Trade Secrets

First post..ah..better make it good.

I'm using Executor for Windows..a Mac play EVO. I downloaded Trade Post, and put the HQX in my EVO directory for safekeeping, and unzipped it. It gave me a .sit file, but when I try to extract it, it isn't there in the directory. (The .sit file.) How do I open it to read the text?


Quite simple.
1. Step:
Take your wintel box and look at it hard.
2. Step:
Throw it out the window.
3. Step:
Buy a Mac.
4. Step:
Be happy that you can read it no.

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

Black Beard: As Bill Murray once said: "Thanks. You could have given us help —but instead you gave us so much more."

Halcyon: This is from an earlier post with a similar question:


Unstuff it on to your pseudo mac partition using Stuffit Expander™ from your emulator (ie the mac version of the stuffit program from the emulator on to your partition)
That should do it...

You may need to start from the original .hqx file rather than unstuffing your unzipped .sit file (unzipping might have stripped the file of its resource forks, which are a Mac-only property). But hey—try it both ways and see.

not drowning, waving

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 03-26-2001).)

Or...... like Black Beard said, you could just quit using crappy computers and operating systems and buy a Macintosh, which is what you're supposed to play Escape Velocity on... not to be RUDE or anything.... Apple ROCKS!!!!! 😄 So does Ambrosia!!!!! 😄

A wise person is one who recognizes that he or she knows nothing.

I think this just proves that you can't emulate the Macintosh.



Originally posted by Platypus:
**I think this just proves that you can't emulate the Macintosh.


Got that right. There's a reason that mac users stand by their macs till the end (the ones that truly appreciate a good system and arn't satisfied with a POS WINDOWS blechhhhh cough cough system) and that even though Apple has some of the worst marketing agents in the world (BTW, to the execs at Apple: the way to sell a kick ass product like the Mac G4 733 MHZ Mini Tower is through a technique called ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION MORE THAN ONCE A SUPER BOWL!!! Thank you) Macs still sell well is because: for one, the Mac OS was the FIRST and still the BEST OS out there even though Bill Gate's TOTAL POS RIP OFF OF THE MAC OS (aka Windows OS in all its $hitty forms) and two: make a quality product, and even if you don't advertise more than once year on TLC at midnight, the loyal customers who know the difference between crap (aka Windows) and pure 24K Gold (example: the G4 and Mac OS in all its forms including OS X which is too new to tell if it is worth the purchase or stay with 8.6 or 9.1). Thank you. And there's a good, obvious reason why graphic artists (aka users of Strata 3D (pro), Lightwave, etc.) use Macs almost exclusively (a starving graphics artist might use a PC only b/c he's low on money and can only afford cheap equipment, and once he get enough money he'll through the PC to where it belongs and buy the latest and greatest Mac Computer): because it is the only computer able to handle the task and the latest Macs have been classed as SUPER COMPUTERS, can any of you 1.5 GHZ computer people say that about YOUR computer? 😄


-sorry for raving like that, its just that on the subject of PC vs. Mac, I'm highly opinionated toward the correct side: Mac. 😄

-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-EVO plug developer, & amateur 3D graphics artist.
-Star Wars fan(atic)


Originally posted by JediBrass:
the way to sell a kick ass product like the Mac G4 733 MHZ Mini Tower is through a technique called ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION MORE THAN ONCE A SUPER BOWL!!!

Or by lying through your teeth saying that it's faster than a dual 533.


the Mac OS was the FIRST

Nuhuh. Not even the first with a GUI. And that isn't much of a point, anyways.


TOTAL POS RIP OFF OF THE MAC OS (aka Windows OS in all its $hitty forms)

Who cares? if it's better for you, use it. If it isn't, you might still want to use it anyways. This says NOTHING about the strengths or weaknesses of either OS.


make a quality product

Many apple software products are VERY bug-ridden, just look at some of the stuff at macfixit if you don't believe me. Hell, their hardware doesn't have a great track record either. Apple is about on par with MS in every respect. OS X clinches it (the beta cost more, the install requires more HD space, the cpu requirements are steaper (than XP)).


because it is the only computer able to handle the task and the latest Macs have been classed as SUPER COMPUTERS, can any of you 1.5 GHZ computer people say that about YOUR computer? 😄

I'll ask two questions: do you actually believe that any standards group classes ANY mac as a 'super computer'?
Have you seen any benchmarks (Quake 3 especially) comparing 1.5ghz pentium 4's and dual G4 533's?
Those, in case you aren't paying attention, are rhetorical questions.

