EV Override 1.0.2fc3 semi-public beta


Originally posted by Weepul 884:
Also, andrew, since Matt Burch seems to be reading this thread, do you still want reports emailed?


Yes -- if you only post your message here, not by doing what I outlined in the first message (sending the bugs to evbugs@AmbrosiaSW.com), your bug report may very well never be seen or tracked (and thus, fixed).

Posting the bugs here is fine, but it isn't going to get them fixed.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Oops, sorry. Just tryin'a help.

Anyway, Everytime I send the bug report to that address, I get a "Could not get a return" error message. I'm doing the next best thing.

Strict play added the feature that you wouldn't get the 50% speed increse, it wouldbe great. You'd better call it "Advanced Play" or "Burch's Cut" or something like that.

However, Senor El Presidente, you did not answer my question about the "jumping two systems at once." It's done it to me in a turncoat, UE destroyer, and a UE Cruiser.

Also, The voinian dreadnought mission is easier than I remember. did you guys change any of the data, or I am I just that good 😉


Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?

How come I can't Dload it cause it give me no chance to enter pass!!

The Qaz


How come I can't Dload it cause it give me no chance to enter pass!!

I have the same problem - I try to download the thing, but it won't let me enter a password. All it says is that it was password protected, then it quits and deletes the file!

Formerly COpperman - #29 on the Periodic Table


Pave the Rainforest

Make it so the speed bonus is in a box so you can chose how big the speed bonus is

I agree that being able to choose whether to have a speed bonus is a good idea. Some of us don't have the reflexes of a computer (or of the teenagers that grew up playing video games). Also, some of us prefer other aspects of the game (trading, exploring, completing diplomatic missions) much more than the combat.


Here's something I found on the EVO board. Unless you've already considered this, though, it's probably too late to add it.

posted 05-29-2000 08:15 PM

I've been attacked by some UE guys SOO many times for accidentally hitting them once or twice in a battle, that I think
there should be a feature where you can courtmartial the captains of those ships for "Unnessecary Destruction of an
Innocent Vessel". What do YOU think?


posted 05-29-2000 08:26 PM

Too complicated.

Formerly COpperman - #29 on the Periodic Table


Pave the Rainforest

posted 05-30-2000 10:38 AM

No, as Sierra said. But a permission to ****ING KILL ALL UE SHIPS THAT attack you would be good. Why don´t you just
blow them up, KA-RAKK--A-BOOOO-OOOOO-M!!!!!!!

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

posted 05-30-2000 05:29 PM

Just an off-topic question for sim9.0: Are you the same guy from Erik the Red's? If so....just wondering.

posted 05-30-2000 07:21 PM


Originally posted by forge:
Just an off-topic question for sim9.0: Are you the same guy from Erik the Red's? If
so....just wondering.

Yep, that's me... and as for destroying the UE destroyers and carriers, you expect me to do that in a scoutship?


Weepul 884
posted 05-30-2000 07:36 PM

1. Get better aim.
2. Get better flying skills (a scoutship SHOULD be able to run circles around a UE destroyer. Fighters, on the other
hand...I see your point.
3. Get a better ship, or upgrade it a ton.

However, a "feature" where ships go after their government-resource set enemies, then anyone shooting at them,
unless damage is less than, say, 10% shields, and they have a good rating with that government.





Originally posted by Sierra:
**I have the same problem - I try to download the thing, but it won't let me enter a password. All it says is that it was password protected, then it quits and deletes the file!


Oh, yes. That was a killer problem for me. The only way to solve it, as it seems, is to open the decoded (in other words, the .sea, not the .bin.)archive with a full/registered version of Compact Pro, or (I believe) Stuffit Deluxe. Yes, you read that right. That's what it took.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by Sierra:
**I have the same problem - I try to download the thing, but it won't let me enter a password. All it says is that it was password protected, then it quits and deletes the file!

Easy to fix, go to shuffit expander, to the preferences, to expanding and turn off delete after expanding. Then manuelly expand it and it'll give you the password option. Probally the complicated way but oh well



Where are all the files... Graphics, Pilots, Sounds etc. etc.??!

The Qaz


Originally posted by Qazwer:
Where are all the files... Graphics, Pilots, Sounds etc. etc.??!

It's an update just copy the 1.0.2 files into the 1.0.1/1.0.0 folder and let it replace.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Who's General Failure and why's he reading my disk?

It would be nice if the speed boost was a separate box then the strict play box. But on the other hand I would probably play strict play more if they are the same box, therefore increasing my skills even more.... So ether way is ok with me.

Sir! Our shields are dropping!
They're firing! _ says the lieutenant as a torpedo appears on the view screen.
Well, it seams you won't have the last laugh today Therg. Says Captain Fullers voice over the speakers.
The torpedo strikes the ship removing it from the sky in a violent explosion.

At the current moment, the beta looks great, except for the following :

  1. I noticed that my scoutship has a max speed of 114 and a acceleration of 187. Meanwhile, the shipyard says that the max speed should be 200 and an "average" accleration. If this difference is intentional, please remove it. We need all the speed we can get. Especially when doing those aid missions to the guard stations. sure I can do laps around a frigate, but those fighters catch up quickly!

  2. I think that afterbuners should be a bit more effective then they currently are. They are supposed to provide quote "dramatic increase in both thrust and top speed" enquote. This has not, as far as I can tell, not happened.

  3. The idea that sheild capacitors and/or sheild regenerators drain fuel is a good one, I think, but at a much reduced rate then what it is currently set at.I think that carrying a full (four) load of ram scoups ought to be able to at least counteract the drain of a full load of sheilds ups, if not surpasse it, slightly. Otherwise, there should be a way to disable them so you don't get stuck in the midle of nowhere. (please do not make them a secondary "weapon". This will take up valuable slots for combat stuff.)

  4. You should eliminate the option for renegade turncoats to apear in the Chorka system. This makes playing really hard for new ships. I have finished the game several times, and I still get masacred regardless of what I do when I warp into that system and have a turncoat there. Weather I try to dodge needles (afterburners and ship too slow) and shoot down the krsits (reletively easy), or if I just try to run (hyperjump) I still get killed. Kraits and helians are fine. It is possible to run or fight them, but you can't fight a tuncoat in a shutle, scoutship, or freighter of any type that hasn't been massively upgraded.

  5. I think it would be quite useful if you would change the shipyard stat sheets to display acceleration and turning speed in numbers instead of "average" or "excelent". Or at least have the option to have shipyard stats instead of opinions. Personally, I prefer to see the cold numbers instead of some salesman (who has probably never been in space) give me his very unobjective opinion. The fastest thing he's ever been in is probably a good hovercar. Even a heavy freighter would seem fast compared to that.

Sorry, I just realized that I am working on the previous beta. I must have downloaded it shortly before this next one came online.


(This message has been edited by Zitchas (edited 06-02-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Zitchas (edited 06-02-2000).)

Contrary to what the read me says, I can't open the pilot file created with beta 1.02fc3. As well, It doesn't open pilot files from 1.01 either. It states that it can't use them becaue they are from a different version of EV.
