Really need help w/ central objectives

Hey yo!

Ya, im new to tha boards, so gimme a break. First off, just lke to say that I am in love with EVO. They should really make a gum to counter the addiction.....
Anywho, uhh i was just wondering about the central objectives. I finished that one with the Igadzra, and i was wondering 1) what the others are 2) how to get to them 3) how they finish, cuz i killed the dreadnought and i dont know if that is the end of the UE string! So ahh ya, any help would be greatly appreciated

OH ya, and how do you kill those pesky little azdara things?!?!? I mean that plasma siphon is a joke!! I need to kill them cuz i want to take over adzgari so i can buy their stuff.....? so ya. HELLLLPPPP MEEEE!!!!!

I'm Out of my Mind
And I Want in Yours....

I'm not sure once you take over a planet that you can buy their items.
()The UE objective doesn't end at the dreadnaught. Keep checking at UE planet bars.
)The main objectives are:

Explore all nebulas. Get this mission after doing all Miranu missions and going to a planet. (I think it's one near that large uninhabited area that separates the UE and the Miranu)

Win the strand war with the Azdgari, Zidagar, or Igadzra races. (I only know where to start the Igadzra mission string, and thats in the system above Kitrak, where they sell river eels)

Win the UE/ Voinian war. Start the Voinian at Pax station when doing the "Resque the Voinian Defector" mission by going to the bar. The mission is only there half of the time. Start the UE at earth.

The way to deal with Azzy fighters is actually the plasma siphon. It pushes them away. But if you want another weapon, use the tractor beam to snag a fighter as it comes close and kill it with phase weaponry.

Oh yeah, welcome to the boards.

"I'm gonna drop you like Third Period French!"
-Ocean's 11

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-30-2002).)


Originally posted by Soul_McFunk_1024:
OH ya, and how do you kill those pesky little azdara things?!?!? I mean that plasma siphon is a joke!! I need to kill them cuz i want to take over adzgari so i can buy their stuff.....? so ya. HELLLLPPPP MEEEE!!!!!

You can only purchase Azdgari equipment by doing the Azdgari mission string. As for killing them, try Dispersal Rockets.

Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'
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hey yo

im somehow refraining from posting yet another topic! arent you proud?! i know i am, but ah ya hey if all the Miranu hate my guts, am i just screwed because i cant land on their planets to get their mission strings, or is there something i can do?

I'm Out of my Mind
And I Want in Yours....

You could make them no longer hate you. Join the Zacha. Kill some pirates. Take some missions to there. Figure out a way to get there though, if you want the mission string there.

The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!

It's difficult to shake off a bad reputation in Miranu space, and easy to create one (aborting missions, the old EV trick we all know and love.) There isn't really much I can advise there if you've already fallen into bad status. Destroying renegades will work, but slowly. If you can pick up a mission that has renegades chase you (probably not in Miranu space, if you pretty much can't land there), go over to the desired system where you have negative status and have fun.

You'll be told in-game when you've completed an objective. Note that the Voinian mission string is not an objective, but the U.E. one is.

As for Azdaras, I only have experience fighting them in Crescent fighters, and mostly in 1.0.0.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

If you want to start the Azdgari mission strings, then make sure you have a ship that hyperjumps into a system in one day, then go to South Tip Station in the bar.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

Quote: If you want to start the Azdgari mission strings, then make sure you have a ship that hyperjumps into a system in one day, then go to South Tip Station in the bar.

What? I ahhh, dont know what to say....
Whats the dilio man? I never heard of anything to do with hyperjump times before. Do you really need a ship that only takes one day? Cuz im toting around a Crescent Warship and it takes like a week to go to another system! Does it have anything to do with my escorts? (I have six Igadzra escorts) I really dont want to get rid of them, but if I have to I will, to get the Adzgari mission string. Grrrrrr. How do you people figure this stuff out??!?!?! Thats crazy hard. So ah ya, do you really need one of those ships? and if so, what kind of ships do that? like a crescent fighter? f*ck dat cuz i really dont want to go back to like a freighter or some poo like that. Grrrr.

I'm Out of my Mind
And I Want in Yours....


hehehe, so formal and scary! I was just reading some of the topics from like last year and I came across a very disturbing thought:
CAN YOU ACTUALLY COMPLETE (OR EVEN START) ALL OF THE CENTRAL OBJECTIVES/MISSION STRING THINGS WITH THE SAME PLAYER FILE?!?!/ Or do you need to start a new one for the UE and a new one for the Voinians and a new one for the Adzgari and Igadzra........etc.......etc......?

P.S. Is PS post-script?

I'm Out of my Mind
And I Want in Yours....


Originally posted by Soul_McFunk_1024:
CAN YOU ACTUALLY COMPLETE (OR EVEN START) ALL OF THE CENTRAL OBJECTIVES/MISSION STRING THINGS WITH THE SAME PLAYER FILE?!?!/ Or do you need to start a new one for the UE and a new one for the Voinians and a new one for the Adzgari and Igadzra........etc.......etc......?

