Developer beyond bordes

Wouldn´t fun if a bounch developers worked together with an plug! I mean if someone did the outfits and someone the stellars etc... So could it be an great plug. Plus it would be so much easier to test it! We could send it by email to each other!



Originally posted by alexzander13:
**Wouldn´t fun if a bounch developers worked together with an plug! I mean if someone did the outfits and someone the stellars etc... So could it be an great plug. Plus it would be so much easier to test it! We could send it by email to each other!

In theory, yes.

In practice, however, it's very difficult to manage.

Jon Potter
Thank you for your cooperation. Good night.


Originally posted by alexzander13:
**Wouldn´t fun if a bounch developers worked together with an plug! I mean if someone did the outfits and someone the stellars etc... So could it be an great plug. Plus it would be so much easier to test it! We could send it by email to each other!


Such things have been proven to never work many times over. I've yet to ever see a "group" plug-in ever work. It's always one or two independant people.



Originally posted by Jon Potter:
**In theory, yes.

In practice, however, it's very difficult to manage.

Indeed, this man would know 😉



Such things have been proven to never work many times over. I've yet to ever see a "group" plug-in ever work. It's always one or two independant people



Originally posted by alexzander13:
**Wouldn´t fun if a bounch developers worked together with an plug! I mean if someone did the outfits and someone the stellars etc... So could it be an great plug. Plus it would be so much easier to test it! We could send it by email to each other!

This idea was proposed shortly after EV was released in 1996. So far I don't believe any plugs have been produced by any of the groups that started them. A few plugs have been completed by one or two members of the groups, but so far it's a great idea that just hasn't worked in practice.

But don't let that stop you, your group might be the first to succeed, and we need all the quality plugs we can get.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

It would be neat. . . And if the developers are dedicated then I think it'll stay together (who knows, maybe I'm being naive). I'd join such a group except for the fact that my current plug Dreden War is taking all my time (and I'm lovin' it!) so I don't have free time.

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by Joe Burnette:

But don't let that stop you, your group might be the first to succeed, and we need all the quality plugs we can get.

No, I belive there is some other group that will beat anyone who starts now to it...

You're just jealous that the voices talk to me. **
(url="http://"")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

ATMOS is more than two people and NOVA would have been the best plug-in ever. Now it is the best game ever.

(url="http://"") might make things a little easier. They have message boards for communicating, a bug management system, webspace, anonymous FTP, and CVS so merging all the different copies would be easier. You would have to get a CVS client that merged resource forks, though.

Ellmist, that is an accurate statement, for that group that did the plug would have finished it as a plug.

But, that is extremely different circumstances, I mean, after all, the guys can physically contact and chat with each other (rather than just being online). They can literally hang out at someone's house and spend all night arguing and debating, and believe me, you can get a lot more done in RL than in any chat room.

So yes, if you have a group within driving distance of each other, then developing a plug might become much more feasible, but spread out over hundreds or thousands of miles, it gets a lot hairier.


Well what if you set up specific geographic groups? So that everyone from central MI gets together to do one, everyone from Chatanooga gets together, etc.? It would be considerably harder to set up because what are the chances more than 1 person on the boards is located in central MI? But in say New York, or some place with a large population it could be feasible.

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by diddlysquat:
** current plug Dreden War is taking all my time (and I'm lovin' it!)

Wow, I'm glad to hear that! 🙂 I never asked you if you were actually enjoying making the plug, but I'm having a blast making the graphics.

(I am now resuming work on the graphics, so you can expect more images to be in the directory soon.)

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by diddlysquat:
**Well what if you set up specific geographic groups? So that everyone from central MI gets together to do one, everyone from Chatanooga gets together, etc.? It would be considerably harder to set up because what are the chances more than 1 person on the boards is located in central MI? But in say New York, or some place with a large population it could be feasible.


I really doubt it would work. You'd have to set up a nice accurate system of everyone who wants to help participate in plugs first of all, including their talents and locations, and make sure it's updated frequently (for people lose interest in making plugs all the time, after all, I certainly did).

After that, you next have to take into account that most of the poeple on these boards are fairly young (below driving age) so it would be extremely hard to get a group to be able to meet a lot of times if they span a radius of 60, or even 20 miles, for that matter.

Finally, because of people's ages (stereotype maybe, but true nontheless) but just finding a group of commited people is extremely hard nowadays.

CS, just some guy picking apart everyone's ideas 😉


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**No, I belive there is some other group that will beat anyone who starts now to it...

Could be, and if you are referring to the Mille Terrae project, I hope you are correct, but "it ain't over 'til it's over."

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Actually, ATMOS is a bit more disparate than you think. I have to jump into a boat or an aeroplane if I want to drop by pipeline or nuadas house. As for Chayos and Jarrod, they have to drive for the better part of two hours to drop by.

However, we were all friends first and we can talk regularly (phone calls are nearly as good as being there; not quite, but nearly). And I think that's why we were so successful - we felt like we owed it to each other to get stuff done...

Cookie @ ATMOS


Well, I know what it's like to work on a single project in large groups, and I think that after 6 people, it tends to get a little counter productive (true, that's when everyone is within walking distance of each other), but hey, I'd be willing to try. Fortunately, at this time, I'm kinda in-between projects, so email me if you are going to follow through. 🙂


With some tricky psychology by one of the members you could keep them together. And when phone communication is too expensive you can try voicechat and video conferecing. There are even a few programs that do comp-to-phone. But the main difference between us and ATMOS is that they get paid. We simply can't collaborate effectively in our little or no leisure time. The only thing we need is a little psychology and organization/scheduling.

and so it's impossible and blah blah blah blah blah
This toppic is getting really boring.

I would be willing to make a plug over long distances(now, if only my plugs actually did somthing worth while). I'm not very good at making plugs, I just fool around with them and do funkey things, ever tried flying a missile and shooting confed cruisers out of your confed-o-gun??? Hey, I get bored sometimes, or maybe I inhaled to much of those fumes; next time I'll spraypaint outside.

Gliig bilgy tij fyture nubbulo zoo zo exat qoimlee roilys glop!!

While I've never heard of it working, here's how it might work: you hunt down all the people who were one of the 1 or 2 people who stuck through to the end (and are still into plug developing) and make a team out of them.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Also, once Nova raises the standards for Plugs through the Stratosphere, people will HAVE to band together to make plug-ins (unless they are the offspring of Martin Turner and Weepul884). So, team plug-ins will have to work out of nessesity.

You're just jealous that the voices talk to me.(b)
(url="http://"")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)