Outpost Bakka

The bars died. Thus, this is an act of desperation to restore them. Think of it this way: at least it'll be easier to keep up. Back to an classic location - probably the first station you'll come across in EV:O.

As for rules; I think we're quiet enough now that we don't need to kill too much, but, whatever. Also, barman and waitresses (no waiters, since soldiers need comfort) are NPCs. In other words, I can't be bothered sitting behind the bar. 😛

The bar, which is, in fact, the third most popular within Bakka, is something of a 'seedy' bar where many soldiers go for strong drink unmetered by U.E. military inspectors, and, according to the rumour, other pleasures involving certain waitresses. It is also famous in it's own right, when one corporal sent a squad team to, hopefully, prove that the bar was selling drinks without a licensing and working as a brothel, and had his entire team defect. They were, in fact, not court marshalled, thanks to the quick actions of one waitress. The waitress and the corporal are now unhappily married, and the bar continues.

A large sign on the door says "No weapons allowed", with a line through which looks somewhere in between an underline and a strike through. There is a long list of rules underneath, which acrostically read "Screw the UE". You take that as a hint that weapons are allowed.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 03-26-2002).)

A lone alien walks in... apparently a young human.

He walks up to the bar, and pulls out a cylindrical object. Barman? Come over here.. I wanna show you something.
"Yea? what do you want?"
"This is a... death ray. Ever seen one before?"
"hmm.. looks like a flashlight to me.. how's it work?"
"Well, see, here's a demonstration...!"
Red points the object at the barman, and the barman looks on, horrified. Red pulls the trigger, and the flashlight flashes on. The beam of white light goes straight towards the barman's eyes. "Ah!! Im blind!"
"No you're not.. it'll wear off.." Red pulls the flashlight back high above his head, and brings it down onto the barman's skull, killing him. "See? I told you it was a death ray."
Red jumps behind the bar. "I'm bartender now!!!"
He stands behind the bar eyeing the waitresses...
He glances at the liquor rack...
He gulps several bottles of Vodka and Gin, and collapses.. "Sleepy time..... oballoooon... byee byeee.... sleeeeeepp..." snore

"I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

Gosh, I had no idea people actually missed those things. They were rather enjoyable, though...

A small ship docks with Outpost Bakka; it looks somewhat like a Helian, but it is sleeker, faster, and it's fins are square. Along it's jet-black sides is stencilled in blue: Topaz Experimental Ship Echo Slicer Prototype 001: Not Yet Actualised Plugin.
Shade opens the hatch, and exits the Echo Slicer , carrying a nicely powerful weapon... a Disruptor Rifle.
Grinning at all the patrons, Shade sits down and orders sushi.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

as im sure everyone is wondering....are nova item alowed in this bar?

Esponer walks into the dar, noticing a man with a very large weapon. Esponer stops dead, looks at the rifle, turns on his heel on leaves. Two minutes later, he returns with a Protostar Class XIV matter/anti-matter mega-blaster. In other words, a friggin' big gun from hell.

(Shade; see "Death?")

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by ****_UP:
as im sure everyone is wondering....are nova item alowed in this bar?

This is a celebration of EVOers, and a remembrance for good days that Nova doomed. Here, Nova is the most evil thing in the world. (other words, no)

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

NDJ docked his modified F-C at the Bakka Outpost and turned on the auto-defense system...
As he entered the bar,NDJ immediatly saw the UE tag on the bartender's jacket and pulled a seringue from his coat and walked toward the snoring bartender:

-Nice lighting in the bar, Sir. Is it self service? He stung the man and asked him to go in the toilets. There:
-I know that you are the occational bartender and that things are not really legal here. Work for me or you will be charged for murder. I'll wait for an answer at the counter, if you are not back in two minutes, my men will come and I'll supervise the bar until it becomes legal.

NDJ walked out of the toilets with a smell of sweet, a waitress and a pilot of a UE transporter were having fun...

Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.

Rima coolly looks into the bar and enters. It wasn't the best type of bar, but most of the others had too many rules. Only one gun and a small cylinder of silver silver liquid was visible. She looked around the bar quietly, having missed the original bars that felt like home away from home away from home.

