
I think Frandall said a LONG time ago that the sprites were angled at 80 degrees.
(Note: he didn't directly say this, somebody commented that this would probably be the case, and Frandall said "Give the man a gold star.")

1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11... = pi/4.
pi= 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494...

(This message has been edited by some moderator because they all dislike me)


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Are you saying we'll be able to just drop a 3d image into your editor and it will convert it to all the needed sprites?!?! That would be ~awesome~!!! If you can, will it take outputs form Windows programs like 3d Studio? I have access to that free in my drafting class at school, and could make ships there.


Not quite. You make a 3D model, then use your 3D program to rotate the model clockwise. Then you save exactly one rotation to a movie with exactly 36 frames. For example you can tell the 3D program to rotate the ship once in 2 seconds and then save a movie at 18 fps, or rotate it in 3 seconds and save at 12 fps. Then you take the movie and drop in onto m2s, and it will make the EV sprite PICT and mask PICT for you ready to go into the plugin.

Have fun

NovaTools are coming.


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Are you saying we'll be able to just drop a 3d image into your editor and it will convert it to all the needed sprites?!?! That would be ~awesome~!!! If you can, will it take outputs form Windows programs like 3d Studio? I have access to that free in my drafting class at school, and could make ships there.

You can do that in picts2sprites. You open it up, ansd select single image, rotate. It can accept any file as long as it's a pict. Now that isn't as good a quality as if you do all 36, but it does do it. Plus the m2s is better overall.

Recursive: adj. See Recursive