Reign of Chaos 3 - Gap

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Gap Topic

Both Ross 154 and the Milky Way are desolate wastelands in the aftermath of the Prylak's bio-weapon. The weapon appears to have died off, as has the nano-weapon which accompanied it.

Entire navies have simply disappeared, those rumoured to have been overrun with a strange nano-organism or weapon. It is thought by many that they have been stolen, although only the Raiek know who they face; the Prylak.

With Eta Cassiopea blocked by the Watcher, time passes quickly as the broken governments struggle to recover...


Would the Sijak, Confederates, Galactica, Raiek and Haorn all make their "gap" posts to say what they do within the year between chapters. These posts should be long, and include your construction grant (discussed over AIM).

Meanwhile, the Terran: Prylak encounter will be written.


So what do I do?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Shade, you essentially just make a big post about what you do during the 1 year gap.

My post will come soon. I just need a finish a pict for it.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC:So I can research stuff?Remember,I can't do much if the Watcher stays wandering around the galaxies and doesn't let me out.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Espy, I need to talk to you on AIM about the "big nasty construction project" thing.

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email --

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 01-14-2002).)

OOC: The construction grant is only for races effected by the bio-weapon. Be happy, Asriel; it's a poor compromise. Although you and Shade can still make Gap posts, I suppose. You don't get the same amazing construction grant, but you can still play around with colonization / fleet building / research or maybe your own minor construction.

The idea of the construction grant is to do with fighting the Prylak. Other people construction grants (the Galadriel, the Fallen Wraith, the "large Lazerus thing", Phoenix Command and Barad-dűr) will all be involved in a major plot against the Prylak.

Sorry, Asriel, but you're the one who fled to boring Eta Cassiopea. 🙂

Good to see you back, though.

For anybody who knows what I mean by this...Terra Battle will be done by Friday or Saturday, hopefully.


OOC:Eta Cassiopea is NOT boring!
I take it that the Galadriel, the Fallen Wraith, the "large Lazerus thing", Phoenix Command and Barad-dűr are all supercruisers, BASE ships or major command installations?
As for the research thing, I had a totally nasty idea for a weapon to replace my missiles.
It goes like this;
1)As a side effect of the hyperlattice deflector research, Skraine researchers managed to use hyperlattice crystals to distort space-time, severely mauling anything within the radius.
This was made into a warhead.
2)Skraine researchers managed to upgrade the WarGate; a variant was made, which could transport objects without needing to be attached to them.
A new WarGate portal could fling objects about 1/3 the distance of a normal WarGate, and still remain charged to send more stuff through.
It was never able to work on moving whole starships, however, and people diedgoing through it.
3)Skraine researchers replaced missile launchers with the new WarGate portals, and replaced missiles with hyperlattice warheads.
4)Using the new WarGates the Skraine can transport a hyperlattice warhead through the shields and inside an enemy warship, where it detonates to cause a rather large bang.

Nice? Or too powerful?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: I will have a hoard of evil jealous RoC3 members on me for saying this...

Passed, Shade. Write it up.

Galadriel = Superfighter (you'd be surprised how super) SIJAK
Fallen Wraith = Invincinought HAORN
Large Lazerus thing = Speaks for itself RAIEK
Barad-dűr = Command station CONFED (I swear you copy pasted that - you didn't actually put in the ű, did you? Manually?)
Phoenix Command = Command station GALACTICA


OOC:w00t w00t!Yes,I copy pasted that.I don't even know how to do the thing above the U.
OOC2:OK,here's the Gap Post of the Skraine;

