You know you're an EVO fanatic when...

426. When you close your eyes you see exploding Vionians.

427. You memorize the entire Override Documention.

428. You wonder why people think the Vionian ships should show the amound of damage to their armour when it says clearly in the documentation "Additionally it is hard for sensors to determine the extent of damage to Voinian armour - it is often impossible to tell whether a vessel is almost disabled or only has taken minor damage."

429. You take time to type exactly what is written in the documentation.

430. You are a member of EVAA ( Escape Velocity Addicts Anonymous).

EV for EVer, on Sep 14 2004, 04:43 PM, said:

426. When you close your eyes you see exploding Vionians.

427. You memorize the entire Override Documention.

428. You wonder why people think the Vionian ships should show the amound of damage to their armour when it says clearly in the documentation "Additionally it is hard for sensors to determine the extent of damage to Voinian armour - it is often impossible to tell whether a vessel is almost disabled or only has taken minor damage."

429. You take time to type exactly what is written in the documentation.

430. You are a member of EVAA ( Escape Velocity Addicts Anonymous).
View Post

...What's the site? 😄

431. You recently spearheaded a protest entitled "Citizens Against Igazra Public Indecency".

432. You refer to your dog as a fuzz, and refuse to take him anywhere in your car lest he reproduce uncontrollably and fill up all your cargo room.

433. Though grateful for your offers to help them, the local police refuse, saying they can't find any mention of a civilian militia group called the "Zachit".

434. Taking a lesson from the courageous Emalgha, you decided to build a new car completely out of wood.

435. You actually manage to drive said car more than a block before it falls to pieces.

436. The receptionist at the police station has blocked your phone number, after repeated warnings to "stop filing false missing persons reports about Anna Balashova".

437. You stay awake all night, wondering what's out there beyond the Crescent.

438. (In reference to #202: You plan to name your children after races, planets, or characters from EVO) - You actually carry out that plan - and manage to keep your marriage in one piece.

439. In your will, you specify who should get your pilot files when you die.

440. You buy a large package of red grapes, and attempt to hold up the bank, threatening to "use your awesome neutron cannon on them" if they don't comply.

This post has been edited by Thunder : 17 September 2004 - 11:34 AM

Thunder, on Sep 17 2004, 04:23 PM, said:

439. In your will, you specify who should get your pilot files when you die.

LOL. But now you got me thinkin' about some addendums.

441. You are quite relieved the ASW site is back up, after all, what else is there to do?

442. No Matter the circumstances, you ALWAYS find a way to connect yourself to AmbrosiaSW.

443. You smile about the good ole days when you were a human... WHAT?!

444. You point out that this number (At the left) is a national celebration of the first man in another system (In 2444)

445. Every time you enter the EVO boards, you mutter to yourself "Home, Sweet Home!".

446. You keep telling all your friends about how beautiful your Miranu girlfriend is.

447. As soon as your parents mention the word 'school', you interrupt them by saying
" What the... where did all the cyber-education-systems go?" :huh:

448. Curiously, You seem to be the only one to spot Voinian Cruisers bombarding Earth from time to time.

449. As you buy your new computer (Apple PowerMac 43) You understand why this piece of junk only costed 5000 credits! Only 100 terabytes of hardisk space, 25 terabytes of RAM and 100TeraHertz.

450. You try to sell in to an Antique store for 200,000 credits. 😛
Don't worry, I' ll buy an Organic Computer 60 000 next time.

This post has been edited by Cooldude : 20 September 2004 - 03:09 AM

451. You can recite the përs ship names

452. You can recite their greetings

453. You apply psychomathematics to the Vonian problem

454. Your bedroom wall is plastered with various EVO posters

455. You make a plug that changes all of the ships in the galaxy to Dreadnoughts so that you are faced with an actual challenge for once

456. You use the Nova engine to create all the ships from EV and EVO to find out which game really was the best.

  1. You go in a bar (a real bar) and ask everybody in sight, but nobody agrees to be your escort.