EV Override for Nova released!

Don't worry, I'll be updating Facelift too 😉

Well I checked out the Destroyer vs Frigate issue and even after adding extra ammo to the destroyer it still got wasted by the frigate. I think maybe it's due to different AI - the frigate may fire its rockets more often. In any case I don't think there's anything I can do about it.

And about the AI rate of fire, it seems it's only reduced vs the player.

One more really weird thing I've noticed: A Carrier may launch its fighters, destroy a target and recalls them all intact. Next time it launches, there's one missing. This proceeds until it has no fighters left. Where do they go? :huh:

This post has been edited by Guy : 27 July 2007 - 06:27 AM

If you have a regesterd EVN will you have the EVO registerd?

No, this is not EV Override. This is EV Override for Nova. If you can work out how to register a TC then maybe I'll start charging for it 😉

Okay, two pieces of good news.

The first is that AI ships are happy to turn at whatever turn rate you set them to, so the bug only affects the player's ship. If the player is silly enough to fly such slow ships then chances are they'll buy a turn upgrade, so there won't be any problem.

The second is I have uploaded the release candidate for 1.0.3 to my site :). I'll submit to the addons tomorrow.

This post has been edited by Guy : 20 October 2009 - 04:42 AM

I seem to remember seeing that happen with Turncoats as well, though I'm not positive and it's not like it makes much of a difference for them either way. 😛

1.0.3 final release now available.

This post has been edited by Guy : 20 October 2009 - 04:43 AM

Is 1.0.3 compatible with facelift? Cause I just tried it with face lift and the right side of all the text boxes are cut off a bit.

Nope, though your problem sounds interesting - could you describe it more or show me a pic or something? I'll update Facelift sometime soon though.

Basically, whenever someone approaches me in a bar, as in to give me a mission, the right side of the text box where the metal border is supposed to be is cut-off, the text is still fully visible, it just looks ugly.

I'm just curious, but in what ways is facelift not compatible with Nova Override 1.0.3? Besides the text box cipping I'm getting it looks fine, does it mess with the missions or something?

Strange, I'm not seeing the same problem here. Could you post a pic and a list of all plug-ins installed? Are you on Windows or Mac?

Facelift messes with ships and weapons, leaving their speeds inconsistent with 1.0.3. If you use the Range Extension it'll probably be more or less consistent with itself but you'll have the same slow game speed that was in 1.0.2.

This post has been edited by Guy : 04 August 2007 - 06:47 PM

I'm on a mac, but how would I take a screenshot? Also I'm not using any other plug-ins.

EDIT: I just tried using facelift on this port of Override, and the main menu was all screwed up graphically too. I re-downloaded the latest version of facelift and it didn't fix it. Facelift was working fine before =/

This post has been edited by PhoenixFire : 04 August 2007 - 07:32 PM

Wait, where are you getting Facelift from? I think there may be an old version on the addons pages somewhere - the latest version is currently only available from the link in my sig.

What were you using before, when it was working fine?

First I was using the one from the add-ons page, and it worked fine for a long time. Then I came here and downloaded 1.0.3, and the text box clipping started.

Just fyi, we'll have to pick this up next sunday, as I'm leaving for a week tomorrow morning.

Okay, I've PM'd you about it but I've also just uploaded Facelift 1.0.2 to my webspace, which is now fully compatible with EV Override for Nova 1.0.3 🙂
Note the 3 ship files have been merged into just 2 files, so make sure you delete your old 'Facelift Ships 3'.

It's wonderful! I've re-discovered Override for the umpteenth time, and I love it. I'm using the facelift plugins, and am loving the new features it adds.

And now, I'm feeling an old, familiar itch to start making plugins.

There aren't enough override plugins for the Nova engine. We'll have to do something about that.