Who needs a signature?

Suddenly, an heavily modified Azdgari Warship jumps into the system, its hull painted dark black, and it's hull impenetrable by scanners. The ship does not respond to hails, and three people board. Two are guards, heavily armed, both dressed in black cloaks, with hoods over their heads, along with black helmets underneath the hoods. Both carry large rifles, and obviously have many more weapons hidden on them. Then the third man enters. He is dressed in all black, and wears a black leather trench coat, and dark glasses.

Also heavily armed, the man walks to the bar and sits down slowly. He appears to be a Voinian-Azdgari hybrid, and a large phase pistol is visible in its holster. He orders a rather strong Voinian drink, then eyes all the other patrons in the bar. His eyes then fix on Shade, and he stands up and walks over to his table, his face cold and unmoving.

"Can I sit down here?"

Without waiting for a reply, he sits down, drinking a whole cup of a rather strong voinian ale in a second. He paused, then spoke. "Hello. You seem like a rather competant starship pilot. Mind telling me about yourself?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

"I am Shade." Shade replies. "I work for the government of Topaz, an independent world to the south of here; my ship, the Echo Slicer , is a prototype of the soon- to- be- released Topaz Striker class gunship, which are currently availiable only through the Topaz Militia. Okay, little blurb over; I'm currently using the Echo Slicer in a small private guerilla war- along with other Striker pilots- against a high- technology militant Voinian faction. But don't tell anyone I said that- it takes ages to kill of Voinian task forces, and one gets tired of it. A Voinian Hellreaver or two is much more of a challenge- those Plasma Torpedos really pack a punch."
Lifting a sushi to his mouth, Shade took a bite. "Ahh, wusabi. Would you care to try some?"

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

NDJ took a glimps at the newbies. He analyzed them as being new in the region.This hard mental process had made him thirsty. In order to continue his mission in complete secrecy, he ordered three 99% alcohol gallon to be boarded into his F-C.

The bartender had not replies, yet he had still 67 seconds before the Team would enter in action. NDJ was patient scanning the bar: cooling pipes were running above their heads in all directions, the structure seemed to be solid enough to use the highest caliber weapons without taring everything apart. Ouside from the usual seven waitress, the dead body of the bartender, the new bartender, Shade and the new comers, the Team would be able to secure the bar and make it strait in a matter of hours.

66 seconds left until the dead line.
In 65.8 seconds he would know...

Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.

The strange man didn't respond to Shade's request at first, and only after a long moment did he say "No Thanks,". His eyes were fixed on NDJ as he left the bar, and he didn't talk or move for a long while afterward, thinking about what to do next. Finally he spoke.

"I am Asad Lehvak, or as my reputation goes, my name is Carnotaur. I am the leader of a rather small mercenary group, and am fairly well know. I have contacts with just about anyone everywhere; Voinian military officials, Pirates, Renegades, Terrorists, Igadzra soldiers, Miranu revolutionists, Azdgari raiders, just about everybody. I used to be a renegade, and got myself quite a reputation. Now my mission is...." He paused. "Well, let's just say my mission is a little better than a Renegade, I can't really disclose what."

He leaned over closer. "My ship and guards are heavily armed with the latest experimental weapons which would even be a little better than your disruptor rifle here, not to mention our personal body armor capable of withstanding a thermite blast. I'm willing to let you in on some of our stuff if you help us now and again."

Asad paused again then looked out the door of the bar. :"But at the moment, we don't have much time for this; I don't trust NDJ, and we may have to 'deal with him' if he starts slaughtering patrons. Mind aiding me in a little firefight, hoping it won't happen?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

The door opens and a statuesque young man stands at the entrance quietly surveying the bar. He wears a pale grey suit with an overcoat and a scarf. Even a casual observer can recognize his clothing as costing more than some people's salaries. The glint of metal from the edge of his right sleeve hints that he's wearing something on that wrist... a watch or a datapad perhaps.