You can play all three central objectives on one pilot file. You cannot play more than one Strand on the same pilot file (unless you take advantage of engine weaknesses), as the Strand mission strings are opposite sides of the same objective. Very few other mission strings are exclusive, although I don't think you can play the Voinian missions once you've started the UE objective (the reverse, however, is not true), and the Zachit and North Tip Renegade mission strings are probably mutually exclusive, though I'm not sure at the moment.


Originally posted by Soul_McFunk_1024:
P.S. Is PS post-script?

Yes. And PPS is post-post-script.

David Arthur
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Originally posted by Soul_McFunk_1024:
What? I ahhh, dont know what to say....
Whats the dilio man? I never heard of anything to do with hyperjump times before. Do you really need a ship that only takes one day?

The Crescent Warships take 3 days per jump. I believe you may be able to do the first Azdgari mission with a 2 day per jump vessel, the best option being a Lazira in that category if you like fairly heavy vessels. You'll face many missions where you have to get somewhere within a time limit, and 3 day jumpers (the highest possible) often aren't able to successfully complete such missions.

A word of advice; if you ever play Frozen Heart (a plug-in), note that it is impossible to pilot a 3 or even 2 day jumper for all the missions.


Cuz im toting around a Crescent Warship and it takes like a week to go to another system! Does it have anything to do with my escorts? (I have six Igadzra escorts) I really dont want to get rid of them, but if I have to I will, to get the Adzgari mission string.

No, don't worry. Escorts make no difference to your hyperjump speed in Escape Velocity: Override. If you play EV:N, however (the game after it), you'll notice that it does make a difference, although note that the Igazra and Crescent Warship are both 3 day jumpers, so even if you were playing EV:N, it wouldn't change the amount of time necessary.

All you need to know in EV:O is that escort top speeds, fuel limits and hyperjump speeds are nothing to worry about.



Grrrrrr. How do you people figure this stuff out??!?!?! Thats crazy hard. So ah ya, do you really need one of those ships? and if so, what kind of ships do that? like a crescent fighter? f*ck dat cuz i really dont want to go back to like a freighter or some poo like that. Grrrr.


Okay, so let me get this straight, you can't do all the Strand mission strings with the same pilot file, and if you want to do the Adzgari one you have to be in a Lazira or lower. However you can do the UE and Voinian ones in the same pilot file. SInce I've already completed the Igadzra central objective I cannot do the Zidagar or Adzgari with the same pilot file. Anna Balashavev is in either Iothe, Freeport or on the planet F - 909? And the only way (other than plugins) to make friends with the Miranu is o release their planets from servitude and kill some renegades? Sorry, I'm thick. Is there also a mission string/central objective for some renegades? How does it start/end because I may have already completed it. And no swearing or capitals, gotcha 😉

I'm Out of my Mind
And I Want in Yours....

The pirate missions start at Lothe before you have done any UE missions. And the North Tip Renegade missions start in the North Tip before you have done any Zachit missions.



Originally posted by Soul_McFunk_1024:
**< babble babble babble>

A tip - don't ramble on with run on sentences. They are hard to understand. Try and limit your posts to the relevant stuff if you want a concise answer.

However, you used the search function and you seem to be listening, which puts you in the top 10% of most new people on this board. 🙂

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Originally posted by Mazca:
**A tip - don't ramble on with run on sentences. They are hard to understand. Try and limit your posts to the relevant stuff if you want a concise answer.

However, you used the search function and you seem to be listening, which puts you in the top 10% of most new people on this board. 🙂


Unlike me. I'm so ashamed... 😉

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Unlike me. I'm so ashamed...;)


Must be all that space radiation. I blame it on your Crescent Fighter's nonexistant armor.

Battler of the unjust Forklift.
And still blowing up them Strands, 'cause the Aggies haven't given him the new shield generator yet.

I´m soooooo..... Uhm.......... Humiliated....

I´m what I would consider a veteran in EV/O/Nova.... But I recently began playing Override again. (After all, it´s a great game!)
I´ve started the Azdgari strings, and I´m now at the point where I "should do whatever I see fit" with the pirates at North Tip Station.

No problem, I go there, beat them up (as in destroy utterly), go back to Garit, and land. Nothing happens, even if I go into the bar.
I think I`ve tried it about 5-7 times...

If anybody knows, or haves an idea, as to how to solve this problem, I would greatly appreciate if you´d tell me, but you problably won´t, because you´re all mean and evil...

Prove me wrong...

Sure I'll help a fellow dane 😉
I believe you have to go to Hizdriar instead...And no, we're not mean or evil, this is actually quite a nice place.
Welcome to the boards...

Thanks for the advice!

Just one more question: Where do I get the first Igadzra-mission?

You get their mission at Kitrak, two jumps from Mirava