-- Nikolaus Wegner


Originally posted by nwegner:
**Those, in case you aren't paying attention, are rhetorical questions.


They are rhetorical only because you're afraid the answers might refute your claims.

Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!


Originally posted by goomeister:
**They are rhetorical only because you're afraid the answers might refute your claims.

No, I don't think I am. Apple has been the only group to claim that they sell super computers. Anyone in the market for a super computer does NOT look for a g4, they look for a scalar rig such as a KLAT2 or a SUN box. As for Quake 3 fps: (url="http://"") (url="http://"") (url="http://"")http://www4.tomshard...1206/p4-06.html(/url)

-- Nikolaus Wegner

(This message has been edited by nwegner (edited 04-01-2001).)

Let me sum up the whole thing with one word:
Anyway I didn't take the time to read all the posts so I may be answering and already answered question, but I believe that executor looks like a portfolio with buttons on it whe nyou open it. Look for the stuffit expander, if thats not there then get it at Then just unstuff the file like you would unzip one only do it in executor.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

I'm not sure about the supercomputer bit, though I think the G4 is considered a supercomputer. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

As for the Quake 3 frame rates, I have yet to see a head-to-head, fair comparison. You're pulling up a bunch of different benchmarks and trying to connect them. It doesn't work that way! I'll believe you when I see a standardized, head-to-head comparison.

Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!


Originally posted by goomeister:
I'm not sure about the supercomputer bit, though I think the G4 is considered a supercomputer. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

But it's only one or two chips, supercomputers (at least modern ones) have ~50..1000 chips (whether they be alpha, intel, amd, whatever) and no g4 can match that performance. The super computer bit was a marketing gimmick playing off some US export restrictions (that were no longer in effect within a couple of months), and doesn't mean anything. I could call my SE a super computer, and it's just me calling my SE a super computer, it still won't let me run Quake 1.


I'll believe you when I see a standardized, head-to-head comparison.

Yeah, sure, I realise that, but it won't save you from the fact that those framerates were ~250, while g4's have trouble getting above 100. Even a geforce 2 ultra doesn't make up for that, though fast ram might. Then again, the new g4's have a 133mhz ram bus, which can't account for a 100 fps difference to DDR or Rambus. That, and 640*480 minimizes the role of a graphics accelerator... the g4 just can't cut it that fast. mbe, if Metroworks can get a patch out, and Graeme can finalize his altivec and SMP, we might see that kind of improvement (most likely not so much, but it's possible).

-- Nikolaus Wegner

God, are you telling me I spent nearly 3 hours working with you, Halcyon, downloaded
Executor, TradePosts, Stuffit, a load of other files, got tired and confused trying
to help you, and it didn't help?

Oh well......... It only took over an hour to download it all TO HELP YOU.

PS: I'm Paladin/Esponer. New name.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts


Originally posted by JediBrass:
**the Mac OS was the FIRST

Actually most of the original Mac OS was inspired by Xerox technology. Even the mouse was a Xerox invention. Apple is just the way it is because Xerox didn't see the potential of it's inventiones. If they had sued Apple way back when, all major computer companys today wouldn't exist, and Xerox would be bigger then Microsoft (me shudders at the thought).

"I don't want to insist on it, Dave, but I am incapable of making an error" - HAL 9000

First of all, the MacOS was the first popular OS to use a GUI. Second of all, the new macs ARE technically supercomputers. A supercomputer must perform at least 1 gigaflop. A gigaFLOP is one billion FLOATING POINT OPERATIONS per second. All the new Macs can do this, so they are supercomputers. Proof: They can't be exported to terrorist states, such as Iran, under US law.



Originally posted by Platypus:
**First of all, the MacOS was the first popular OS to use a GUI. Second of all, the new macs ARE technically supercomputers. A supercomputer must perform at least 1 gigaflop. A gigaFLOP is one billion FLOATING POINT OPERATIONS per second. All the new Macs can do this, so they are supercomputers. Proof: They can't be exported to terrorist states, such as Iran, under US law.