K'Sarragh looked out upon Unity Starbase. The station had grown from it's humble origins several years ago; now it was the largest starbase it Eta Cassiopea.
It needed to be too; the Skraine had been aiding the races cut off from their supply lines, the Sijak, Confederates, and Galactica, for the past year, establishing trade pacts and aid shipments.
The Skraine Merchant's Guild had grown quite wealthy for a time, but when the Merchant's Guild was amalgamated into the changing Skraine command structure, it's wealth had been redistributed throughout Skraine space.
The beginning of the blockaded period had seen much turmoil in Skraine space, as the Skraine civilians felt that they'd been saved from certain doom by the Watcher.
The alien factions had felt that they'd been cut off by the Watcher, and some had been angry about having to accept aid from the Skraine.
Both attitudes changed, however, as time passed with no word from the Watcher, and the alien factions realised that they were cut off from outside help, perhaps for good.
Now, the crisis over, the Skraine had begun to unify the diverse factions of Eta Cassiopea, with trade agreements and the like.
Even the Confederates and Galactica were cooperating for once. K'Sarragh believed that they were probably the largest holdings of either government anywhere.
The Tribunal and Hinwar had not been affected by the bioweapons that struck the other galaxies, but strung along, mainly for the inreased trading opportunities.
The Sijak, whose leader Kenra had by sheer luck been in Eta Cassiopea on the Black Day, continued on, their grief perhaps the greatest of any alien faction in Eta Cassiopea.
On the research and development front, shortly after their discovery of the strange "hyperlattice" crystals, Skraine researchers at the Skraine Institute of Stellar Technolgy had managed to focus power on a hyperlattice crystal in such a way that it actually "roughed up" space-time.
Of course that had destroyed the laboratory and the three researchers who had dicovered it, and the hyperlattice crystal itself had shattered, but the technology discovered in this way was used to create powerful hyperlattice warheads.
Field tests of the hyperlattice warheads had been very impressive, with the ripples in space-time causing gravitational eddys and vortices,ripping apart the asteroids they were tested on.
Coupled with that was a long-awaited breakthrough that the Skraine had been researching for some time.
Several researchers had been trying unsucessfully for years to improve the WarGate, and finally came across certain principles they needed to improve it.
The new WarGate had only a third of the range of the standard one, and could not propel starships, but it could be set up as a kind of "always-on" portal which could continuousy send inanimate objects to wherever it was aimed but not living organisms.
The results when they'd tried that had not been nice-instantaneous cell breakdown was not a pretty thing.
However, it could transmit matter through a ship's shields, as was demonstrated when a new hyperlattice warhead was sent through the shields of an old Tempest Cruiser.
The military production of the new type of WarGate and the hyperlattice warheads had begun almost immediately.
The missile launchers of Skraine warships were removed, and replaced by the new "Class 2" WarGates, so that they could launch hyperlattice warheads through the shields of enemy warships.
Although wether or not the Skraine would ever face an enemy or not was an unknown point, K'Sarragh mused.
The future of Eta Cassiopea rested in the hands of a being no mortal could comprehend, and the one thing no-one knew was what the future would bring

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 01-15-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Phoenix Command = Command station GALACTICA

BD and I decided to call the whole complex Jupiter Base, while the actual command center is Phoenix Command. The main reason for this is the sheer size of the thing. Even I underestimated how much room I had to play with. Lots, lots, and even more lots.

Calling it a Command Station is like calling a missle a Dreadnaught (ignore tech plan #82 or the comparison would be correct.)


If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.


Originally posted by RMA:
**The main reason for this is the sheer size of the thing. Even I underestimated how much room I had to play with. Lots, lots, and even more lots

That's the problem, RMA. Your grant isn't unlimited. I'd say your base is around the same size as Barad-dűr.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**That's the problem, RMA. Your grant isn't unlimited. I'd say your base is around the same size as Barad-dűr.

I'd say it was a lot bigger, but just because we havent crammed everything into a small space. Rather, it's spread out over a very large area. If you said the mass of actual weaponry and stuff was the same, it'd be more accurate.


If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Control-i, followed by u.


My state bird is the finger.

OOC: Yeah, yeah, "boring Eta Cassiopea." Well, I didn't get hit by the plague! 😉 I'll restrain my...jealousy at Shade's weapon, and stick with what I have -- except for a couple...minor upgrades to Phyrexia (i.e. -- upgrading its Fusion Beam to a turret, as well as putting on the Disintegration Web that I explain below). And we appear to have not one, but two LOTR copycats...interesting. 😉

Also, Espy, do you have post-plague ship counts?


Six months after previous post, Station Keld

The Tribunal was determined to make contact with the two devastated galaxies once again, despite the huge energy block on the two exits. Asriel had devised a possibility that this might happen. Only on the speed-happy Phantom was this possible. Asriel had created a means by which it was actually possible to make a "jump within a jump." If the Phantom pilot started a jump, then jumped again from inside the Ross 154 wormhole , it might be possible to get past the Watcher's energy wall.

That was three months ago. Since then, almost twenty Phantoms had been lost attempting this. It appeared to be that if a Phantom started the first jump too far from the energy wall, something would happen in the middle of the second jump, and the ship would simply disappear. No trace was left. Today was the final trial. If it didn't work, they would think up another solution. Asriel's own niece, Lyra, had insisted on piloting the Phantom herself. Lyra was one of the finest fighter pilots the Tribunal navy had ever had. It was said that there must be much I'ase blood in her, for her to fly the superfast Phantoms and Preliators so well.

