Need artists for new plug-in

I am about to do a plug-in about the Dargiza, another strand race that has, until now, been inaccessible because of a forgotten hyperspace link.
The problem is that, though I can do all the programming, I can’t do the ship/outfit art at all. So, I have created this thread asking for any artist willing to draw me a few ships.
I do realize that this is a very large request for nothing except recognition. I’m just hoping.
I need the following graphics:

Ships (overhead, overhead masks, small and large sideways 3-D and front 3-D):
A rather large fighter because of its very large fuel tanks (8 jumps). It is slower than other fighters but packs a huge wallop using the Dargiza Beam and a Photon turret.

Dargiza Warship
Slower than Crescent Warships, and larger, again because of the large weapon, cargo and fuel space. Can kick serious butt using a Dargiza Beam, 2 Photon Cannons and 2 Photon Turrets

Slow, bulky, slow turning, bad acceleration, hardly any weapons space, 0 max turrets, 1 max gun, and no standard weapons. So what’s the point of its existence? Three things: large fuel tanks, large cargo space and a standard fitted cloaking device. Used mostly for spying and smuggling.

Space Blob
A slow, bulky organic pest of unknown origin with horrible everything. The up side is it has a Miniblob Bay.

What’s so great about Miniblobs, then? Well, they’re about half as good as Kraits except with guns that only do 1 damage per 2 seconds. BUT, they come equipped with Miniblob Bays of their own. Yes, that does mean that they keep multiplying until there can’t be any more ships in the system. Kinda makes you cringe, doesn’t it?

U.E. Interceptor
Incredibly fast and maneuverable. The problem is that it only has 3 shields and 1 blaze cannon.

Outfits (Large and small sideways 3-D (and overhead and masks for weapons)):
Photon Cannon
Like phase cannon except stronger, more massive, more expensive, less range, and preferably white.

Photon Turret
Same as above, just turret style. (twice as much firepower and turret tracking)

Stalker Turret
Much like Photon Turret except much smaller firing rate, proportionally stronger shots, and unjammable homing.

Dargiza Beam
A real gas guzzler, but strong, long, and green.

Repulsor Matrix
Shoots shots at ą180 inaccuracy that don’t do any damage but drive ships back at with phenomenal force.

VLE Launcher
Launches VLE’s.

VLE stands for Very Large Explosive. A lot like a space mine except bigger, hits everyone on the screen, and has a much shorter life.

Dargaza Bay

Interceptor Bay

Miniblob Bay

Those explanations are just so you can get the feel of what kind of thing I need.
As I said, this is a lot of graphics for no pay (58 pictures, I think), so if you want, you can just pick 1 or a few things to work on. I’ll give every one who contributes recognition (Even if I don’t use your pictures, you’ll still get a little recognition.).
E-mail pictures to

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

I'd love to do a few ships for ya. 🙂

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

Thanks 🙂

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

Increasing request 🙂 I am currently writing the storyline and have decided I need two more ships and two more outfits. Unfortunatly, I cannot describe the ships very much because it might give away part of the storyline. Anyway, I need:

A very big ship that looks kind of like a cross between a Carrier and a Voinan Cruiser

A fighter for this ship

A cannon and a turret (be creative, as long as they match those two ships)

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

I keep forgetting things :mad:
I also need a turret and cannon to go with the Space Blob.
I hope someone else decides to help me, too.

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

K, this is going pretty slow, so I'll offer a little incentive - $5 to the person of who's pictures I used the most, $3 to the second most, and a StarCraft CD Key to the person who contributes most and wants one. (Yes, I realize that it's not much, it's just to push a few people over the edge)

Note: this only happens if I get enough pictures to finish the plug-in.

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

(This message has been edited by Mirrorman (edited 05-28-2001).)

I would be happy to do some pictures for you, but i cant put them into plugins. If you would like me to create some sprites/outfit pics/comm pics etc then email me at with descriptions or sketches of things you want done.

