1001 ways to kill a Voinian Dreadnought...

There have been many people asking how to kill one, or stating how they did kill one.... I thought it might be fun to see how everybody kills the dreadnought.

I take an Igadzra with shield enhancements, all the steering-power upgrades and neutron turrets and Emalgha Cannons, filling the rest with two rocket launchers full of rockets and 6 escorts

tear it down

Generally, I destroy all it's shields and armor before it destroys mine.

Hey, it works. 😛


"Cannibals are people to."

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To be honest, the first time I saw the Igz I thought "Painful flying sex toys. Interesting."


PBS mind in a CNN world

I let a fleet from Outpost Blah do the dirty work, and finishe it off with an Arada (with Phase Cannons, I didn't hear of Emalgha Cannons back then ;))

When you're having a bad day and it seems like people are trying
to piss you off, remember it takes 42 muscles to frown, but only
4 to pull the trigger of a decent sniper rifle.

I use Shade's method. 🙂

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

that bridge thing on the igadzra ship annoys me... but the thing kicks ass!! i wish you could buy more than 1 engine/turning upgrades, tho...

SAE modules are fun, too... get like 300 of 'em and raise holy hell 😉 most of the time my 6 blaze cannons / turrets do enough harm. anyway

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"a stick."

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I usually take it out by sending in my shuttle/scoutship and two groups of UE carriers/cruisers. At the end, it usually goes down so I can take a few potshots and get the kill, but the odd time it requires some work (read: monty and/or warning klaxon)


Skunko7 wrote:
**To be honest, the first time I saw the Igz I thought "Painful flying sex toys. Interesting."


I know, what exactly was Peter Cartwright doing/thinking when he came up with that design. :rolleyes:


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Soviet mikee wrote:
There have been many people asking how to kill one, or stating how they did kill one.... I thought it might be fun to see how everybody kills the dreadnought.

Personally, I blew 40 million on buying UE Cruisers and converting them into escorts... That, and a full 250 shot stock of needle missles to finish it off after they ran out of missles and rockets... 🙂

Des Courtney - Mac Programmer, Game Hobbyist, Soft Drink Addict
<mailto: (url="http://"mailto:deslee@dacor.net")mailto:deslee@dacor.net(/url)deslee@dacor.net

Been trying to kill it with an upgraded karit with blaze cannons just like the greatest pilot ever, but I can only do it in a karit with Evo's mass drivers. Getting better though.

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Maridian will beat Ankh. Just u wait...

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

i just jump in and out of the system till theres a couple of carriers there...let them do the work and then finish 'im off in my destroyer...its usually the first mission i do in the UE series, so i dont have any other ships that are useful for buying



Skunko7 wrote:
**To be honest, the first time I saw the Igz I thought "Painful flying sex toys. Interesting."


lol, I agree. Thats sort of what I have always thought about the Igazra, UE Destroyer, and a bunch of other kinkily shaped ships as well.


No beer and no TV make Homer something something...


Raddy wrote:
**lol, I agree. Thats sort of what I have always thought about the Igazra, UE Destroyer, and a bunch of other kinkily shaped ships as well.

There is a website that I visited that deals with this somewhere. Can't remember though. Said the ships were shaped like phallises.(sp)

My Friend's great or bad sites

I am a sucker for the classics.... I fly the good olld NCC-1701 D maxed out on sheild enhancers, generaters, the conex missile repeaters, max guns and turnts then get up in his face and chew him to shreds, P.S. the yellow strad I forgot the name anyways their flamthrower kicks ass in close combat so use ehr as ye secondary with aton of primary the enamyies never stand a chance LOL :-))))

Why beat him with tactics when you you can just go in and over brawn him in a close quarter brawl??? so much funner

Yea, well why don't I go in with ResEdit and make the Dreadnought a POS? Cheating is cheating... and that aint no fun

tear it down

Sorry I have not answered your orginal question. I buy a UE destroyer and hire 6 freight-couriers. If you can lure the dreadnought to the freights they will fire upon it while I hit it with hunter missles and rockets.

It depends on the defintion of "is" is.

I have a response about the original question. When I decided to take out the dreadnought I had a Laizira with three neutron cannons. All I did was wait for the Destroyers to get demolished and then took out the Interceptors with the "monty python" technique. Then all I did was kept firing and adjusting and took out the dreadnought the same way. It wasn't really that hard.

P.S. I also have a few opinions on the Windows vs. Mac part but saying them isn't worth it.

yeh, it was crazy--
i suppose it wasnt a DREADNAUGHT, but the first time i had to fight one of those common Voinian warships, it was an Emalghan mission, and i was in a shutlecraft with one blaze cannon. Well sure enough, there were enough Emalghan fighters to take it most of the way down, but they were all dead, but luckily the warship was disabled so i railed away at it with my single blaze cannon. I was immediately upgraded to Deadly.

But the first time i saw a dreadnaught i had been saving up and supercharging my Igadrza or whatever that lgadzra yellow-and red- ship is called, and i just toasted it with the magical spheres of death from my plasma siphon. When i saw it, i said "are you KIDDING?" cause it dropped in like 30 seconds.

Here's how I kill it :
(*)Shoot it.

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