Today, however, Lyra was quite nervous, as was understandable. She was currently flying around Haru'El, testing her personal Phantom, Silvertongue. The Tribunal had of course gotten permission from the Skraine when the project had begun. Her ship appeared to be working perfectly. She got the radio signal from Asriel, back on the planet, and Trial 19 of the Ross 154 Access Project commenced. The plan was for Lyra to fly at maximum speed as close to the wormhole as she could get, then initiate the first jump of the sequence. She did this, and felt the usual twisting of her body as the ship accelerated to faster-than-light speeds.

This time, however, she initiated a second jump. From inside the wormhole itself. Her whole body seemed to turn inside out as she passed through the energy blockage, and all contact was lost with Haru'El. When she came out, however, she was indeed inside Ross 154. Now for the next step -- exploring.


OOC2: I couldn't think of a good place to put this, so here it is. This takes place before the above post.

(To Confederacy)
(From Tribunal)

Enclosed are the designs for the Disintegration Web, the second version of our Disruption Web. There are three main points of upgrade.

  • Greater range

  • Faster reload

  • It can hit more missiles in one shot

This upgrade should greatly increase the effectiveness of the Web. It is already standard on all of our ship designs except the Nymph light fighter, and we urge you to use it as soon as possible.


OOC3: My current ships:(list)

  • Phantom-class spy fighter

  • Phoenix-class support ship

  • Nymph-class light fighter

  • Preliator-class heavy fighter

  • Charon-class missileboat

  • Plasmator-class frigate

  • Pro'tas-class drone carrier

  • Locust-class drone fighter (only seen when carried on Pro'tas)

  • Cyclops-class supercarrier (carries 8 Nymphs, 4 Preliators, 2 Charons)

That was as much for my benefit as for everyone else's, because I switched around a couple ship names. All ships have tucharium armoring, par my now-completed Generation II ships research.

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email --


Originally posted by RMA:
**I'd say it was a lot bigger, but just because we havent crammed everything into a small space. Rather, it's spread out over a very large area. If you said the mass of actual weaponry and stuff was the same, it'd be more accurate.



Actually, if I understand your plan correctly, you are building a base throughout the insides of Jupiter. Barad-dur, on the other hand, is built throughout a whole SYSTEM. 🙂 Yeah yeah yeah, the actual base isn't that big, but the overral system is with the firestorm defense thing and all. 😛 😉

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Not quite, Carno. Kudos to RMA for writing up a (rather lengthy) description of Jupiter Base.

Over the year that followed the nano-weapon's attack, Galactica worked hard to get back on its feet. The population had been decimated, thus this was a long and arduous task.

Several times, Galactica researches tried to study and possibly find a cure for the strange weapon that had killed off trillions just a few short months ago. Their attempts were in vain, having tried everything from Skraine nanite samples to massive EMP waves sent over derelict fleets. Though the attack seemed to be over, the scientists still attempted to get some insight into what had killed trillions of people.

The Galactica Space Navy's few surviving High Admirals agreed that the attack by the nano-weapon had most likely been something that would come before another, more conventional attack. They began to rebuild the Fleet as fast as they could, pressing prisoners from Saalia into forced labor. Using this cheap and effective method, much was accomplished over the span of just one year. They also managed to get the entire Galactica fleet updated with gravatic sheath technology, greatly increasing both shields and speed. However, most of Galactica's resources went into constructin Jupiter Base, a masive military installation which could serve as a civlian bunker of sorts if the need arose.

Jupiter Base Description:
Phoenix Command & Jupiter:
Phoenix command is the center of Jupiter Base, and it is 400km in diameter.
The bulk of it is civilian, Galactica having realised its remaining worlds
could not be protected adequately. An inner core of 5km in diameter provides
enough room for military operations.

Based in Phoenix Command are enough Shield Generators and Antimatter &
Fusion power cores to provide shields strong enough to extend past the
outermost of Jupiters moons. Gravitic Sheath Engines have also been
installed to provide protection to the actual gas giant Jupiter, although
they are more flexible than other similar installations. They provide no
motion whatsoever, every watt being put into the actual sheath.

Phoenix Command is sheathed by a layer of Neutronium Armour, which uses up
most of Galacticas limited production.

