The 'Crew of One' Challenge

Because of popular request, and in memory of this forum's earlier days, I am announcing a remake of the (url="http://"")Crew of One Challenge(/url), as created by (url="http://";=Paradigm")Paradigm(/url).

The goal? To witness the effect a lone pilot can have on the EVO universe, by flying ships that have a crew of ONE. The mission is to complete the three primary objectives using only ships with a crew of one.

The official rules

  • Use only ships that have a crew of one

  • Version 1.0.2

  • No escorts

  • No plug-ins that make the game easier

  • Strict Play ( optional )

  • No piloting an Azdara ( optional )

Obviously there is no way of enforcing these rules, so this challenge is on the honor system.

The Crew of One ships
()Emalgha Fighter
)UE fighter
()Crescent Fighter

Good luck! 🙂

Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'
(url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=ID.formulas.sit")EVN ID formulas(/url)

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 07-12-2002).)

No cheating? I could never manage to beat the game without cheating with ships with 900 crew

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"")Weebl and Bob(/url) | | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

I'm in. I won't play on on strict play play, since I'm currently working, and I don't have that much time.
Anyways, I think I'm doing it in a UE fighter. Wouldn't a week or two to complete it in, be sufficient?


Originally posted by Opalius:
I'm in. I won't play on on strict play play, since I'm currently working, and I don't have that much time.
Anyways, I think I'm doing it in a UE fighter. Wouldn't a week or two to complete it in, be sufficient?

Probably, depending on how good you are. 🙂

Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'
(url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=ID.formulas.sit")EVN ID formulas(/url)

You're the guy with the "rules". How much time do we have to complete it in, and when do we start?


Originally posted by Opalius:
You're the guy with the "rules". How much time do we have to complete it in, and when do we start?

No, time limit, no official starting date. Just post your progress here, and update it when you feel like it. 🙂

Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'
(url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=ID.formulas.sit")EVN ID formulas(/url)

The defector and Paaren missions are done, and I'm now flying a UE fighter
The specs are: A layer of dospect armour, two external fuel tanks (I might exchange those for two shield enhancers, but I don't now if three jumps of fuel is enough to complete some of the bigger missions), an escape pod, a density scanner, an IFF decoder, an afterburner, 4 swivel phase cannons, an auto-refueller, a cargo expansion, and an ECM system.
I just need a some more money, and I'll also have the sensor upgrade.

I've done quite a bit of transport killing in Pax system, so my combat rating is dangerous
I think I'm going for the strand objective right away. The Zidagars, their extra 20 tons of weapon space, might prove handy in the final Voinian wars.
I'm not playing strict, since I really don'thave that much time

(edit)Oh yeah, I have the "Armour displaying" plug, is that allowed?(/edit)

(This message has been edited by Opalius (edited 07-13-2002).)

First real challenge, I am to track the A.S.S. Incision (azdgari warship) down and kill it, a Zidagar fighter patrol will help...

I'm in, too. No strict play, though.

I could kill any ship if I wanted to...

After ten tries or so, trying to fend of all the azdaras, two merciful zidaras appeared in the system, that left me with three azdaras...Not a big deal for my "Shroom"


Originally posted by max II:
**I'm in, too. No strict play, though.

Glad to hear it. Post your progress. 🙂

Opalius: Armor display is fine.

Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'
(url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=ID.formulas.sit")EVN ID formulas(/url)

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 07-13-2002).)

Wait... That last post was supposed to be from me! Last night, my friend was at my house. He plays EVO on his computer,but dosen't have internet. I showed him the boards a few days ago and let him use the name Guest#1 (he never bothered to register). He came over last night and wanted to use the boards. I said he could and he signed in as Guest#1. When he was done, I asked him to sign out, but he forgot to. That's how it happened.

(sorry for it not being related to the "Crew of One" challenge)

(edit) Hey, thanks for deleting that post. Would anybody be kind enough to delete this post, too?
I could kill any ship if I wanted to...

(This message has been edited by max II (edited 07-16-2002).)

Okay I'm in. I wont use strict play though.

Hand me the gun and say that again.

Managed to beat the three azdgari warships. Again with the help of some Zidaras passing through.
Oh well, moving on Posted Image

Woohoo! I just destroyed a Voinian Frigate without using the Monty Python (I'm not going to use it for this challenge). Okay, it already happened to be on 25% armour, but I was in a UE fighter and using phase cannons :redface:.

Hand me the gun and say that again.

Ha ha! I just got the extra twenty tons of the scientists.
Mhh, four shield enhancers...

About sheild enhancers, do they increase the rate of regeneration as well? Because 15 units of sheilds recharging at 2% per second is slower than 20 units of sheilds recharging at 2% per second.

Mmm, nearly enough cash for that Crecent Fighter, I need to get out of my UE fighter.

Hand me the gun and say that again.


Originally posted by Zax:
**do they increase the rate of regeneration as well?


It was discussed (url="http://"")here(/url)

Ok, I have a confession to make. I used the four destroyers you get as an escort for ferrying the Voinian Defecter to help me destroy the Voinian Dreadnought :redface:. Is this illegal or not?

Hand me the gun and say that again.

You know, there are some people who really like the Crescent Fighter. People who consider it to be the ideal ship in which to take on some of the scary things the game has to offer. The COO challenge isn't much of a challenge to somebody like SilverDragon, I suspect.

Anybody who already likes to fly a fighter should try the Freighter Challenge instead. And no... Aradas are not freighters...

  • Shuttle

  • UE Transporter

  • Cargo Transporter

  • Freight-Courier

  • Miranu Freighter

  • Miranu heavy freighter

  • Emalgha freighter

  • Voinian supply ship


(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)