Realism Ideas for plugins

ok, as ive played EV, i noticed many things that make very little sense. let me go through a list: planets such as says that it is totally devoid of trees, yet it is impossible to live on a planet without trees because trees are our main source of oxygen, and also, one planet cant have the same landscape everywhere you go. ok, next: sol is in the middle of the galaxy, that too is impossible because if you look on a map takein from NASA or the hubble telescope, you will see that sol is actually on the edge of the galaxy, and should therefore be placed in the evildrome/torgo sector. 3rdly, we have weapons space...a proton cannon and laser cannon are almost exactly the same size as each other, yet protons weigh a full 3 tons more. same with the turret, they have the same base yet 10 more tons is required. the neutron cannon and mass driver, they are 35 and 40 tons!! for cannons i'd think they could be made down to 6 tons. rocket launcher: once i had a lighting with a hawk fighter bay...rocket launcher should be 10-15 tons maximum. torp launcher, too heavy...should be 10-20 tons. torpedo should be 2 tons. and finally (i'll shut up soon) the missile rack is a missle /rack/, not a launcher...therefore it should weigh 5-8 tons.

there, im done



Whurp wrote:

planets such as says that it is totally devoid of trees, yet it is impossible to live on a planet without trees because trees are our main source of oxygen

There's plants other than trees, you know.... Maybe they have some kind of SuperGrass or some other alien plant that produces oxygen.


also, one planet cant have the same landscape everywhere you go.

Play my plugin when it comes out. I will have a lot more planets etc then most πŸ™‚

The Great Expansion - An upcoming total conversion of EVO


OctoberFost wrote:

The map isn't the entire galaxy, just our sector of the Orion arm. If humans spread out from earth in every direction, that would put us in the middle of know space, wouldn't it?

ah, i didnt know that...makes sense now


(This message has been edited by Whurp (edited 04-02-2000).)


Whurp wrote:
**...planets such as says that it is totally devoid of trees, yet it is impossible to live on a planet without trees because trees are our main source of oxygen...

Trees make only a fraction of a percent of the oxygen produced on the Earth. The rest is mainly produced by phytoplankton and other small plant-like creatures in the ocean. Think about it, the oceans cover most of Earth and most of the oceans are full of such phytoplankton which can be many meters thick.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

well, i guess when i said "trees are our main source of oxygen" i just used that for a dumb point...but really, look at some other planets like zeus, it cant be the same all over, or new sahara, one planet cant be all desert...there always is going to be a pole, an equator and seismic eruptions...etc etc. georges world is another impossible thing...cant have a planet that just has earthquakes all over the place...



Whurp wrote:
**well, i guess when i said "trees are our main source of oxygen" i just used that for a dumb point...but really, look at some other planets like zeus, it cant be the same all over, or new sahara, one planet cant be all desert...there always is going to be a pole, an equator and seismic eruptions...etc etc. georges world is another impossible thing...cant have a planet that just has earthquakes all over the place...


tear it down


one planet cant have the same landscape everywhere you go

Yeah you can, when you land on the spaceport, you are in a little room outside your hangar, (they want to keep people seperated to prevent diseases) and they put a big picture on the wall, and they were cheap and stole other peoples pictures and put them on their wall, resulting in many of the same picture spread through out the galaxy. The bar is a virtual one let me remind you.

Thats the real reason πŸ˜‰ btw its just a game.


Simple solution; make a new planet graphic/landscape for every spΓΆb. πŸ™‚

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

you seem to be focusing on the planet thing, i remember that once i got a lighting with a hawk bay! that makes no sense yet it is fully possible...fighter bays should weigh much more than 60 tons...atleast 100-150 should be minimum



Soviet mikee wrote:


yeah, mars has polar ice caps...cant be the same everywhere ya go:P and samsons planet, it is all ice...that cant be so either



Whurp wrote:
**yeah, mars has polar ice caps...cant be the same everywhere ya go:P and samsons planet, it is all ice...that cant be so either

Meh. points at the Jovian moon Europa As far as the complete desert bit goes.... Well, if it is a sandy desert, it had to have water at one point. That water is A) in the atmosphere, or πŸ†’ in the form of polar ice caps. And by the way, Mars is not a desert planet. The atmosphere of mars is immensely thin, and is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, it is NOT covered in sand. Most of what you see on the surface of mars is iron oxide or hydroxide (rust). And Mars is VERY cold. The lack of thick atmosphere means it can't trap any heat. And the so called 'ice' caps aren't. They are composed mostly of dry ice, or frozen carbon dioxide. There is a small amount of water ice there as well, but it is negligible compared to the amount of dry ice.