The man steps to a table in the corner, sitting so he can see the entire room. He is a portrait of economy of motion. With the briefest of gestures, he signals a waitress.

Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com")www.escape-velocity.com(/url).

a UEC comes in to dock and an Admiral comes into the bar sits down in the corner and orders a Saalian Brandy.
"ya all know i ought to have this place shut down! but i wont be cause this is my favorite place to blast Voinians away to their devil :D!

Insanity has its advantages

Esponer casually saunters over to the admiral, pplacing his hand on the man's shoulder. "It was such a sad story," he says solemnly. "The poor old admiral was about to set off to attack the Voinians in a daring battle, to free all mankind from the greatest plague they have ever seen, when he got into a barfight with an unknown figure, and was killed."

Esponer stepped back, grabbed his relatively frightening blaster, and turned to the admiral. "Painfully," he added coolly.

With that, he fired, and the poor old United Earth admiral was dead. Unfortunately, he was absolutely 100% dead, and no-one knew which bar he was in. Later, all other Outpost Bakka bars were shut down except this one in particular by a United Earth crime inspector. Once again, the waitresses had saved the day.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

/me rots

Insanity has its advantages

A tricked out Lazira cruises into the spaceport at an alarming rate of speed. It overshoots the landing pad, but slams into the ground and slides right up next to the bar.

A man in a leather jacket walks out of the steaming vessel and surveys the damage.

"Perfect, too bad about those houses though", he then arms the security system with a remote beeper and makes a bee-line for the bar.

The man's eyes quickly adjust to the light as he takes in the patrons of the bar. "Two double shots of Zachit Rum for me and my buddy Epsoner over there."
"What you don't like Z Rum? That's alright I'll drink both of em'"
The man sits down in one of the booths and is about to down the second Z Rum when he abruptly gets up and in a loud voice announces,"for those of you space dogs who haven't heard of me I'm Scott Ditch other wise known as ProtoformX, the renegade turned bounty hunter that took down three Voinian Cruisers with a Krait."

After completing his little speech ProtoformX returns to his both and torques down the remaining shot of rum.

Drop the banjo and step away from the fire hydrant.

(This message has been edited by ProtoformX (edited 03-27-2002).)

Suddenly a Voinian fleet hypers in led by Admiral Alex

The admiral sends out a message on all channels:

Attention this is admiral alex speaking, we need this space station to prepare our doomsday weapon. Get lost or we will annihalate you.

Transmisson end

The voinian fleet charges their weapons and wait for the next post 🙂

Scroll down for next post | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum;=Just+Games&number;=60&DaysPrune;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Just Games(/url) | (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/desert_rat/")New and crappy(/url) My homepage | Battle.net nicks Gremling or OoC_Gremling, you can find me in channel "lev" | Todays (url="http://"http://www.ucomics.com/foxtrot/viewft.htm")Foxtrot(/url) comic | (url="http://"http://www.nintendo.com")Nintendo(/url) Home of fat italians

An Azgari Warship-Green arada jumps into this system, sees the Voinian Fleet and immedately lands on Outpost Bakka. "Can't let Mnementh V get in a scrap with this cargo" a young human says to himself. Walks into a bar singing "... Ride on the Merry- go round, we all know what your name is so you better lay your money dooooooooooowwwwwwwwwn... Oh quite sorry" turns to bartender, "just a Sallian brandy, please."

I am Spartikus!!

NDJ looked at Asad Lehvak with a face showing disinterestment, as always. Still waiting for the new bartender's response, he walked to the toilets again. 42,1 seconds left:
-Mmay I ask you your name for I have more important things to do?
No answer came from the man.
-I will come back. And for the couple next to me, move into your ship to escape on the autopilot and make love in it instead of being blown apart here.

NDJ walked to the microphone and said to all those in the bar:
-I ask to all to join me in a little dog fight to save the bar from Admiral Alex, strange name for a Voinian Admiral... Admiral, come with us, Spartikus your green ship will be useful and Asad Lehvak, prove yourself...

He left the bar and moved towards Dock 1.

Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.