I also like the "blob" idea! 🙂



If youstill have no-one to do stuff I'll do it all for you. But you will need to give me some concept art please.

email me at

- Squinky

WARNING: THIS OBJECT DOES NOT EXIST - the existential negation campaign
(url="http://"")My Stuff(/url)

I sent you some ship outlines. Also, I need those little technical pictures that you see when you target a ship.

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

By the way, Narmio, in this one little cheat plugin I made I equipped Azdaras with Azdara Bays. If any ship so much as slightly an Azdara, it would be dead within 3 seconds. It was kind of cool, especially because I was flying an Azdgari Warship.

Also, I've decided to do a few guides and helping plug-ins, starting with listing all of the mission bits, what missions clear and set them, and what missions can only be accessed when they are set or cleared.

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?


Originally posted by Mirrorman:
What’s so great about Miniblobs, then? Well, they’re about half as good as Kraits except with guns that only do 1 damage per 2 seconds. BUT, they come equipped with Miniblob Bays of their own. Yes, that does mean that they keep multiplying until there can’t be any more ships in the system. Kinda makes you cringe, doesn’t it?


Cool! I wonder why nobody else has thought of that. It seems so obvious now.

Recursive: adj. See Recursive

What graphics do you have so far? I can make simple 3D graphics, and I wouldn't want to make a graphic for a ship that's already been done before.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

Squinky- Concerning the tweeking of the graphics, sounds fine to me.

Gwydion- I currently have not recieved any graphics, so do whatever you want. I'll send you my pretty little outlines.

Diddlysquat- You mean that's original? Surely someone has done that before me.

Also, after seeing how little progress I made after two hours of work, I decdided to not do the guides and devote more time to the plugin, which is starting out nicely (working on spobs and systs and should be done with that shortly, maybe today.)

In addition, if you want to do something totally different for the Dizagra, fine by me. I just couldn't think of anything for it to look like.

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

Sorry about taking so long with my outlines, Gwydion, but I lost them in some folder and was too distracted by programming (or modifying or resource-editing...I wonder which is correct?). Anyway, I'll e-mail them to you as soon as I get home to my Mac.

Progress Log: systs in place, spobs in place (but all uninhabibited as of right now), basic governments done, ships done except for graphics and standard weapons/items, ship descriptions and names done. Today I plan to make all of the outfits and some weapons. I might get around to some descriptions and names, too.

P.S.-Does EV Edit do spobs? I'm thinking of using it for some aspects, but I'm not sure of it's extent, power, and nature of the bugs everyone complains so much about.

This is my first large plugin attempt, but so far I don't see anything that could get in my way as far as making as good as it is described. Everything has been relatively easy so far.

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

Progress Log: all outfits done, all outfit screen names done, all weapons except one done. Haven't gottan around to spobs yet, standard weapons for ships done.

Oops, forgot the r.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

I'm leaving for a week, so don't get mad if I don't respond to emails/posts.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

Er, the email you sent me is a random jumble of red blue and green with about two readable words. And, I have a ship that might be perfect for the UE interceptor. It would work best if you got (url="http://"")AIM(/url) or (url="http://"")ICQ(/url), because the mail client I'm using (Yahoo) really screws up attachments, and AIM or ICQ can send files quickly. One advantage of ICQ is being able to leave messages, so I suggest you get (url="http://"")ICQ(/url).

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

ICQ is non-mac, and AIM had an error at the very last second I was downloading it. You might say that it is only 3.4 mb, but that's still half an hour on my god-awful slow 56k modem (I'm going to get cable someday...). So, I remain ICQ and AIM-less I'll try to download AIM again right now, though.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

No, (url="http://"")ICQ(/url) is also for the mac. I'm not sure where you got the idea that it isn't, but that idea is wrong. If you absolutely cannot get it, try to find me on #ev3 (if you need instructions on how to connect to it, I can give you them), as AIM and Yahoo both suck. But really, you should try getting (url="http://"")ICQ(/url).

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) | (url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Board(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 06-23-2001).)