Phoenix Command only has limited weaponry, being buried at the center of a
gas giant. It does have several Heavy Thoron Beams(all oversized
installations), and a number of missle pods. What it does have in massive
numbers are Grav Well Emitters, them being essential to Phoenix Commands
survival. Numerous smaller emitters are placed around the few weapons, to
provide portals to space, but massive installations, some bigger than a
Missle Frigate, have been fitted. These emitters can reach right across the

Phoenix Command is designated the Primary Defence Complex.

Moving through the liquid layers of Jupiter, are enough Fusion Generators to
provide several times the amount of energy Phoenix Command does. They
collect their own fuel, hydrogen, from Jupiters mass. Most of the time, they
are in idle mode, just ensuring they have large stocks of hydrogen, but they
are always ready to activate as soon as sensors detect incoming ships.
Accompanying the Fusion generators are drones fitted with grav sheaths,
designed to deflect any weapons fire should all shield grids fail. In sleep
mode are Missle Drones, drones fitted with Thoron Beams, drones with
powerful ECM systems, and all are fitted with shield generators and grav
sheaths. These drones are the Secondry Defence Complex Backup.

Above the liquid layer are thousands of drones, of every type, and several large weapons platforms. They are not active constantly, but rather in a rotation mode, and ready to activate in seconds. They are designated the Secondry Defence Complex.

Inner Jupiter Orbit:
The Inner rings, designated Halo, contains shield generators and grav
sheaths. Most of the power is generated in Jupiter and beamed up, but it
does have backup Fusion Generators. Powerful ECM drones are mixed in with
the ring to confuse targeting.

Further out, the Main ring contains systems similar to the Halo ring, albiet
in smaller quantities.

Only just beyond the Main ring, the Gossamer ring is like the Halo ring, but
several times the strength, and with close range thoron beams mixed in.

Between the Main and Gossamer rings is Metis. It contains even more shield
generators, fusion cores, and very large missle silos. It also contains the
primary computers for shield management.

Just inside the Gossamer ring, is Adrastea, and it does exactly the same as
Metis, albiet with reduced missle silos, it being half the size of Metis. It
contains the backup shield management computers.

The rings and 2 inner moons are designated the Primary (Beta) Complex, and
allow Jupiter Bases shields to be several factors stronger, as well as
providing weapon deflection via grav sheaths.

Amalthea is past the rings and first 2 inner moons, and it provides
materials for construction projects, as well as having a tertiary power
generator in the form of a heat sink.

Thebe is used for materials, and a backup missle support base.

Amalthea & Thebe are designated as part of the Tertiary (Support) Complex.

Middle Orbit:
Io is used as the largest and most powerful natural power generator at
Jupiter Base. It has had magnetic cores placed in low orbit, and Io’s
interaction with Jupiters magnosphere provides trillions of watts. However,
that is only a small portion of the energy generated on Io. The bulk of the
energy is generated through heat sinks, and heat differential lines, which
gain energy through the heat caused by tidal stresses. Io has very powerful
shield generators to protect it, as well as very large heavy Thoron Beams.
Power is transmited from it to other complexes that are inside the Jupiter
Base shield grid.

Io is designated a Primary (Support) Complex.

Europa is the next moon out, and it is used as a supply base for water and
organic material seeded on it. Below the ice and water however, it has a
mining complex on the small metallic core, as well as drifting Missle Silos
and Thoron Beams, ready to be pushed to the surface. It generates its own
power through magnetic induction and Fusion generators. Like all other
moons, it has its own set of shield generators and grav sheaths. It is also
used as the reception point for non-Galactican citizens who are going down
to Phoenix Command

Europa is designated a Secondry (Support) Complex. It would be designated a
Tertiary Complex, but its size has placed it as a Secondary Complex.

Ganymede is the largest moon orbiting Jupiter, or indeed in the system,
being even larger than Mercury. It is used mainly as a civilian complex,
civilians living in underground bases or domes on the surface, but its sheer
size means it has a lot of weaponry and other stuff. Buried beneath the
crust are very large Grav Well Emitters, and accompanying power plants. It
has powerful shield generators, and a Grav Sheath Engine powerful enough to
be more effective than Jupiter Bases within its range(Jupiter Bases Grav
Sheath having to cover a far larger area). It’s Missle Silos are massive,
and it has Heavy Thoron Beams large enough to incinerate any smaller ship in
seconds, fighters not even knowing they’ve been hit.

Ganymede is designated a Secondary (Support) Complex.