Baptist preacher impersonation: LETS HAVE AN AMEN FOR BROTHER PLATYPUS!!!
Congregation (with vigor): AMEN
Jedibrass (the preacher): Brother Platypus, God bless you son for PROCLAIMING his holy Word Perfect. For it says in the book of Apple chapter 1.0: For Steve Jobs so loved the Apple that he began to sell it. It was the first computer for the mainstream American. And Steve saw that it was good and he smiled. But on of Steve's emplyees a nerdy little man who got drunk often and who once even hotwired a CAT Buldozer and wrecked it, was jelous of Steve and so Bill stole the concept of the Mac OS and attempted to create a superior product, and Bill made windows. But all true good people (the ones who use Apple) saw that Widows was too sumdged to see through and they rejected it. But the ignorant American, Joe Sixpack, was too ignorant to see the flaws with Windows since Bill covered Windows with curtains and called it Windows '95 and said it was even clearer than before, and so Joe bought Windows not knowing that one was supposed to actually see THROUGH it. But unfortuately, Steve had hired marketing consultants from the Mexican consulting firm called El Cheapo, Juan and Marko, and they made decent commercials, but they just couldn't get air time b/c the commericial were all taped with Beta and who had Beta still even in '84? And now it stand that the world is in sin because they follow Belzegates (not Belzebub) into the gates of Hellosoft™, while the few that use Macs and play EV/O/N on them reside in the place called Apple (aka Heaven). BUt Steve Jobs is a forgiving CEO and he accepts all those PC users who truly lament and toss away their PCs and get the all wonderful Mac G4.

Congregation: AMEN

-disclaimer: This whole post was not meant to make fun of religion in ANY way, and God forgive me if it did (Jedibrass crosses himself and goes to confession :D). This post is meant to convey the truth of Apple in a brief post (and for proof of Bill Gates wrecking the Bulldozer, watch the movie called 'Pirates of Silicon Valley') in a humorous way, but what is presented (the thing about macs being better than PCs) is the truth. All that Heaven and Hell stuff was just part of the humor. Thank you.

Cheers to the Mac and to the recycling center for the PC and all copies of Windows,
~Jedibrass (thinking of changing name to JediMac 😄 😛 just kidding, I like my name the way it is)

-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-EVO plug developer, & amateur 3D graphics artist.
-Star Wars fan(atic)


Originally posted by Platypus:
First of all, the MacOS was the first popular OS to use a GUI.

You know what boys? I'm sick of this. Now I am the most STAUNCH Mac advocate ever to have the correct opinion (that Macs are far superior to PCs), but even I become tired of pointless arguments. Those who support Macs will not deviate from their chosen computer and those who support PCs (as ignorant as they may be of these computers called Macs that have time and again proven their superiority to the PC) will not deviate from their chosen PC (Piece of Crap). I say bring a Moderator here to close this thread, b/c this argument is becoming pointless, and is fanning peoples' flames of opinionation, and this will soon (if it hasn't to a small degree already become) a flame war. Plus, this thread was started for a PC user to get help for his Mac emulator, and we've (myself included) totall ignored that fact and started to make fun of PCs and start telling the truth of Windows (if you MUST use a PC, get Linux, b/c Linux IS actually a good OS, or so I've heard). So I say that we either help the guy who needed help with his software and stop this psuedo-religious argument of Mac vs. PC or have a Moderator close this thread. Finally, all I have to say is that I don't have as much a problem with PCs as I have problems with Windows. I mean I am now basically using a PC with the Mac OS on it (I'm using a Mac clone: Motorola Starmax 3000; 180 MHZ PPC; 2.1 Gb Hardrive; 24 CD-Rom, built-in 100Mb Zip Drive; 64Mb RAM; 56 Kbps Modem; running system 8.6. Basically its an old computer, but it serves me VERY well and I like it, though I'd like the Mac G4 733Mhz PPC with 256 Mb RAM pre-installed, and CD/DVD-RW, Gigabit Ethernet, internal 56K modem, 40 Gb Hardrive, with OS 9.1 installed, GeForce2 Graphics card), but I really just DESPISE anything Microsoft (except Microsoft Office and IE5.x and above), expecially Windows. So lets just stop the argument and get back on topic, or if we can't do that, close the thread.


-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-EVO plug developer, & amateur 3D graphics artist.
-Star Wars fan(atic)

Let's just settle it. Macs are better...why? Can a PC emulate a Mac? NO. Can a Mac emulate a PC, with rather decent speeds? YES! No, it's not technical, but it's the truth.



Also, I think Iran would take offense at you calling their government "terrorist" in nature

Just because they'd take offense to it doesn't mean I shouldn't say it...
