- this doesn't make me want to decry Quark, it just makes me learn to be a safer user.

I wouldn't dream of doing for-print publishing in anything but Quark (pace InDesign enthusiasts), and, as it happens, if I was designing another EVO plugin I would probably begin with fleshing everything out in EV-Edit. That's what I did with my last two, and I don't regret it. True, you can design an entire TC in ResEdit (though I'd be interested to know if anyone ever has without using something like R&R;'s template tools), and you can probably do for-print publishing in Word.

I personally wouldn't.

As I'm no longer in school, I don't have the time.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Hey Martin, I wanna ask you some Qs about EVE:

(1) When creating a mission, what should I put for the Combat Rating? I read in the EVBible A-Version, that the combat rating is based on kills (DUH!). Well, in the box that says Combat Rating, should I out the number of kills they should have? Cuz I want to make the mission available when the player has an Excellent rating.
(2) When writing the mission intro:
I want the mission intro to say the user's name (i.e. Cap'n Bobarino). So, what should I type for it to say the pilot's name?

I have tried to e-mail the creator of this program, but he gave out a fake e-mail address. Dumb eh? Well, if you have his real one, plese tell me.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Hey Martin, I wanna ask you some Qs about EVE:

(1) When creating a mission, what should I put for the Combat Rating? I read in the EVBible A-Version, that the combat rating is based on kills (DUH!). Well, in the box that says Combat Rating, should I out the number of kills they should have? Cuz I want to make the mission available when the player has an Excellent rating.
(2) When writing the mission intro:
I want the mission intro to say the user's name (i.e. Cap'n Bobarino). So, what should I type for it to say the pilot's name?

I have tried to e-mail the creator of this program, but he gave out a fake e-mail address. Dumb eh? Well, if you have his real one, plese tell me.

  1. Excellent combat ratings need 3,200 kills, put that in.
  2. Place <PN> where you want the pilot's name. This is one of a list of wildcards taht can be found at the end of the mďsn resource in the EV Bible.

And you really do need to learn ResEdit, it's not hard. Even if you do choose to risk life and limb to make the plug in an arguably inferior app anyway, you still need ResEdit to clean everything up at the end. Everyone I've seen here agrees with that, even the hardcore EV-Edit supporters.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com

This is quite true - you will need Res Edit to tidy up, and don't forget to use plug-in checker.

As I mentioned in my comments, the Mission Editor is the only thing in EV-Edit that really doesn't work at all. I used Schmelta-V for all my missions -- it's still available on the EV add-ons page. It has a couple of bugs, but is generally fairly stable as long as you keep the graphics in a separate file from your mission file (Schmelta doesn't like large files).

A better alternative if you are doing EVO is to use R&R;'s Mission Control. This had some bugs in , and they took it off the market, but, again, as long as you use plug checker and backup regularly, it will serve you well.

As mentioned by others, EVO Developer's map by Pontus Ilbring is an essential. It works better than EV-Edit for designing systems, and is (as far as I can tell) bug free.

As mentioned by the previous poster, there is a list of combat ratings in the appendices to the EVO Bible.

I don't think that Ben Chess's email address was ever fake - it's just that (possibly as a result of all the flak he was getting) he ceased developing EV-Edit not long after EVO came out, and has probably changed email addresses several times since then.



M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Can someone give me a list of all the tools I should use? (beside RE) Like, that Shmelta-V thing and the R&R; thinga ma blobber. Y'know. I already have EVO DM. ANd please list where I can get these. If you could, please make a link, for I can almost never find anything I'm looking for in the Addons page.


"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Can someone give me a list of all the tools I should use? (beside RE) Like, that Shmelta-V thing and the R &R; thinga ma blobber. Y'know. I already have EVO DM. ANd please list where I can get these. If you could, please make a link, for I can almost never find anything I'm looking for in the Addons page.


In addition to ResEdit, there are several other tools that are essential or helpful for making plug-ins. EVO Developers Map is a great tool for making systems and spobs, Pontus has also made some other useful utilities such as EVO Formula Calc which helps find the correct ID numbers for all the resources associated with, say, a ship or outf resource (EV-Edit and Schmelta-V are supposed to do this for you, but the Calc gives you a quick way to verify that the numbers are correct) anad EV Text which is useful for proofing and editing desc text in a word processor or text editor. Pontus' tools can be found here:

Another essential is EV Plug Checker which can be found through this site, this will refer you to the current site, sorry, don't have the updated URL on this machine, also get the EV Objects Formulas text file; you won't really need the formulas if you have Formula Calc, but there is some good info there:

The EV-Edit site has an e-mail link, not sure if it is still vailid though. But you can get the latest version of EV-Edit here:

Schmelta-V should be in the "EV Add-ons" area, I believe under "editors," but haven't actually looked recently.

Mission Control has been removed from R&R; Software's site, so you would probably have to get a copy from someone who downloaded it while it was available.

I think that covers the basics; recommendations for graphics tools I will leave for those who have some knowledge in that area. Also of course, you should get all the FAQs about plug-in making and the EV Bible for reference. I would also recommend 'The Beginners Guide to ResEdit for EV" from the add-ons page not only for ResEdit "how-to" but for some basic instructions on plug-making.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Thanks for all the info Joe! You've been a great help!
Does anyone here have a version of Mission Control?? I'd really appreciate it if you provided a link for download of it, or email it to me at dclark@rmci.net. Or just click the email icon above.

P.S. please visit our site at the link below. And download the Law Manual if you decide to join the Space Place.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"

Actually, EV-Edit isn't very buggy at all. The newest update has only the most minor bugs, the biggest being that you can't copy + paste.

Once, EV-Edit ate my project. That was version 2.2. Now I have 3.3.2. It's fine, I haven't had any trouble with it.

I can't be bothered to think up a witty, funny or no-sense sig.

..and last time I was at the EV-Edit site, I do believe the source code was up for anyone willing to tinker and fix it..


Though the discussion of the best editor is a bit off-topic, it is still EV-related. I found a few threads on the subject. If you do believe this is off-topic, you can post there as well.

I haven't checked this out, but I saw a post about an editor called Plugmaker: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum9/HTML/002012.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/002012.html(/url)
There is also a discussion about mission editors: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum9/HTML/002002.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/002002.html(/url)

"DOS Computers, manufactured by millions of companies, are by far the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do not denote a higher life form."
--The New York Times, November 26, 1991 (also quoted in MacAddict 4)