Callisto is only a bit smaller than Ganymede, but it is being used for
different purposes than Ganymede. It is being used as a testing ground for
new weaponry, and also as a very large firebase. It has masses of weaponry,
of all types, and it provides a lot of firepower.

Callisto is designated a Secondary (Firebase) Complex

Leda, Himalia, Lysithea and Elara are set up to support each other, with the
usual weaponry and defences. They all also have powerful sensor suites ontop
of the standard.

They are designated a Secondary (Fire Support) Complex, and collectively
called the EWS(🆒.

Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae and Sinope are right at the edge of Jupiter Bases
Shield grid, twice as far out as the EWS(🆒, and with less than half the
total diameter. They are fitted with the strongest shields possible,
powerful ECM systems, powerful sensor systems, and lots of Heavy Thoron
Beams, capable of shooting down enemy munitions, and of cutting the enemy to
pieces at close range.

I know Carno is planning to have some pics of his station, so a picture of Jupiter and its moon Io can be found (url="http://"")here(/url).

My state bird is the finger.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 01-16-2002).)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 01-16-2002).)

OOC:BattleDoctor, here's a tip- actual real science says that the flux thingumwotsit with Io and Jupiter can be used to create antimatter.
Other than that, I just love what you've done with Jupiter, it looks very impressive.
Carnotaur, what system is Barad-dűr in?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Shade, look at the map. Barad-dur is in the Barad-dur system which is in the Ji Nebula.


With the assault on the Milky Way seemingly over, the Confederate now had the tough task of rebuilding and fortifying what remained of their space.

Martial law was quickly declared to keep the populace, or what remained of them, under control. Refugee camps were setup, executioner teams were sent out to "cleanse" infected ships, cities, or whole colonies. The Confederate high command, successfully relocated to the base at Barad-dűr, was completely intact.

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Barad-dűr itself was a massive station, thousands if not millions of kilometers wide. The main section was about the size of a very large moon, but the outer defense ring was over five times that size. The station would now serve as a command post, a battlestation, a shipyard, a research center, and a colony for those fortunate to escape to it unharmed.

Barad-dűr is armed with thousands and thousands of turrets, launchers, torpedoes, missiles, and other forms of heavy weaponry. Due to its design, it can release an unholy fusillade of energy at a target, and is also armed with 2 massive fusion beams, each capable of incinerating a cruiser when fired.

Shielded by over a dozen layers of new silksteel armor, and equipped by over a hundred shield emitters placed throughout the station, Barad-dűr also have around 25 backup shield emitters, and special energy transfer nodes that help improve armor strength.

Hidden inside the Ji Nebula, Barad-dűr was surrounded by a defense net of 8 battlestations, all positioned in a circular formation around the base. Each battlestation is heavily armed with fusion beams, ion disruptor beam turrets, and dozens and dozens of other turrets, missiles, torpedoes, and carried fighters.

At the very center of Barad-dűr, there was located a massive sensor array, which could detect ships in systems 2 jumps away. The sensor array is powered by a special trans-phasic generator, which provides ample power for the array, which can even detect cloaked vessels inside the Barad-dűr system.

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The Firestorm Defense System would also prove useful in the defense and security of the system. There were 30 drones, each drone being about the size of a small station, scattered around the whole system. Each was armed with a devastating Sub-Space Disruptor Beam, and each was about as well shielded and armored as the average battlestation. But that wasn't all, for each drone was hidden in sub-space. They could not be detected, and only when they emerged from their hiding place to open fire could they been seen.

The Firestorm Drones could also activate a special sub-space field, which would surround the system, the station, or just about anything with a ring of sub-space. Any ship or weapon that came in contact with the field would be incinerated quickly, unless the ship was a warship and pulled away in time to avoid being crushed and blown apart.

The Citadel Defense System was also in place, and in great numbers. It along could take out 200 vessels, and would be able to swarm enemy vessels, keep them busy, and wait for the firestorm drones to finish the enemy off while they were distracted. The Confeds had also deployed an immense amount of defense pods in the system, which could also take out about 100 vessels. The Confederates also placed around 16 smaller battlestations, each also armed with a fusion beam and some other heavy weapons.

But the Confeds weren't finished. A network of 60 special satellites, all about the size of a Raven, had been deployed throughout the system, hidden in sub-space as well. They could generate a shield bubble around anything that needed it; a ship, a group of ships, a firestorm drone, any of the stations, or they could generate it around the whole system, so when ships jumped it, they would have to ram the shield and take a bit of damage before they entered.

