What is a good number of fighters for a ship?

Hi all. I was wondering what would be considered a reasonable amout of fighters a ship can carr taking into mind the max amount of ship on the screen. I have a few types of ships in my plug that carry fighters. I have more or less estimated the proper amount each type of ship can carry.

Modified Freighters (used by some poorer governnments) - 2-4 fighters.

Escort/Light Carriers - 4-6 fighters.

Cruisers/BattleCruisers/Battleships - 4-10 fighters.

Fleet Carriers (Large dedicated Carriers with only defensive weapons and no long range weapons) - 12-16 Fighters.

I'm worried that the Fleet Carriers might carry too much and create problems in the technical sense considering the max number of ships allowed in the screen at any one time.

Any opinions or suggestions?


Ah it depends on the size of the ship but in EVO most have 2-4
And it depends on how good the ship is πŸ™‚
Ah and those numbers look alittle big for EVO ships i think if its ganna have alot of ships it should be large in EV/EVO the ships are huge!

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?
Play me tonight:

Well you see. my plan is that I want there to be a very noticable difference between smaller ships and capital ships. Yes the capital ships are huge ( like say 1000+ meters in length) and have unique weapons that only large ships can use due to the weapon mass in tons.

I find it very unrelistic that a simple fighter can take down a large capital ship and I want to avoid this is my plug as much as possible since there are few "Go blow up this ship <Name>" type of missions.

A battle Cruiser should be extremely powerful, both in terms of his own weaponry and its on board fighter complement. If you are worrid that a capital ship is too powerful..... well why did you go pick a fight with it πŸ˜‰

Large capital ships are the bad boys of the galaxy. When they enter a system, smaller ships (enemy ships that is) would leave rather than try to destroy it. Just like in real life. If the area get too hot, leave the area. Jump out and fight another day!


Pretty nice idia!
But why may i ask do u need somany fighters
And guess what look at the fighters compair them to the ship thats big and see how many can fit on the ship see what i mean it doesn't make alot of sence does it?

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?
Play me tonight:

Well because unfortunately due to the way EVO is set up, you cannot put the fighters and capital ships side by side on another to scale. If that is the case, you can barely see the fighters. Also I would this that a large ship would have that space for the fighters, the repair bay, launch bay, docking bay, storage area and everything else needed to keep a squardren of fighters operating.


Personally, I would keep the max number of fighters at six, but make the fleet carrier be that, literally. It carries a fleet (nothing else that can launch fighters, though). So the FC has, say, 4 heavy fighters, and 2 light capital ships, plus defensive turrets.

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Thats a nice idia!

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?
Play me tonight:

Star Wars plug-in has ships with, what, 25-30 fighters. Hilarious isn't it?


Hmmm... Unless you're making a Wargame(..are you making a Wagame?), you should focus more on the fighters themselves, rather than how many there are. Speaking of Star Wars, think of Ep4, when there were probably hundreds of fighters. But the dramatic appeal of it came when that one little fighter destroyed that DeathStar thing.

So, in a sense, you don't need alot of fighters. You just need good ones.

TschΓΌs πŸ™‚

"Sorry, a system error
bus error
, MyMac

Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous


Originally posted by Wyvern:
**Personally, I would keep the max number of fighters at six, but make the fleet carrier be that, literally. It carries a fleet (nothing else that can launch fighters, though). So the FC has, say, 4 heavy fighters, and 2 light capital ships, plus defensive turrets.


why? realistically, capital ships would have more than 6 fighters.....

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(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)


Originally posted by Slav:
**Star Wars plug-in has ships with, what, 25-30 fighters. Hilarious isn't it?


dude, thats one of the reasons i LIKED that plug. i like lots of fighters....

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)


Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
**why? realistically, capital ships would have more than 6 fighters.....

Ahh, but since when has realism been part of EV? What's important is gameplay, and even on the best computer that goes way down when the system is filled with ships. Better to have a few good fighters (or even other cap. ships), than to have a horde that slows down the game.
Another solution is to treat a group of fighters as a single ship, which also happens to be more realistic (if you want realism) as well. Of course, that might get awkward if you let the player pilot such a squadron, but there's an easy fix for that...

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You know, I've been thinking, off and on, that it would be neat to do a ship as a ship-cluster.

Imagine a group of 4 ships or so that hold tight formation. When you turn, each individual ship turns, but stays in place (relatively).

Neat, eh?

As a PC ship, it could make sense. Perhaps someo f the ships are drones, or significant damage will blow up the cluster, or they are linked via shortbeam power relays. Or something.

When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I
know it is wrong.
- Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

me as a player never used fighters before evo1.0.2 because they were useless. and as far as destroying capital ships with a suped up P.O.S. goes it is possible. if your ship can outrun there longrange weaponry and be faster than the ship then it has no way to kill you. assuming you would only pick a fight if you have sufficient ammo on board to disable the vessel. the problem is the ship stays and fights. if it cant hit you will die so why does it stay and fight. now i have to learn how to use fighters efficently. question. your plug wont have a weapon that can destroy the fighters with 1 hit does it. genneraly if u lose a fighter that easily it is not worth the money to continue buying them. if you want to use fighters in your plugmake sure they can survive at least 1 hit from all weapons(excluding beams.) as far as task forces go you could use a starwars theme Ex. red 1-9 and blue1-9 and rogue 1-9.

A jedi's strengh flows through the force
luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside
I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father
young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside
Oh You Will Be, You Will Be


Originally posted by wtimmins:
**As a PC ship, it could make sense. Perhaps someo f the ships are drones, or significant damage will blow up the cluster, or they are linked via shortbeam power relays. Or something.

Yeah, but the problem comes in when you allow the player to modify the ship cluster, since any weapon with a graphic designed for a normal ship will emanate from the center of the cluster (special graphics for cluster weapons can eliminate this problem.) Yes, it could be done, and in game physics there's no reason not to, but it would be ineligant to allow the player to upgrade a cluster of fighters, and annoying to make clusters un-upgradeable.

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Originally posted by EMINEM:
**Ah it depends on the size of the ship but in EVO most have 2-4
And it depends on how good the ship is <IMG SRC="http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/smile.gif" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">
Ah and those numbers look alittle big for EVO ships i think if its ganna have alot of ships it should be large in EV/EVO the ships are huge!


You forget about the Azdgari Warship, it has more than 4 fighters.



Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**You forget about the Azdgari Warship, it has more than 4 fighters.

He said most, not all. And if you're going to get picky, you left out the Voinian Dreadnaught. Personally, though, I think the Azdgari Warship is pushing the limits of how many fighters a ship can reasonably have.

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I don't think the Azdgari Warship is pushing it because they took way a lot of the other weapons the standard Crescent Warship has so they could fit the bay.


That's not what I meant. Even my G3 slows a little when all those fighters show up, and it could just as reasonably be done with fewer, more powerful fighters. Of course, that would detract a bit from the Azdgari personality, unless you used the cluster fighters mentioned earlier.

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Originally posted by Wyvern:
**That's not what I meant. Even my G3 slows a little when all those fighters show up, and it could just as reasonably be done with fewer, more powerful fighters. Of course, that would detract a bit from the Azdgari personality, unless you used the cluster fighters mentioned earlier.


your G3 is messed then... my 233 iMac had no problem in the SW plug, and those ships were filling the system with fighters. oh well... πŸ˜›

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)