Chris Burns


Chris Burns wrote:
Meh. points at the Jovian moon Europa

Also, points at the Terran moon, points at the Uranian moon Miranda (same all over in surface material).

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Whurp wrote:
**you seem to be focusing on the planet thing, i remember that once i got a lighting with a hawk bay! that makes no sense yet it is fully possible...fighter bays should weigh much more than 60 tons...atleast 100-150 should be minimum

Why should a fighter bay weigh more than 60 tons? It's just a large mostly empty compartment after all. More to the point is why do the fighters weigh nothing? Do they have anti-grav units operating all the time?

As for the planets, who says a planet cannot have the same type of terrain everywhere? It's not very likely, true, but not impossible. Remember that the planet picture only represents the area immediately around the spaceport, and the description refers to that area; doesn't mean that there are no different types of climate/terrain on the planet.



Chris Burns wrote:
**And by the way, Mars is not a desert planet.

Chris Burns


i never said it was desert


(quote)Joe Burnette wrote:
Why should a fighter bay weigh more than 60 tons?

(QUOTE)it hasta be big enough for the fighters, stored in the bay, to launch...a fighter is atleast 10 tons. it hasta have room for missile reloads and so it needs a runway.

(/quote) As for the planets, who says a planet cannot have the same type of terrain everywhere? It's not very likely, true, but not impossible. Remember that the planet picture only represents the area immediately around the spaceport, and the description refers to that area; doesn't mean that there are no different types of climate/terrain on the planet.


if the description refers to just the area around the bar or spaceport...i rest my case


auugh, i dont know my HTML, but you get the point...

(This message has been edited by Whurp (edited 04-03-2000).)

You all seem to have forgot what a desert IS. Antarctica is considered a desert.

BTW: Mars doesn't have "ice" caps. Unless you consider dry ice "ice", it's not. You don't need sandy dunes, camels and cacti to have a desert. A desert is a place with little water and little life. Mars is more of a desert than the Sahara is, at least people can live there. Even with water and oxygen tanks you still couldn't survive there...

Mars is NOT cold, in fact it gets rather warm on the surface... a good 70-80 degrees (Fahrenheit) warm. And of course, temperature doesn't matter... the only thing that does matter is how much life and water it has.

Also, the water can actually just "disappear". Back in a book I read from the 70s... about the first missions there... it discussed what happens to any water that gets to the surface... it actually just splits into hydrogen and oxygen and escapes through the atmosphere.

I am fully aware there may be a few frozen pools of water underground. But if you looked all over the surface, there would be no signs of life and no water.... can't get much more like a desert than that.

tear it down

ah yes, but i never said it wasnt a desert πŸ˜›



Joe Burnette wrote:
**Why should a fighter bay weigh more than 60 tons? It's just a large mostly empty compartment after all. More to the point is why do the fighters weigh nothing? Do they have anti-grav units operating all the time?

They weigh nothing because they take no volume and weight within the ship itself - their weight is accounted for in the bay.


Whurp wrote:
it hasta be big enough for the fighters, stored in the bay, to launch...a fighter is atleast 10 tons. it hasta have room for missile reloads and so it needs a runway.

Whurp, a fighter bay is a compact thing - just enough space for 2-4 fighters tightly squeezed into racks where pilots can drop in, droids can reload and repair, and a short-range tractor beam to eject fighters a la Navy steam catapults on carriers. It's not the spacious hangar that you seen on the Rebel cruiser in Return of the Jedi

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

so how come i can fit one on my lightning?!!?!
