Getting F-25 plugin to work


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**Good! Glad it worked! Yeah, Hector (I don't like to call him "Cap'n) is probably working for Ambrosia. You'd think some of that money he steals from us could be sent to pay for EV/O/N!

~Ace 😄


The only thing that sucks is that I did a ton of work while I was home, on my mac, on F-25 v. 2.0.1, but efforts to get it all intact to my PC have failed thus far. It fixed many a bug, and I was nearly complete in my task to make it completely bug-free..


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."

Anything I can do to help?

~Ace 🙂

"Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets"
- Dr. Who


Originally posted by Bomb:
**The only thing that sucks is that I did a ton of work while I was home, on my mac, on F-25 v. 2.0.1, but efforts to get it all intact to my PC have failed thus far. It fixed many a bug, and I was nearly complete in my task to make it completely bug-free..



Bomb, you do a update to 2.0? Hard to believe, as 2.0 was completed so long ago. I am very happy. Does it make intro missions easier as described in I cant find Kalaan spy thread on the 12 th? And fix a EXTREMELY odd bug. In Deflect Zidagar Fleet, the Zachit attack me as soon as I enter Hrekka. Before I hit them. No matter how many times I abort they still attack. They dont attack me in Aenecia. Is it because Special ships are type 10 (attack player)?

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**Anything I can do to help?

~Ace 🙂


Not unless you can fly up to Connecticut, find my house, stuff the files and send them to me.. 😉


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Bomb, you do a update to 2.0? Hard to believe, as 2.0 was completed so long ago. I am very happy. Does it make intro missions easier as described in I cant find Kalaan spy thread on the 12 th? And fix a EXTREMELY odd bug. In Deflect Zidagar Fleet, the Zachit attack me as soon as I enter Hrekka. Before I hit them. No matter how many times I abort they still attack. They dont attack me in Aenecia. Is it because Special ships are type 10 (attack player)?


Yeah, I was home last weekend and was bored, so I decided to give F-25 a little run through and fix some of the issues that had cropped up over the year or two since it was released. It's still quite a ways off, but if I can get my brother to send the files to me, it may be out within a week or two. It's mostly just mission/typo fixes, and few odds and ends here and there.. (hail strings, weird planets that shouldn't be there, etc..) I'm still in the process of running through the strings, but I could use someone to test through the mission strings once I give them a once-through. I'd do it myself, but school and work takes a lot of my time, and any free time I do have for EV/O/N is being spent on my EVN project. That said, I'd like to get 2.0.1 out as soon as I can.


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."

Bomb, you know where to find me. I wouldn't mind being a beta tester, SH.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**Bomb, you know where to find me. I wouldn't mind being a beta tester, SH.


My brother is the man. F-25 2.0.1 lives, and should be out very shortly, now that I've got the new data files and working pilot files on my PC..

Everyone say a collective thanks to my brother for ROCKING on.


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."

Here is my part of the collective thanks: Thanks, Bombs brother. BTW, the planets that shouldnt be there, does that mean there is a second Aenecia tow jumps from the edge of Imperial Dominion space inhabitated (Independent) but unlandable yet has a real description if you look in ResEdit? Atleast 1.4 had this odd bug.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by kauthor:
**Bomb, you know where to find me. I wouldn't mind being a beta tester, SH.


Yeah, I'm gonna try to get a small beta team together (3-4 people) to do a few run throughs on the mission strings (and all of their split-offs) to get everything ironed out.


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."

I don't know if it'll do the same as the one we've been discussing (on my emulated PC), but I'm ready/willing/able to test it out! Just give the word, bomb! BTW: Remember when I said Tim Isles (creator of the "Empire" series for EV) borrowed ships from "F-25" to use in his plugs? I don't know whether or not you've played the plugs, but he used the Querin ships (Russian Consortium), Kytaan ships (Sauridian Freehold), Marauder and Freighter/Hauler (as well as others)(Scavengers). The EV plugin "Talon" also uses the Marauder and Freighter/Hauler (as well as others).

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

I would be willing to to test it too. I have a real Mac, too (350 Mhz iMac). Hurrah, finally a bugless F-25. Just the thought of that makes me willing to test. Can I, Bomb?

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**The EV plugin "Talon" also uses the Marauder and Freighter/Hauler (as well as others).

~Ace 😄


Yep. Now I remember... The Patrol Cruiser looks like a Marauder! For the Freighter, do you mean the Secure Freighter ?

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions