Blowing up the dreadnaught

Ok the topic name sorta gives away my problem which is:

Anyone haave advice, best ships weapon combos, whatever. Oh and just another question floating around was, why does it say the space mines are illegal, I got some once and nothing happens.

Visit Traders base of cool EVO stuff. It's right (url="http://"")here.(/url)

Get yourself a good descent warship maybe like a Crescent warship. To kill the dreadnaught, just wait till the 4 destroyers done enough damage, then you Monty Python around it, if you don't know what that means, it means have it chase you close enough that it doesn't fire but close enough that you can.

As for illegal mines and stuff you have to have Override version 1.0.2 inorder for legal stuff to happen to you when you buy mines.

Well, if you're going to use the Monty Python against the Dreadnaught, there's really no point in picking up a "decent warship" to do it. After all, you can Monty Python in basically any ship... which is one of inumerable reasons that it isn't much fun.

Another tactic you could try is to get a pretty quick ship with a fair amount of space for ammo (an Arada or Lazira comes to mind), and use your maneuverability to swing into attack range and then get out before taking much damage. This can be more challenging, but it's far more rewarding than the Monty Python.

Oh, and use rockets. When you run out, board one of the disabled interceptors lying around and get some more.


Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Paradigm (edited 03-29-2002).)

In the very end of the Paaren missions, you get an escort of four UE destroyers/cruisers, don't complete the mission. Instead go and blow the hell out of the dreadnought
There should be four destroyers in the system when you arrive, with your own it should be a piece of cake.
To do it fast, make the dreadnaught send it's interceptors after you while the escorts pound it

I got alot of the "Destroy Task Force" and "Destroy Supply Fleet" Missions. But unless you have a fast computer I do not recomend it.

I am having a little trouble with the R.O.T.U.E missions. I have to take a message to a commander in the niot system. Only when i go to land on the planet is denies me landing permit.
What is wrong?
Thank you for your help. I would have posted a new topic but the fourm will not allow that.


Originally posted by RoRyCk:
I am having a little trouble with the R.O.T.U.E missions. I have to take a message to a commander in the niot system. Only when i go to land on the planet is denies me landing permit.
What is wrong?
Thank you for your help. I would have posted a new topic but the fourm will not allow that.

You don't want to land at Niot's spaceport, do you? Hint Hint. Try an alternate landing point.

As for my strategy for killing the dreadnought - I recommend a Crescent Warship or Lazira armed with neutron cannons and phase turrets. Kill all the fighters using the phase turrets while the destroyers get killed and absorb all the salvo rockets. Then, fly in circles around the dreadnought until it completely runs out of salvo rockets and move into a Monty Python position - Cruise at exactly the dreadnought's speed away from it while pointing towards it. Fire the neutron cannons when you are just outside the Dreadnought's Enhanced Neutron Turret range.

Then, just sit there holding down fire until eventually the Dreadnought dies.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
What I lack in enthusiasm I make up for in laziness.
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ok i got to land on the niot rebellion area (I hav never used the numbers efore 😉 ) But now I cant kill theinvincinaught. Whenever I get close it dissappears and when I disable it, it goes blank and i cant getto it.
Thanks fo all the help.

Have at least 45 tons of spare weapons space in a decently maneuverable ship, and devote 30 of that to a rocket launcher. Disable each voinian interceptor(or fighter) that the dreadnought sends to attack you, board them, and take their rockets (usually 7). Then, go back to the dreadnought, and unload the seven while maintaining a safe distance from those nasty neutron turrets. Proceed to do this with all its launched fighters. There should be enough total ammo on board those ships to take out the dreadnought.

Heres a way that is always quick and easy. Get a ship with lots of shileds and weapon space. sell all weapons and buy 8 Miranu defence pod launchers. fill the rest of the space of with at least 100 pods. I reccomend a Crescent Warship. Lure the interceptors away from the dreadnaught and move towards the dreadnaught again. Park your ship right on top of it and start releasing the pods.


I am playing Reign of the U.E. And you have to destroy the invincinaught right after blowing up the minefield. After you disable the invincinaught it jumps off the screen and you can not hit it with anything. Is this a game bug?

Hrm, it might be there's a fix to set the visbits in the Mission Computer

I not sure, and I don't quite remember. Otherwise do a search for reign of ue questions or something like that

(edit) I do remember that many people had that problem with the dreadnaught, so you should be able to find it somewhere (/edit)

(This message has been edited by Opalius (edited 04-02-2002).)

Why destroy it? I have captured it. If you wish to destroy it then use a forklift for easy disposability. I know how to capture it though. It makes a good ship. I have taken on 12 Igzara's before I died one time, it is the best ship. If you think otherwise then you're screwed up in the head.

Eat Electric Blazing Death


Originally posted by Roryck:
I am playing Reign of the U.E. And you have to destroy the invincinaught right after blowing up the minefield. After you disable the invincinaught it jumps off the screen and you can not hit it with anything. Is this a game bug?

Yes, it's a bug. I believe it's the Death time (I can't for the life of me remember the right time). Put it to something reasonable, and it should work. (EV-Edit)

As for the dreadnought, forget escorts, and do it in the ship you should be in at this point (the U.E. fighter). Because trust me, when you move on to Nova, you'll miss a challenge.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

A UE Fighter :eek: why trade my fully upgraded crescent warship (the black star) and trade it for a UE fighter!?!?!?! Maybe you just didn't expect me to have a crescent warship or something but a fighter, I don't think so :mad:


P.S. please excuse my rant

Visit Traders base of cool EVO stuff. It's right (url="http://"")here.(/url)

so trader, have you deystroyed the dreadnaught yet?


Once I destroyed Dreadnaugt, and after it, I naturally started to prepare a hyper-jump.
My ship´s shields were down, and armors was about 10%. And because you know that Crescent
Warships (my ship) have weak armors, I blew up because a interceptor with rockets left
shot me and my ship was destroyed! Afterwards it sounds fun, but it wans´t.

-Voinians! Load your Blasters!-


so trader, have you deystroyed the dreadnaught yet?

Yes I finally blew it up. I wont tell you who's strategy I used cuz then you'll get angry if I didn't use yours :D.

PS no matter how much you bug me I'm not telling so, 😛


Visit Traders base of cool EVO stuff. It's right (url="http://"")here.(/url)

I´d like just to ask, is it good idea to attack Dreadnought with UE Cruiser.
Is it´s firepower good enough to match with it? My UEC is outfitted with proton(neutron?)
turrets. Are they good weapons against it?

-Voinians! Load your Blasters!-


Originally posted by Master_Blaster:
**is it good idea to attack Dreadnought with UE Cruiser.


It's probably one of the best ships to do it. The neutron cannons are just gonna make it easier.