The Confeds were determined to keep Barad-dűr, and never give it up to any enemy force that would attack it.

During the year that followed, the Confederates slowly recouperated from the deadly strike against them. Shipyards slowly turned out vessels to replenish the destroyed navy, cities and towns were rebuilt, and the Confederates just tried as best they could to get life back to normal.

During this time, the Confederates began research on new trans-phasic technology. Though the new Molecular Disintigrator Weapons were good, they weren't good enough to keep the Confeds on the very highest level of close-range weapons. And so, Trans-Phasic Weaponry was developed. It had been used before on missiles, and now it would be used on primary turrets and cannons.

The new weapons had much greater range, accuracy, and reload than the Molecular Disintigrator Weapons, and they were nearly 3x as powerful as the disintigrator turrets and cannons. This new technology was quickly implimented on all ships, though on several vessels some turrets had to be removed or some other system had to be downsized.

The Raven was also heavily enhanced. Its shields and armor were improved with new generators and the new silksteel armor, and its old anti-proton cloak was replaced with a new trans-phasic cloak. The new cloak used up almost no fuel, and could never be detected by any sensor system in existence. The Raven now had a terrifying amount of firepower on it, and was probably the most powerful and deadly medium warship in existence, especially with its incredibly fast speed. The only downside was that the photon torpedoes had to be removed.

Confederate scout patrols were sent out throughout old Confederate space, trying in vain to find survivors. Only a few colonies were found intact, and they were all close to the Miranu coreworlds. With all their colonies back in contact, the Confeds then sent out long range scouts to try and see what happened to the colony on Azdgari. Strangely, the Confederates discovered that the colony had indeed survived, but were forced to turn back before they could investigate furthur.

The new disintigration webs sent to them by the Tribunal were also quickly installed on all Confederate ships, but the Confeds were worried that they may not work against an unseen attacker like that of the nano weapons. However, the Confederates did begin experimenting to see whether or not the new webs could stop the nanites before they latched onto the ship.

Nanite technology was also looked into heavily during this time as the Confederates tried to find a way to counter the nanoprobe weapon, but it was mostly in vain. Despite that, the new nanite research was able to improve their nanoprobe hull plating, increasing its durability, and the Confeds were sure that they could at least slow down the nanoprobe weapon if it attacked again.

As the Confederates discussed certain tactical matters with Galactica, they wholeheartedly agreed that the bio and nano attack would be soon followed by a second, more powerful attack, most likely an invasion. The Confeds suggested that both of their governments should be on a constant state of alert to see whether or not the enemy, whoever it was, attacked again.

The Confederates also shared all of their nanite information with Galactica, and even worked with them to try and design better nanite technology, but the scientists were still doubtful that it could even slow down another attack. Still, the Confeds had to do something instead of just sitting around.

Shipyards were another problem, but they were addressed quickly and effeciantly. The Confeds began work on constructing many more shipyards, all of which were installed with massive power generators and new synthetic metal alloy replicators. The shipyards were also equipped with special nanite technology that improved build times. Though it didn't help a whole lot, it would help enough.

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With Aurora Battleships patrolling Confederate space, ever vigilent against any attacker, the Confederates were hoping, and praying, that they would be able to stand up to an attack made against them by this unseen enemy.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-17-2002).)

OOC: Carnotaur, if you don't mind, would you cut the bit with Lythrawn and Firebird? I've already started writing the Terran post, and it ruins it. 🙂


The once mighty Haorn Empire had been devestated. Whole fleets disappeared, colonies rebelled, and all kinds of other problems had to be dealt with. Fortunately, the Haorn remained strong. Rebels were executed, cities rebuilt, shipyards churning out new ships. The core systems were fortified, the Battle Stations were now everywhere, and in great numbers. No matter how large, a fleet wouldn't make it past the borders. In the year following the catastrophe, which many are now calling the Black Day, the Haorn isolated themselves from the other races. Not that they could communicate anyway. A pathetic 150 ships made it back from the Milky Way invasion. Espona had made an inspiring speech a week after the core worlds had been taken control of. It was necessary to regain the confidence of the populace. Unbeknownst to the other races, the biggest ship yet was being constructed. The Fallen Wraith. It was an incredibly huge ship, and could take on anything, even a Lazerus, one-on-one. All through the year after the Black Day, this behemoth was being constructed. All the while, the Haorn race was thirsting for revenge against the unknown enemy, each citizen, soldier, and scientist vowed to play their part when the enemy that did this faced the wrath of the vengance-driven Haorn.
